Damn I didn't even see this post until today, sorry bro. Unfortunately after last year the wife is not letting me out of her sight this year. So I think I have to party at home this year, plus I have 2 grows going on and no one to care for them. I wish I could see YA'LL this holiday, just not in the cards.
Was the mother a skunk or white widow and what kind of skunk was used?.kySo did we want to know the name of the seeds in the first picture or not LOL. Okay twist my arm some more - Skunk Wrecked Widows!!!!!!
Hi ky man, sorry it took so long to respond, I have been sick and not able to do shit. To answer your question, the original mom was a skunk bag seed from about 20+ years ago that had a date with a trainwreck. The original cross became Skunk Wreck, it had barber poles of black stripes all around the truck and all the way up to the branches, smelled great, fucked you up good too lol. I had a nice White Widow from a canadian company in with some other girls just flowering away, I guess the temps got up to high on me a couple of days cause the Skunk Wreck popped some hermi balls on me, I didn't catch them and it impregnated the feminized widow. I have been growing them on and off for a while and they are potent, good sticky cured buds. I was taking a hash rip last night and the wife thought there was a skunk outside the window. LOL nope just me honey. I had crossed it with Engineers Dream, but the cops got those seeds, they got the whole dream seed run (sucked ass) but I will create them again, I swear I will!Was the mother a skunk or white widow and what kind of skunk was used?.ky
did some baking myself the other day
I already had some canna chocolate, 600ml of coconut oil infused with around 3oz (maybe 6) of herb then added 1kg of dark chocolate to it
around 10g of the chocolate was good for a normal users a nice block would numb my arms and legs and I vape everyday
Mixed up the 400g of chocolate I had left (had a party loads go eaten) with 300g of condensed milk, then I added 100g of raw coconut flour
Left it in the fridge to set yesterday
At work now just about to finish, I know what I`m having for pudding after I`ve made me dinner
Next time I`m going to do canna butter instead of coco nut cos I feel like trying to make canna toffee or canna fudge
Gotta rush home got some yummy trainwreck and some pure AK waiting for me, power plant and chemdawg, big bud drying up and some Bubble gummy is guest staring (thanks to a pal)
Looking good Moondance
Hope the cops don`t steal anymore of your shit bro !