Donald Trump

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Creepy is the only description for what Trump says and the photos of him touching his daughter in ways that a father ought not. But there is not the slightest whiff of pedo-incest that some repeatedly claim regarding Trump. It's just made up shit just like the raving about how Hillary is some sort of modern day Bathory myth that the wing nuts and Hillary haters say. Its all about personality in these postings and mostly irrelevant. One only needs to look at what Trump has done and said to know he's toxic to all around him.

Here's an article re-hashing his self aggrandizing over how much he made when he took Atlantic City and investors who put their money into his enterprise expecting Trump to act responsibly as the fiduciary head of the enterprise. Of course, he did not.

How Donald Trump Bankrupted His Atlantic City Casinos, but Still Earned Millions

“Atlantic City fueled a lot of growth for me,” Mr. Trump said in an interview in May, summing up his 25-year history here. “The money I took out of there was incredible.”

His audacious personality and opulent properties brought attention — and countless players — to Atlantic City as it sought to overtake Las Vegas as the country’s gambling capital. But a close examination of regulatory reviews, court records and security filings by The New York Times leaves little doubt that Mr. Trump’s casino business was a protracted failure. Though he now says his casinos were overtaken by the same tidal wave that eventually slammed this seaside city’s gambling industry, in reality he was failing in Atlantic City long before Atlantic City itself was failing.

But even as his companies did poorly, Mr. Trump did well. He put up little of his own money, shifted personal debts to the casinos and collected millions of dollars in salary, bonuses and other payments. The burden of his failures fell on investors and others who had bet on his business acumen.

The money Trump spent on what are now fading buildings and failed enterprises were by and large public money that would have gone to better use if he had not sold his grandiose plans to a gullible audience. Does this not sound familiar? Trump is not going to change. The ignorant and uneducated white men who buy into his grandiose racist "turn the clock back to better days" (better for whom?) rhetoric is another example of Trump benefiting from his art at making the deal. Nitro, Oddball, Flaming Poundcake, and others posting here have bought into a load of crap that's completely in line with everything he's done in the past. He's fucked everybody -- figuratively speaking -- who trusted him. Trump is the worst candidate nominated for a serious run at the office of US President in the modern era.

Reassuringly , he's fading fast in polls regarding this election.

Creepy is the only description for what Trump says and the photos of him touching his daughter in ways that a father ought not. But there is not the slightest whiff of pedo-incest that some repeatedly claim regarding Trump. It's just made up shit just like the raving about how Hillary is some sort of modern day Bathory myth that the wing nuts and Hillary haters say. Its all about personality in these postings and mostly irrelevant. One only needs to look at what Trump has done and said to know he's toxic to all around him.

Here's an article re-hashing his self aggrandizing over how much he made when he took Atlantic City and investors who put their money into his enterprise expecting Trump to act responsibly as the fiduciary head of the enterprise. Of course, he did not.

How Donald Trump Bankrupted His Atlantic City Casinos, but Still Earned Millions

“Atlantic City fueled a lot of growth for me,” Mr. Trump said in an interview in May, summing up his 25-year history here. “The money I took out of there was incredible.”

His audacious personality and opulent properties brought attention — and countless players — to Atlantic City as it sought to overtake Las Vegas as the country’s gambling capital. But a close examination of regulatory reviews, court records and security filings by The New York Times leaves little doubt that Mr. Trump’s casino business was a protracted failure. Though he now says his casinos were overtaken by the same tidal wave that eventually slammed this seaside city’s gambling industry, in reality he was failing in Atlantic City long before Atlantic City itself was failing.

But even as his companies did poorly, Mr. Trump did well. He put up little of his own money, shifted personal debts to the casinos and collected millions of dollars in salary, bonuses and other payments. The burden of his failures fell on investors and others who had bet on his business acumen.

The money Trump spent on what are now fading buildings and failed enterprises were by and large public money that would have gone to better use if he had not sold his grandiose plans to a gullible audience. Does this not sound familiar? Trump is not going to change. The ignorant and uneducated white men who buy into his grandiose racist "turn the clock back to better days" (better for whom?) rhetoric is another example of Trump benefiting from his art at making the deal. Nitro, Oddball, Flaming Poundcake, and others posting here have bought into a load of crap that's completely in line with everything he's done in the past. He's fucked everybody -- figuratively speaking -- who trusted him. Trump is the worst candidate nominated for a serious run at the office of US President in the modern era.

Reassuringly , he's fading fast in polls regarding this election.

We`re a forgiving Nation and will forgive Trump before Hillary. Trump is not responsible for deaths. Trump is not a same ole same ole we are fucking sick of.

You should give up your PC card dude. Like Trump, it wasn`t ever welcomed.
Creepy is the only description for what Trump says and the photos of him touching his daughter in ways that a father ought not. But there is not the slightest whiff of pedo-incest that some repeatedly claim regarding Trump.
The slightest whiff of pedo-incest is the shit that comes out his mouth. I as a father would never think or say what that fucker says about his child.. I mean really...what man looks upon his child and thinks of dating her and liking her body. GTFO and WTF. One drunk night and he fucking his child
The slightest whiff of pedo-incest is the shit that comes out his mouth. I as a father would never think or say what that fucker says about his child.. I mean really...what man looks upon his child and thinks of dating her and liking her body. GTFO and WTF. One drunk night and he fucking his child

Ya, did you see her snap all over him for saying it ? She was wicked pissed. She may need counceling now, she is so very upset.

Not !!

Sorry that you are though. You just don`t understand it, just don`t understand it, just don`t understand it, and you musta got lost,...musta got lost,..musta got lost somewhere out in time.

Woober gooba. Reputa,....reputa the beauta......Dribble down your hair let me clime up the ladder of love...
the trump racists are getting desperate as shit.

kinda hard to defend a racist that sexualizes his own infant daughter though.
I think its because the hoop la comedian show is over. I talked to a retired couple this morning. The husband told me "look we're freshly new retired people, we put some serious time into our trades. Now we want to travel and see the country. You know leave home for a few months at a time. I just don't feel too comfortable with Trump as our quarterback."
The crazy thing to me was this dude dressed up as Donald Trump for Halloween last year, so i thought this guy loved Trump. And obviously his wife i going to vote for Hillary because she's a female and wants to see that.
I think its because the hoop la comedian show is over. I talked to a retired couple this morning. The husband told me "look we're freshly new retired people, we put some serious time into our trades. Now we want to travel and see the country. You know leave home for a few months at a time. I just don't feel too comfortable with Trump as our quarterback."
The crazy thing to me was this dude dressed up as Donald Trump for Halloween last year, so i thought this guy loved Trump. And obviously his wife i going to vote for Hillary because she's a female and wants to see that.

Hillary wants to lick that girl too.
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