Now sure you can say its i sick in your mind but again people are free from discrimination 5th and 14th amendment in the constitution ..
Say all you want but mention it to the person ??? You might end up in JAIL
Again i ask you label NAZI as fucked up for some that might live in Germany it may mean something totally different so they choose to have it as a tattoo ?? Maybe a family member was SS what gives you any right in judging what one person decides to have or wear..To me, tattoos either are for
A) attention. Omg look how cool i am!
B) drunk night out. Yeah man! Get this one get this one!
C) have emotional significance
To get a nazi tattoo or anything involving harming others means you are a messed up or dumb as fuck.
Now sure you can say its i sick in your mind but again people are free from discrimination 5th and 14th amendment in the constitution ..
Say all you want but mention it to the person ??? You might end up in JAIL