I hate this bitch


Well-Known Member
Wealthier members have been excommunicated for failing to pony up.

If you are bringing your taxes in to your church leader, you are totally getting fucked and you are not giving a single penny away to charity. You are paying to be a member of that group.
I believe this is the real reason it took so long for Romney to show his tax returns. He didn't want the church to actually see how much he was making

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I made more money by the age of 30 than you'll make in your lifetime. I'm doing just fine. Me being unselfish has no bearing on my finances.
Making money when you were younger and sitting on a cash cow in your golden years is not the same. My sister and brother in law (RIP) made a shit load of money and pissed if off on crap all their life. They should have paid off their little house 30 years ago but kept on taking out equity money using the Lousiana reverse mortgage loan option. Now they owe much more on the prinicpal, $130,000, than when they bought it 45 years ago. People are stupid......

After 40 years of investing, saving, taking risks, playing the markets we are sitting on so much disposable cash we'll never spend it all which is a shame - we have no kids to leave it too.


Well-Known Member
Making money when you were younger and sitting on a cash cow in your golden years is not the same. My sister and brother in law (RIP) made a shit load of money and pissed if off on crap all their life. They should have paid off their little house 30 years ago but kept on taking out equity money using the Lousiana reverse mortgage loan option. Now they owe much more on the prinicpal, $130,000, than when they bought it 45 years ago. People are stupid......

After 40 years of investing, saving, taking risks, playing the markets we are sitting on so much disposable cash we'll never spend it all which is a shame - we have no kids to leave it too.

It sounds like your investments paid off, some aren't as fortunate.. I know dozens of people who were doing very good for a very long time until the real estate market and stock market crashed.. Most haven't recovered .


Well-Known Member
Making money when you were younger and sitting on a cash cow in your golden years is not the same. My sister and brother in law (RIP) made a shit load of money and pissed if off on crap all their life. They should have paid off their little house 30 years ago but kept on taking out equity money using the Lousiana reverse mortgage loan option. Now they owe much more on the prinicpal, $130,000, than when they bought it 45 years ago. People are stupid......

After 40 years of investing, saving, taking risks, playing the markets we are sitting on so much disposable cash we'll never spend it all which is a shame - we have no kids to leave it too.
At least you didn't reproduce.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
It sounds like your investments paid off, some aren't as fortunate.. I know dozens of people who were doing very good for a very long time until the real estate market and stock market crashed.. Most haven't recovered .
For once I got it right - I bailed out of the stock market about a year ago. Wrote many a post here advising that. Also have written many a post about getting some real estate NOW. You millennials don't know how good you have it regarding today's ultra low mortgage interest rates. You can buy 20 times the property we could back in the 80's when interest rates were 15% +. Folks would kill to get something around 8% back then.

Speaking of recovery, Texas never had a recession. The growth, real estate, jobs is unreal. There is not enough labor to keep up with the demand and when I say "labor", I don't mean service staff. Talking high tech too.

In the 80's I lived in a town that was big time oil. When the oil markets crashed folks lost everything - their boats, cars, houses....hell their wives! I moved into a 60 acre neighborhood where there were 84 foreclosures. I bought one for pennies on the dollar. Held it for like 16 years, sold when things were upticking and made money.

Which reminds me of the crap spewn from Hillary's mouth recently and Obama's years ago - shutting down the coal mining industry (which drives their electricity). You shut down a coal plant and you're hurting a lot of people - the family pizza parlor where the miners eat, the laundromat, grocery store, gas station. Those two dumbasses just don't care. They'd rather watch folks lose their livehoods than stand up to the green nazis. Then there was the tawdry stuff with Solyndra/Obama and other deals that we tax payers got screwed on.
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Well-Known Member
Trump is just what Hillary needed. A Republican candidate so vile that they are compelled out of self preservation to come out & vote. A high dem voter turnout is curtains for the Republicans. It would have been better for the republicans to have a quiet sleepy candidate to lull the dems to sleep on election day......
The Dem turnout has been low, while the Rep has been high. So high, in fact, there is a new record. Dems are registering as Reps to vote for Trump.


Well-Known Member
The Dem turnout has been low, while the Rep has been high. So high, in fact, there is a new record. Dems are registering as Reps to vote for Trump.
If Trump gets the nomination, the dems will turn out in droves for Hillary..


Well-Known Member
If Trump gets the nomination, the dems will turn out in droves for Hillary..
Possibly, but they haven't been so far. I think you're confusing your enthusiasm as representing the populace in general.. Dems have been changing party affiliation to vote for Trump.


Well-Known Member
Making money when you were younger and sitting on a cash cow in your golden years is not the same. My sister and brother in law (RIP) made a shit load of money and pissed if off on crap all their life. They should have paid off their little house 30 years ago but kept on taking out equity money using the Lousiana reverse mortgage loan option. Now they owe much more on the prinicpal, $130,000, than when they bought it 45 years ago. People are stupid......

After 40 years of investing, saving, taking risks, playing the markets we are sitting on so much disposable cash we'll never spend it all which is a shame - we have no kids to leave it too.
I'm up for adoption, if you're interested.