Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Now you can't read. I posted the comment where you literally claim to know what I was thinking. I have no idea what you are talking about and that's the truth. But then again, one can only know what somebody says, writes or does.

So let me say it again. I have no idea what you are talking about.

If you want to post some facts from the situation and maybe a link to an article, I'll be glad to educate myself. Poorly written text from a self proclaimed psychic such as @OddBall1st isn't very* credible.

edit: *isn't at all credible.

Show me where I claim to know what you were thinking,....I can`t find it. Or, I`m getting a reef ready.


Well-Known Member
Did I shoot the wrong ship ? I`ll recheck.
Nope, I tried to watch that 8 minute video from the police union. I made it a few minutes into the film and just couldn't listen to that awkward speaker any longer. However I gather that he wanted to show everybody some video.

What Obama said was he didn't know if racism was involved. He said it was clear that the police acted stupidly. And really, this is not difficult to discern from what I could find out about this case.

What exactly did Obama say when he, by your words, "apologized" ?

"I unfortunately gave an impression that I was maligning the Cambridge Police Department or Sgt. Crowley specifically," Obama told reporters. "I could have calibrated those words differently, and I told this to Sgt. Crowley."
Watch Obama describe talk »

Obama spoke about two hours after police unions in Massachusetts called on him to apologize. He did not apologize for his remark but repeated thathe believed his choice of words was unfortunate.

He reiterated his assertion that he believes police overreacted, but said Gates "probably overreacted as well."

You can't get it right, ever.

First, Obama did not call Cambridge police department racist. He said the police officers involved "acted stupidly", which was an accurate assessment. Also, Obama did not apologize for his comment. He did however admit to hyping the situation beyond the already tense situation and that his choice of words was "unfortunate". He iterated that he wasn't calling out the entire Cambridge police force.

The union was protecting its own. Which is what police unions do. In my opinion, they could have "calibrated those words differently" too.
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Well-Known Member
Show me where I claim to know what you were thinking,....I can`t find it. Or, I`m getting a reef ready.
Man you are one dumb pile of shit. Here is what you said:

"You are pretending not to know what everyone saw."

You claim I knew something, what, were you channeling my inner being or something? By the way, everybody did not see what you claim. Because it didn't happen, dumbass.

Here is another example:

"Barry opened his mouth to protect his buddy and thought the Cambridge police Captain would heel."

I highlighted your text to help you find the exact word. You can't write well but your reading ability is even worse.... elipses


Well-Known Member
Man you are one dumb pile of shit. Here is what you said:

"You are pretending not to know what everyone saw."

You claim I knew something, what, were you channeling my inner being or something? By the way, everybody did not see what you claim. Because it didn't happen, dumbass.

Here is another example:

"Barry opened his mouth to protect his buddy and thought the Cambridge police Captain would heel."

I highlighted your text to help you find the exact word. You can't write well but your reading ability is even worse.... elipses

You are pretending to not know about the Beer summit. That statement stands. At 4 minutes 50 seconds and you will see what the Cambridge police accused Obama of saying. He said they acted stupidly and linked it to a National police racial profiling issue.

You are backing down with pride my man. OddBall1st gaffed your submarine.


Well-Known Member
You are pretending to not know about the Beer summit. That statement stands. At 4 minutes 50 seconds and you will see what the Cambridge police accused Obama of saying. He said they acted stupidly and linked it to a National police racial profiling issue.

You are backing down with pride my man. OddBall1st gaffed your submarine.
Dude, this is what you said. I know it was a long time ago, at least 30 minutes, so, I'm posting it because you can't seem to remember:

So when Barak called the Cambridge police racists, then apologized in a beer summit, He wasn`t ignorant ? Jumping the gun ??
Talking out his ass ???

That`s established.
Again, Barak did not call Cambridge police racists, ever. Barak did not apologize to Cambridge police, ever.

Its you who are talking out the ass, always.


Well-Known Member
Dude, this is what you said. I know it was a long time ago, at least 30 minutes, so, I'm posting it because you can't seem to remember:

Again, Barak did not call Cambridge police racists, ever. Barak did not apologize to Cambridge police, ever.

Its you who are talking out the ass, always.

He had the Cambridge Mayor do it for him

Like any coward would.


Well-Known Member
Dude, this is what you said. I know it was a long time ago, at least 30 minutes, so, I'm posting it because you can't seem to remember:

Again, Barak did not call Cambridge police racists, ever. Barak did not apologize to Cambridge police, ever.

Its you who are talking out the ass, always.
He linked it to police racial profiling and (Gates) I`m sorry, I meat Crowley there. accepted his personal apology. Obama did not have the guts to do so in the press conference. Joe was there too. Free drinks.

Do you still think ignorance is not a qualification because if you do, Obama has plenty of it for you to see.

You didn`t think I`d keel haul first,.....did you ?

Straw Man

He linked it to police racial profiling and (Gates) I`m sorry, I meat Crowley there. accepted his personal apology. Obama did not have the guts to do so in the press conference. Joe was there too. Free drinks.

Do you still think ignorance is not a qualification because if you do, Obama has plenty of it for you to see.

You didn`t think I`d keel haul first,.....did you ?
Keel haul? are you fucking brain damaged? Shit ball, is a chronic masturbator.
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