Moondance's Universe of Breeding

Damn I didn't even see this post until today, sorry bro. Unfortunately after last year the wife is not letting me out of her sight this year. So I think I have to party at home this year, plus I have 2 grows going on and no one to care for them. I wish I could see YA'LL this holiday, just not in the cards.

It's all good brother, I'm glad to hear your busy.

I was considering a DC trip but think I am just gonna stay in.
Really nice plants you guys have here! Anyone located in northern Colorado? Would love to trade genetics of my own creations with you guys

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Was the mother a skunk or white widow and what kind of skunk was used?.ky
Hi ky man, sorry it took so long to respond, I have been sick and not able to do shit. To answer your question, the original mom was a skunk bag seed from about 20+ years ago that had a date with a trainwreck. The original cross became Skunk Wreck, it had barber poles of black stripes all around the truck and all the way up to the branches, smelled great, fucked you up good too lol. I had a nice White Widow from a canadian company in with some other girls just flowering away, I guess the temps got up to high on me a couple of days cause the Skunk Wreck popped some hermi balls on me, I didn't catch them and it impregnated the feminized widow. I have been growing them on and off for a while and they are potent, good sticky cured buds. I was taking a hash rip last night and the wife thought there was a skunk outside the window. LOL nope just me honey. I had crossed it with Engineers Dream, but the cops got those seeds, they got the whole dream seed run (sucked ass) but I will create them again, I swear I will!

I have tester packs ready to roll out in a few weeks time if anyone is interested in trying them out. They seem to top out at around 5 feet tall, love to be topped, heavy feeder, loves cal mag each feeding, 8 and a half weeks to finish in flower, likes rooting deep versus wide, nice tight dense buds, 100% germ rate so far.
Hello Universe, it's been a while hasn't it? How the hell are you all, I hope your doing well and staying high and happy! I have had a slew of medical issue lately that I a finally back on track from. Of coarse my favorite plant has helped me to heal up quicker than normal and I am very happy about that. It turns out that when I went on my Holiday to Colorado last year I was suffering from hypertensive high blood pressure (found out a few months after getting back) and diabetes (that was not found until 3 months ago) even though the hospital last year tested me for everything under the sun, fucking cost like 25 grand for that trip assholes, and never found the diabetes. So after 30 years of drinking a 12 pack of pop a day I am down to 1, changed our whole life to get rid of high fructose corn syrup, salt, sugar, and anything that's toxic in this life, I had my hernia surgery and am getting back to good as new. As it was explained to me I should have bought the farm a few times over the last year from either sugar shock, stroke from blood pressure or any number of things related to those. So if I caused anyone any harm or made them question my sanity, I didn't mean any of it I was sick and didn't know it, scared the shit out of the family, never good. Please check your sugar levels if your feeling off, it can do fucked up things to your nice soft brains, my eyes were so swelled from sugar I had to wear glasses for 2 months until they shrank back to normal, I know it sounds screwed up but it happened. I am glad to be feeling better and back on to doing what I love to do Grow and Breed Cannabis.

On a sad ass note, as mentioned in the above post the Dream seed run got seized with my other things from the incident, eventually I will make all those crosses again, I have to replenish my stock of Engineers Dream from Breeders Boutique. However I have a beautiful SB x Engineers Dream outdoors and I took a clone of it so maybe we can make some babies out of something I got going on lol.

O yeah I pulled out a seed pack from the past, they are up and growing nicely, I cannot wait to sex them and see if we got girls or boys, either way it's very exciting for me. It's a strain I called Neon Creep, the pistols came up neon green, and the smoke was very smooth and hits hard. Then an hour or so later the buzz comes right back, it's so cool. The last one I grew was outside and got like 8 feet tall, damn cops buzzed past it everyday for a month in a chopper. One day I see them hovering to check it out, I ended up chopping that day like a week or two early. No one ever came knocking on the door lol i guess they were just curious.
Okay here are some current pics, I'll put some up from the babies when they wake up. I hope you have a lifted day, Peace, Be Safe MD.
Good Morning Universe, how the hell is everybody this fine fall day. I am doing very well, recovering from some gut muscle pull from jacking the Ram up and setting it on stands. That will teach me to get in better shape before doing that shit LOL. O well done is done, truck is up and ready for a new oil pan, got to have the 4x4 for this winter it's going to be cold and snowy by the looks of everything. It's been a long couple of years for me and shit has been broken and not right in the house so it was long past time to get the shit done. I really cant wait for the next two weeks to get over with, I'll have the dually fixed, the Ram fixed (hopefully LOL the overhead shit hurts) and drywall upstairs ready to hang. Yup I am finally getting to closing the walls up. Better late than never right, okay enough of my bullshit here are some pics for the current run. We have a single female Plemon, 2 Neon Creeps, 3 Psycho Killers, 1 White Widow female, and a clone of SB x ED, and a clone of Franks Gift x ? from Doc's Dank Seeds. It's going to be a really fun fall and winter grow season, lots of breeding coming up as well, lots to do!
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did some baking myself the other day

I already had some canna chocolate, 600ml of coconut oil infused with around 3oz (maybe 6) of herb then added 1kg of dark chocolate to it

around 10g of the chocolate was good for a normal users a nice block would numb my arms and legs and I vape everyday

Mixed up the 400g of chocolate I had left (had a party loads go eaten) with 300g of condensed milk, then I added 100g of raw coconut flour

Left it in the fridge to set yesterday

At work now just about to finish, I know what I`m having for pudding after I`ve made me dinner :p

Next time I`m going to do canna butter instead of coco nut cos I feel like trying to make canna toffee or canna fudge

Gotta rush home got some yummy trainwreck and some pure AK waiting for me, power plant and chemdawg, big bud drying up and some Bubble gummy is guest staring (thanks to a pal)

Looking good Moondance

Hope the cops don`t steal anymore of your shit bro !
Thanks brothers, it's good to be back. I am starting from scratch on some things, I did get my website domain name back, so will be going live again in a few weeks after I do some serious work. I also have to find a graphic designer who rocks at 3d logos to do mine up. Apparently I hired someone to do it last year, paid them 100 bucks out of like 300 and I don't really know what happened but never herd from them again lol. So I start over lol, it's the fun part right, at least I saved mostly all my information on a usb stick and didn't realize it, I did a lot of shit I didn't realize I did. I didn't hurt anyone in the process, like psychically, I'm told I pissed off a bunch of people though LOL.
We had a pretty barren summer vegetable season, we were really hot and dry for most of it, and what we did manage to grow we had to fight with the damn woodchuck for it, he won a lot of it LOL. We still have beans and tomatoes producing, we ended up planting a bunch in the front landscape to fool the critters, it's working pretty well, we put the big beefsteaks out there and some purple shouldered toms. Were finally getting a fall crop coming up of snap peas, and bush beans I think the woodchuck moved yeah! Were in prep mode for winter i think the fall is going to be real quick in Michigan, so were stacking all the beds with fresh compost, except a couple where apparently we grew BEES. We left like 5 beds open this year to rest them, well I go weed whipping the garden the other day and hit a huge hive in a bed, hundreds of bees start swarming me, I just fucking ran. One got me in the leg, another got me just as i got in the house fucker. I tried reclaim oil on the stings after treating with baking soda paste, and it got rid of them within a day I was impressed.
Well it looks like the babies will be ready for baby veg food soon, so far they have only had Kelp Juice water, so getting a little food will do them good. 2 weeks ago I up potted into 1 gallons, and already some of them are ready to go up again lol, this run really wants to grow. The Plemon has a very nice structure to it, I think i will enjoy growing and breeding with it. O yeah I forgot a strain that's growing, Fireballs are growing again in my place. I lost a whole crop last year of really nice females that never got the chance to flower, I cant wait to flower them.
I think since I am reverting (lol) going back to vertical I figured I would put up some pics from the initial test run of Engineers Dream, I had 8 girls going on Dank Ladders under a 600 watt opti-red Ushio bulb.
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did some baking myself the other day

I already had some canna chocolate, 600ml of coconut oil infused with around 3oz (maybe 6) of herb then added 1kg of dark chocolate to it

around 10g of the chocolate was good for a normal users a nice block would numb my arms and legs and I vape everyday

Mixed up the 400g of chocolate I had left (had a party loads go eaten) with 300g of condensed milk, then I added 100g of raw coconut flour

Left it in the fridge to set yesterday

At work now just about to finish, I know what I`m having for pudding after I`ve made me dinner :p

Next time I`m going to do canna butter instead of coco nut cos I feel like trying to make canna toffee or canna fudge

Gotta rush home got some yummy trainwreck and some pure AK waiting for me, power plant and chemdawg, big bud drying up and some Bubble gummy is guest staring (thanks to a pal)

Looking good Moondance

Hope the cops don`t steal anymore of your shit bro !

Wow that all sounds so tasty, the batch of brownies in the pic were more cake like than I prefer, I guess I bought the wrong box lol. I got a medical patient card now so as long as I dont grow 8' trees out back again I should be cool lol.
One of the largest issues I found with the Dank Ladders during that round was the number of ropes for support. I needed less due to the size of the buds as they were all equally large lol. Harvesting was a little bit of a pain in the ass, due to not cutting the ropes. This next run I think I will only run 3 across and 2 down the Dank Ladders, and they are going to have the red reflective ropes on them. I pulled the 2 I had in the garden for 3 years and no fading or damage to the ropes that I can see. We washed them up with soap and water and back into service they go, cool beans.
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