Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
It used to be by phone. Some still are. Most have gone to the new computer system.

Take a buddy of mine. His name is the same as someone with a record and he gets a hold on his purchase every time. He applied for a pin to speed his application up.

If they can issue a pin, I'm sure they could've flagged ncic.

The FBI interviewed this guy twice. They have sworn affidavit from his ex.

Out of all this tragic shootings lately, this one could've been stopped.

50 people could be alive right now.

That's the tragedy. All this political bullshit and people stood idle and let this happen.

The FBI interviewed him twice and they couldn't flag NCIC for gun purchases?
Sorry but what is ncic and do they normally flag people under investigation?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I was just guessing why his purchase wasn't denied. Could it be that he bought the guns at a show where background checks aren't required? This will be covered in detail. But it is true that the background check system is a joke due to under funding.
I heard he purchased from a gun shop near his home.


Well-Known Member
People are horrible no matter where they are from or what color their skin is. If you're scared go to church, being terrified of life doesn't give people a right to discriminate. This is America ,the land of the free. Don't let your fears fuck that up, America was built on diversity, It is who we are, nobody can change that. Nobody should want to change that.
The patriot act changed a lot of shit the government could do. The scary part is how fast it happened. I think they came up with all that in a couple weeks. When people are scared I guess they don't mind their rights being slowly eroded.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
What are you talking about? I already told you that the FBI doesn't pre approve murder and that's what you asked me. I don't understand your rambling post. Melting down are you?
Hes not talking about preapproval. He is saying how this gun man was a supporter of isis and isis agreed.


Well-Known Member
what does ISIS have to do with any of this?
Just the irony, and the similarities.

He was a very angry person who pledged his loyalty to ISIS. Just like you.

Have you been questioned by the FBI yet, and do you own any firearms?

How do your gay friends react when you tell them you support an entity that wants to wipe them off the face of the earth?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I went to the Dr last week. He came into the exam room and asked me, "What brings you in today?" I said, "Oh, I have an appointment".
Lol, i was just thinking through text.

I was wondering what his appointment was for. I am also wondering if he is really running for president of Afghanistan.

He had a reeeeeally nice house too. Do crazy people amass wealth like that? I guess its possible.


Well-Known Member
Lol, i was just thinking through text.

I was wondering what his appointment was for. I am also wondering if he is really running for president of Afghanistan.

He had a reeeeeally nice house too. Do crazy people amass wealth like that? I guess its possible.
you jealous?

you won't get there on your hubby's $12 an hour wage and medicaid/foodstamps.