Donald Trump

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Hillary Clinton had a speech yesterday to discuss foreign policy, pardon, to stand at a podium and do nothing but criticize Donald Trump.

Clinton rattled off a bunch of random one-liners, which makes sense because the Clinton camp admitted earlierthat it hadn't been able to determine just how to attack Donald Trump so it was simply going to try a bunch of things and see what caught on - yesterday was the ultimate platform for that strategy.

Criticisms leveled at Trump included things such as not wanting Trump to have access to the nuclear arsenal just in case "somebody got under his very thin skin", and belittling his actual foreign policy experience by calling it "dangerously incoherent", and saying "he says he has foreign policy experience because he ran the Miss Universe pageant in Russia."

At one point Clinton said "Donald Trump's ideas are not just different, they are dangerously incoherent. They're not even ideas, just a series of bizarre rants, personal feuds and outright lies" which is all ironic if anyone watched the speech...

Trump's initial response was a quick ping on twitter...

Donald J. Trump


Bad performance by Crooked Hillary Clinton! Reading poorly from the telepromter! She doesn't even look presidential!

1:18 PM - 2 Jun 2016

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Trump does not really want to be POTUS. Going to be fun watching how he gives it away
LONDON, How the hell are you today? I am sure he could of been doing something else, but to crush Crooked Hillary and the PC democratic party is way more fun than pretty much, anything. lol nitro


Big lou cut short ??? as in ??? what ?? obama people though he would never last one term ??? so what ...
You probably think Bernie has a chance with his inversion thoughts tax the rich and corporations rape the ones that are keeping usa together or work force in place ..
what is going to happen when the remaining corporations move there head quarters to another country which is happening now ???
How many more countries will usa start a war with because they stood up for there sovereignty,, if we look back at History Communism were taught its bad but again ask ask your self why is it then China is and will surpass USA as being a superpower
For a country that spends the most on military ??? your military is crumbling at your feet
Again with movies like Top gun or pearl harbor ,, inbedding the beliefs you are untoucaable yet war after war it has proven other wise
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