Donald Trump

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nitro harley

Well-Known Member
I forget I'm talking to an idiot.
Provide a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.
So now when you count the Hispanic infants in the hospital, you will know that they AND their parents are citizens.
Yes America the Great Melting Pot
View attachment 3704027
London, We have always had a path for the parents to become citizens. Tell me when we didn't have path? nitro

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Tell me the pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrates.
HERE YOU GO. Google should be your friend. nitro

Pathway to U.S. Citizenship

For an adult immigrant to become a U.S. citizen, he or she must go through the process of naturalization. GENERAL requirements for naturalization call for the immigrant to:

Demonstrate a basic knowledge of U.S. history, government,

and civic principles

Demonstrate an ability to

read, write, speak, and understand basic English

Demonstrate an attachment to the principles and ideals of

the U.S. Constitution

Have demonstrated good moral character

Be at least 18 years old at the time of filing the

Be a lawfully admitted permanent resident of the United States

At the time of filing the application, have been a

permanent resident in the United States for at least 5 years (or for at least

3 years if you meet all eligibility requirements to file as a spouse of a

United States citizen)

Have demonstrated continuous permanent


Have demonstrated physical presence
Take an oath of allegiance to the United States

Receive a Certificate of Naturalization

Have lived within the State or USCIS District for at least
3 months prior to filing


Well-Known Member
How's it going @nitro harley

I've noticed you haven't been spamming lately. Any particular reason why?

Why no "TRUMP" signature? You losing faith in your boy?

Did you see the latest from Fox News? According to the most untruthful and conservatively biased network on the planet, Drump has fallen behind Hillary.

Does that make you sad?

Do you need a tissue for your drip drip?

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
How's it going @nitro harley

I've noticed you haven't been spamming lately. Any particular reason why?

Why no "TRUMP" signature? You losing faith in your boy?

Did you see the latest from Fox News? According to the most untruthful and conservatively biased network on the planet, Drump has fallen behind Hillary.

Does that make you sad?

Do you need a tissue for your drip drip?
Hold on I got to post something. nitro
Your not going to have to worry about Hillary shortly she is going to be part of the chain Gang :)

The Select Committee on Benghazi, which is run by conservative hero Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), is not pleased with the latest news that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had multiple private email addresses hosted on a home-brew server. This is quite unusual, and was a massive threat to national security. And Hillary knew how damaging this would be to her, which is why we must find out just what she was hiding in her official communications.

The Committee has issued subpoenas for “all communications” from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pertaining to the easily avoidable terrorist attacks in Libya and at the State Department. They also extend to anyone who might have information “pertinent” to the committee’s investigation.

Gowdy has the legal subpoena power to expose Hillary and destroy her campaign for President. Here is the release the committee published:

Select Committee on Benghazi Communications Director Jamal D. Ware issued the following statement regarding the use of multiple email addresses by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton:

“The Select Committee on Benghazi is in possession of records with two separate and distinct email addresses used by former Secretary Clinton and dated during the time she was Secretary of State.

“Without access to the relevant electronic information and stored data on the server—which was reportedly registered to her home—there is no way the Committee, or anyone else, can fully explain why the Committee uncovered two email addresses.

“As Chairman Gowdy has noted, this is why former Secretary Clinton’s exclusive use of personal emails to conduct official U.S. government business is so problematic and raises significant issues for transparency. The American people have a right to a full accounting of all the former Secretary’s emails, and the Committee is committed to working to uncover all the facts.

Read more:

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
lol, you kidds8-) still diggin on Trump. Lol:lol:
i must say he is looking pretty fucked. But his victory speech in New Jersey was pretty good. He read from a Teleprompter and his son in law Jared wrote most of the speech for him, ..maybe not? . The speech was much more professional and mature. Must say Doanld is a little rough around the edges and not a very good teleprompter reader at this point, but im looking forward to him improving. bongsmilie
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