Moondance's Universe of Breeding

I was going back through the thread and found this so i figured I would revive it for anyone interested.

How Herbs Were Prepared

Most ancient healers used plant-based medicinal's in the form of teas, infusions, decoctions, poultices or plasters. All were simple to make.

Teas were generally made by dropping an ounce of dried herbs into a pint of boiled, hot water for a minute or two, then straining the liquid and drinking it as needed.

Infusions were made by dropping an ounce of dried herbs into a pint of boiled water, then steeping the herbs for at least 15 minutes before straining.

Decoctions were made by droping an ounce of dried herbs into a pint of water while it was boiling-and leaving it to gently simmer for at least thirty minutes.

Poultices were made from dried or powdered herbs mixed with water, with a healthy scoop of oatmeal or flour to bind it all together. Generally, two ounces of herbs were mixed with about twenty ounces of binder and enough water to make a paste. The mixture was them placed directly on the skin and covered with a warm cloth or bandage.

Plasters were mixed exactly the same way as a poultice, but because they frequently called for herbs that could irritate the skin, they were folded into a cloth before they were placed on the body.

Good Morning Universe! Another fine day is on tap here in S.E. Michigan, get out and garden people! We got the drywall and windows for bedroom #1 last night and my brother inlaw and his partner came over and helped us get them in the house and up the stairs WOOHOO. Now I got materials and my arms feel like mush LOL. I even got the damn truck parts in yesterday for Mistress, I got all kinds of stuff to do and can hardly lift my arms. O well I need to up pot babies today anyway. The Dog's and Plemon definatly need bigger pots already, the Neon Creeps do too, I had to raise the light last night so it's time. They are going under the parabolic, I just havent decided if I want to veg them under MH or HPS, any opinions.....thoughts?
Good Morning Universe! How are you all on this fine day, hopefully fucking great and high! Well yesterday ended up being a garden day hehe, I love those days I get to work on my favorite thing as most of you know. So I got the flower chamber all stapled up and ready to rock, I lit up all the equipment and let it run all night, make sure it all works still lol. I have a few little spots to fix up and cover up so I have as little light leaks as I possibly can, the stone foundation walls are not exactly straight ya know. Lets see I had to up pot 7 teenagers too, the Neon Creeps, Dogs, clones and a Plemon got new homes for their roots and are now well sleeping, but they were under the 250 MH, in the new parabolic hood. I went with the MH to promote good veg growth, and it was quicker to find that bulb really. No one added any opinions or comments so I went with what works!
Here are some pics from this morning before the lights went out, I got to go shoot the morning sunrise bud shot for my Instagram account be back later. Peace, be safe MD.
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Good Morning Universe, well another weekend is upon us, fuck that week flew by didn't it. I kinda screwed up my day yesterday with a extra long nap lol, through my whole day off, I only got half a ceiling up in the bedroom. I got the other half cut and ready to hang but I really wanted the whole ceiling up last night, o well, it's a new day right! The babies that got up potted are looking very good the Neon Creep already shot up anther 6 inches, I guess they were ready to grow lol. Our weather is starting to turn colder, the Engineers Dream might go purple for us if were lucky, even if it doesn't it always smokes great! They should start putting weight on quickly now too, the last run I did was the one last year up the Dank Ladders, the last month they really went nuts flowering and putting weight on. I really need a proper cloning unit soon, I am so sick of the dome I have, never seals on the one side. I think on the last run I kept them way to wet. I only had one of each survive for me, I think I want to go to a mister system for better results. That way I can donate clones to "Free the Clone" movement on Facebook that donates clones to injured service men and women so they can grow their own meds. Plus too I can share the love I got going on with the Fireballs, Psycho Killer, Neon Creep, SB x ED which is awesome for my knee pain, Plemon and White Widow for now. Plus it will fuck people up that I am giving away what they sell, so fuck them HaHA. Anyhoo here are a few quick pics from yesterday and a flashback from Colorado last year, well at least for three of us LOL. 20160924_064535.jpg
It's a 600 Club thing! ROFLOL FB_IMG_1474636225302.jpg
Good Sunday Morning Universe, how the hell are ya today? I am a little sore after yesterday, I finished capping the ceiling in the 1st bedroom, then the rest of the day was prepping and installing two windows. The drywall lift I got worked beautifully, I had wifey help me get the full sheets on it, after that it's one person. Only took a minute to get use to how it rolls, its got 3 arms with wheels for those who don't know, I got 6 more ceilings to do it was well worth the price. Of course once you have the windows out and open holes in your house, you kinda find extra shit that needs to be done, never fails LOL. I cleaned the underside of the awning covering the windows, almost painted it but naw. Scraped and painted both openings, caulked a bullet hole (yup I live in the hood), zapped blockers in between the two windows for wall to hang on, and more, shit. My arms were mushy by the time dinner rolled around LOL, but well worth it, I am loving the new windows. The old wood ones were like original to the house and it was built in the 30's, with not a lick of insulation brrrrrrrrrrrrr. It had to be fucking cold back then in here shit, I found the original wood housing for the pot belly stove pipe going through to the second floor. Crazy shit you find in an old house, I was hoping to find some old cash or something hidden in the walls but all I found was a cable pull, that doesn't lead anywhere but into the wall. No trap door or secret rooms, maybe they used to open the front door with it lol. If I can play through the pain I may change the oil pan and pump on the Mistress today, it figures too, when I did the prep to have the old pan ready to drop. I moved one little brake line 1" to far and snap, great more work to do lol, I kinda expected it after it sitting for 2 years not moving. Here are some pics people, have a lifted day! Peace, be safe MD.20160924_110449.jpg 20160924_110502.jpg 20160924_133229.jpg 20160924_170729.jpg
Good Morning Universe, It's a rainy ass day out today, that's okay it's Monday and it was a long fucking weekend. I ended up scraping and painting windows yesterday, that was fun.......not lol. I did get the shelves cut for the new closet and painted them while I was painting anyway. I cant put them in for a month or so but I dont have to worry about them, I got three nice heavy coats on each. At least I get to play in the dirt today, the Psycho Killers, White Widow & Fireballs need to be up potted now. The weird thing is the White Widow came up naturally with 2 tops, I didn't top it and it has 2 tops Cool beans. All the plants i up potted are taking very well to their new digs, looks like the Neon Creep slowed down a bit to root, but it is still kicking ass.
Does anyone have any recommendations on cloners, I am going to go the old route for the round I have to cut later this week, but would like to hear some pros and cons of whats being used.
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Good Morning Universe, I have a correction to make before I get on with this the ED I was posting as a SB cross is actually a JB cross, I got it wrong and kept writing it wrong even though the tags said JB x ED. I did some up potting yesterday, and of course I ran out of Promix with 4 plants left to go. I lit up the flower chamber everything is running fine, I got all the plants I need to sex in there now, so we will know in 2 weeks what is what. I took cut of the Neon Creeps and the Plemon too, by this morning the Neon Creep clones were flat as pancakes, the Plemon was still standing so that's good LOL. I don't think I have ever seen clones pancake out on me, o well I will try them again once I have them sexed. A guy on Facebook told me about a native American trick where you dip the cut stem in unprocessed raw honey and plant, supposed to work well, I may try that next time just to see. Watch it will work better than anything I have done to date LOL, that would be sweet. Computers being a bitch so I have to load pics from my phone it will be a few minutes. Peace, be safe MD Stay Lifted People!
Good Morning Universe, I hope everyone is high and happy this fine morning, a little overcast for today. Yesterday was a little breezy to say the least, I had to re stake the JBxED and Franks Gift x ? with 6 foot stakes and more roping off. Luckily nothing broke, one just fell over into the beans, now were supposed to have rain for days. I am not happy about that, but I did over fill the pots with compost dirt, so that way the rain can wash some micros and nutrients down the pot. They have gotten rained on almost twice a week now since they started budding, so I suspect it's been sort of mini flushing them each time, due to being in pots. I have like 4 weeks left till they get chopped, holy shit time is flying by, leaves are changing and puppies are getting heavy coats on them. I think I am going to do a kelp juice folar spray on them before it rains, they will like that! Okay I am off like a prom dress! Here are some pics from a few years ago.
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Good Morning Universe, well were on day 2 of monsoon season here lol, it's been raining on and off for days now. I am happy to report that over filling the pots with compost helped them stand right up to all the wind and rain.....yes! The suck part is I have to remove most of it before I can feed them Sunday lol. With 4 weeks to go, and cover fading fast, they will be done and ready in no time now. Now if we can get a few nice weeks with lots of sunshine that will be stellar. I got all the drywall up I had on hand, got to wait to get some funds up to get more, so for now that project is on hold. I got to get the oil pan and pump on the Mistress and now a fucking brake line too, hopefully nothing else is fucked up from sitting for 2 years. I got a shit ton of my snow equipment up for sale to liquidate some stuff laying around, it does help that winter is around the corner. I had someone try to low ball me on piece of equipment, I had to laugh a little, nice try but I know what I have and what its worth. I can't wait to get a new computer, the phone and it are feuding again and wont let me upload anything, so here some pics from 2013's outdoor season. Peace, be safe MD.
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O yeah in a few days I am giving away seed packs on Instagram of Skunk Wrecked Widows if anyone is interested shoot me a pm for my handle on Instagram. If this violates something I'll remove the post. Peace, be safe MD.
Good Morning Universe time for a wake and bake don't ya think, I do......bongsmilie Cool beans well we have more rain on tap today, the outdoor girls are doing really well, considering all the rain and wind. Out of the 3 clones I took, looks like one Neon Creep and the Plemon cut survived so far, I got a sneaky feeling the taller Neon Creep the one that's not doing so hot, is a male anyway. So in that case it will just get flowered up in the male tent, and no big loss that the clone got ferked up. All the girls that got up potted are doing fantastic, they have shot up another 6 inches easy. I think in about a week I can take some clones from them, about the same time the plants in the tent should be showing sex.
I have another buyer lined up for for a piece of equipment, this one actually understands what I have and what its worth so I will get very close to my asking price, woohoo. That will make a nice little bit of start up funds for my companies, I have a shit ton listed so if half gets sold I will be in good shape. I can get the company logo vectored and so much more, I can't wait! I have been working on the website too, slowly but surely I will get it all done. I got to look for cool art and images I can use, I want it to look nice and clean, professional as possible. I hope you all have a great weekend, go to shoot the sunrise bud shot for Instagram, see all fun lol. Peace, be safe MD.
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It's coming soon LOL.
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Good Morning Universe how the hell are you today? I am fucking fantastic, it's a fun day for me I get to give shit away for free. I do it all the time around here with stuff I don't use, or it's sat to long, the free section in craigslist works great. Even better I get to spread some love and medicine, I need to pick up a new cloner soon so I can spread the love with some clones too. Everything in time right, don't forget 4:20pm eastern time TODAY is the drawing for the free seeds on Instagram, double tap any photo to enter! Here are some sunrise shots from the last few days enjoy, Peace, be safe MD.
Franks Gift x ? from Doc's Dank Seeds
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I had to add in a Dank Ladder because of all the rain, working like a charm, I just made longer legs. The damn plants at like 7' lol, getting chunky. JB x ED - Breeders Boutique.20161001_085726.jpg IMG_20161001_092006.jpg
Skunk Wrecked Widows
Good Morning Universe, how are you all doing? I'm just going to assume your high and happy! Fucking Monday again lol, they creep up on you don't they, the weekend is never long enough. I am getting under the truck for the day, hopefully my arms hold out. I hate overhead work while i am on my back in close quarters, but it has to be done, and I aint paying for the labor on it. It doesnt hurt that I used to be a mechanic lol, having the right tools make all the difference in the world! I may take a break in between and do some video on it for facebook, someone may be interested in the underside of a 5.9L Magnum V8. O yeah I did the video drawings yesterday for the seed giveaway, that was fun, quick but fun. I may be a video ham lol, I have always avoided things like that like the plague. O well gotta have some fun in this world otherwise whats the fucking point right,

*****I want to have/set up a Harvest Barbecue with a bunch of people from S.E. Michigan - I am in the Oakland County area - if anyone is game let me know! We could do it on like a Saturday or Sunday afternoon, we could use my place - top of the loop (locals will know what I mean) I don't mind, I have 2 large dogs - there cool but some folks don't do dogies so I am putting it out there lol, I got a large backyard and a grill, 2 bags of charcoal, and a Jar full of Skunk Wrecked Widows! Everyone would have to bring a chair with them, I got a couple of small tables and a couple of chairs. O yeah I just put out those pallets for free for firewood, I will pull them back if anyone is on board and we can do a small fire out back too. I am thinking October 15th or 16th, like 2pm.
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Good Morning Universe how the hell are you all? I guess your all doing well then..... well I got Mistress mostly done last night before dinner, so thats cool as hell. I changed out the oil pump, pan, filter, and put the front end back together. got fluids in her, except tranny fluid but Ill check that when I light her up in a few. Fingers crossed she lights up with no issues. I got equipment flying out the doors this week, I hate the people that say there going to show and don't, they don't even text, thanks for wasting my time lol, I guess it's why I like to have multiple buyers lined up. Shit damn fuck 3 weeks to go on the outdoor girls, I hope, I havent scoped them at all since the spider mite incident. They are chunking up nicely, the Franks Gift x ? is so damn skunky, I was walking into the shed last night and got a nice whiff. So hopefully they will finish out on time, at least I got cool neighbors, they don't care what I grow. I freaked the fuck out ever the weekend though, there was a private chopper doing fly overs of my neighborhood for like 4 hrs, because of a football game down the road. Luckily mine are tucked into the beans pretty nicely, grow babies grow. The vegging plants are now doubled in size, so I will be buying a new cloning system for this next round of clones. So it's time for me to do some research, size, price, do they last. I want to help out the free the clone project and offer free clones for injured service man and women, but I cant do it the way I am anymore. Time to modernize some of this assholes equipment, cool I get new toys!!!!! It looks like we have a few male Psycho Killers, the Neon Creep is just growing it wont show sex yet so I wait patiently lol. Okay I got to go play rearrange the trucks and chain drag a vbox to the driveway hehe. Peace, be safe MD.20161003_120931.jpg 20161003_120956.jpg 20161004_080816.jpg IMG_20161003_085327.jpg
I'm going to pop some of these next!