I hate this bitch


Well-Known Member
Possibly, but they haven't been so far. I think you're confusing your enthusiasm as representing the populace in general.. Dems have been changing party affiliation to vote for Trump.
Trump still may not get the nomination.....Hillary is a shoe it.


Well-Known Member
I still hate this bitch :spew:
Still a phony bitch leveraging a rigged system.

On the flip, you have Trump:lol:sticking to the bottom of GOP establishment shoe like the POS that he is..and there's nothing they can do about it..you can't just throw someone in and say 'do over'..ummmmmm, Trump won fair (kinda) and square.


Well-Known Member
bernie sanders lost this time. but do not cry. it will be OK.
Your forgetting the facts of 1) not everyone voted which will add to the pool of how many millions?..left and right will vote, who were not part of the primary mix. MILLIONS..let that sink in, Buck. 2) then you take Sanders 12M..where are they going?

And you have yourself an upset..LOFuckingL!!!

When you think about, the most ethical and best fit for our nation was shut out because of establishments SD system, and the GOP is stuck with a turd, because they don't have one.

Such a bittersweet twist of fate.
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Well-Known Member
Your forgetting the facts of 1) not everyone voted which will add to the pool of how many millions?..left and right will vote, who were not part of the primary mix. MILLIONS..let that sink in, Buck. 2) then you take Sanders 12M..where are they going?

And you have yourself an upset..LOFuckingL!!!

When you think about, the most ethical and best fit for our nation was shut out because of establishments SD system, and the GOP is stuck with a turd, because they don't have one.

Such a bittersweet twist of fate.
I believe we are seeing the result of massive and nationwide fraud in the democratic nominating process, which has rendered the published outcome of the primary race invalid.

It's not just unfair rules; rules and laws were broken. We cannot call ourselves a democracy if this is allowed to stand.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I believe we are seeing the result of massive and nationwide fraud in the democratic nominating process, which has rendered the published outcome of the primary race invalid.

It's not just unfair rules; rules and laws were broken. We cannot call ourselves a democracy if this is allowed to stand.

Worrying about rules governing how to elect a person who then has more control over your life than you do, seem a little silly to begin with.


Well-Known Member
When you think about..they only have four places their vote can go:

1) Hillary
2) Trump
3) Write-in (anyone)
4) abstain

Of that, Hillary only has a 25% chance to gain these millions.

These millions will determine the race and anything can happen..people who voted may abstain or switch.

Also..Idiots have been voting for opposite of their vote to 'make it easier' for their choice to be elected, who will then vote their choice in the general, altering the current figure of votes for each candidate.

This is truly an election to watch, if there ever was one.


Well-Known Member
Your forgetting the facts of 1) not everyone voted which will add to the pool of how many millions?..left and right will vote, who were not part of the primary mix. MILLIONS..let that sink in, Buck. 2) then you take Sanders 12M..where are they going?

And you have yourself an upset..LOFuckingL!!!

When you think about, the most ethical and best fit for our nation was shut out because of establishments SD system, and the GOP is stuck with a turd, because they don't have one.

Such a bittersweet twist of fate.
that bittersweet twist of fate will hurt you too...unless you have miraculously enlarged you bank account by at least 350,000


Well-Known Member
I believe we are seeing the result of massive and nationwide fraud in the democratic nominating process, which has rendered the published outcome of the primary race invalid.

It's not just unfair rules; rules and laws were broken. We cannot call ourselves a democracy if this is allowed to stand.
I agree, but we have to move on and create new strategy.

1) This will include lawsuits Sanders will be bringing.
2) the possibility of legal action against Hillary for her emails
3) Trump loses his mind. He promised to deliver a scathing response to Hillarys foreign policy speech the other day which was nothing more than a hate speech against Trump..I sure didn't hear anything about foreign policy..did I miss those points?


Well-Known Member
I agree, but we have to move on and create new strategy.

1) This will include lawsuits Sanders will be bringing.
They've already begun. You just haven't heard about them because of the entrenched bias in the media- or more accurately, their corporate handlers.

It's not paranoia if it's the fucking TRUTH.


Well-Known Member
that bittersweet twist of fate will hurt you too...unless you have miraculously enlarged you bank account by at least 350,000
I agree.

But when faced with adversity we MUST circle the wagons and create new strategy..the time for licking our wounds is over..we must continue our fight, Tty.

This is what Sanders would want us to do.


Well-Known Member
They've already begun. You just haven't heard about them because of the entrenched bias in the media- or more accurately, their corporate handlers.

It's not paranoia if it's the fucking TRUTH.
Absolutely..I've seen and haven't commented because I've been tied up with work.

Today's my day to catch up.