USA move closer to equality in wages

What will increasing the minimum accompish?

  • Make a lot of workers very happy, and boost the economy

  • Cost jobs and drive businesses into bankruptcy

  • Nothing

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Well-Known Member
Democunts are not raising taxes on the rich so stop blowing smoke Bernie ain't going to win. But go ahead and believe the minimum wage doubling is going to do us any good you think people around the world are going to be happy with $8 a day? Fuck no.
Whack a mole. More silly, off topic talking points you have no idea about at all. You can't answer the question 'why', and until you do you'll be treated like the imbecile you are on the subject.


Well-Known Member
Do you think those who make $2,000,000 a year should pay 20% of their income while people who make $50,000 should also pay 20% of their income?

Executives (those with shit tons of money), hide behind corporate wealth. I don't think anyone here is talking about or complaining about small business owners who happen to make a lot of money. I think everyone would agree, "good for them!".

Do you think it's ok that the CEO of Yahoo should make $365,000,000 over 5 years?

Do you think it's ok for Mitt Romney to pay as little as 11% income taxes? Or perhaps The Donald? He likely pays the same amount in income taxes. But we don't know that for sure because he has yet to release his taxes, the thing he said he would do, but didn't. Like everything else he says.
Do you realize their are many ways to get around taxes?


Well-Known Member
Do you realize their are many ways to get around taxes?
They're called loopholes and they're intentional so that those who should pay their fair share can get by without doing so. Why is such behavior tolerated in a time of national indebtedness?


Well-Known Member
They're called loopholes and they're intentional so that those who should pay their fair share can get by without doing so. Why is such behavior tolerated in a time of national indebtedness?
Ask the Democrats and Republicans it damn sure ain't just a Republican thing...


Well-Known Member
Ask the Democrats and Republicans it damn sure ain't just a Republican thing...
Oh you just figured that out? Corporations and their owners have been buying politicians on both sides of the aisle for DECADES NOW! Or do you think this country ended up in its current situation overnight?

That our country legalized such corruption doesn't make it any less destructive to our future.


Well-Known Member
Oh you just figured that out? Corporations and their owners have been buying politicians on both sides of the aisle for DECADES NOW! Or do you think this country ended up in its current situation overnight?

That our country legalized such corruption doesn't make it any less destructive to our future.
Well obviously I did or I wouldn't have voted for Bernie Sanders. Now that he's out next best choice is Johnson not really for taxing the rich but you do tax the shit out of the rich they will go to a 3rd world country so he's actually better IMO. Taxing less across the board will help the people and create many more jobs. Not sure where he stands on minimum wage but states will have no choice but to raise minimum wage just maybe not straight to $15 after all NY and CA should pay their workers a little more since they are about the most expensive places to live.


Well-Known Member
Well obviously I did or I wouldn't have voted for Bernie Sanders. Now that he's out next best choice is Johnson not really for taxing the rich but you do tax the shit out of the rich they will go to a 3rd world country so he's actually better IMO. Taxing less across the board will help the people and create many more jobs. Not sure where he stands on minimum wage but states will have no choice but to raise minimum wage just maybe not straight to $15 after all NY and CA should pay their workers a little more since they are about the most expensive places to live.
More stupid right wing talking points.

Cutting taxes does not increase business, just profits.

Minimum wage increases have been shown to stimulate the local economies everywhere they're implemented.



Well-Known Member
More stupid right wing talking points.

Cutting taxes does not increase business, just profits.

Minimum wage increases have been shown to stimulate the local economies everywhere they're implemented.

It's supposed to bring in more jobs a big reason we don't have factories like we used to is because of taxes.


Well-Known Member
Do you fact check any of the shit you're spewing?

Nominal tax rates may be high, but no one pays them. Remember those loopholes you were complaining about?

More talking points Whack a mole.

Your stupid is showing.
Oh no the COB guy who still hasn't figured out how to make a COB lighting system called me stupid. But maybe just maybe you will have the next best lighting in 5 years since you don't know about the sun....


Well-Known Member
Oh no the COB guy who still hasn't figured out how to make a COB lighting system called me stupid. But maybe just maybe you will have the next best lighting in 5 years since you don't know about the sun....
You better show tty some fucking respect. He's forgotten more than you will ever know about growing dank buds. Keep his fuckin' name out yer mouth, you trifling hoe.


Well-Known Member
Oh no the COB guy who still hasn't figured out how to make a COB lighting system called me stupid. But maybe just maybe you will have the next best lighting in 5 years since you don't know about the sun....
Can't answer the question, so you gotta insult the person instead. Therefore even you can't defend your arguments. GET AN EDUCATION. Your stupid is running down your leg and making a mess on the floor.


Well-Known Member
Can't answer the question, so you gotta insult the person instead. Therefore even you can't defend your arguments. GET AN EDUCATION. Your stupid is running down your leg and making a mess on the floor.
Why don't you vote for Hillary dumb dumb?