Well-Known Member
You keep being wrong and jumping to diff ideas and points.
And making up stuff. Where did i say you should add debt?
Your saying that money does not go into banks but trillions of it are, offshore, parked not earning interest. But we all know interest gets earned on it. Compounding interest is an easy way of making a good return. Super annunciation funds use it to great effect.
Money goes where its put. Because its an artificial thing. The more disposable income people have the more that gets moved around.Money moving around creates jobs. Jobs create a larger tax base and more money moving around.
You are taking disposable income from one group of people and giving it to another group of people and expecting growth. You just moved it around.
Again, businesses create value, redistribution does not. The faster the money goes around the more money the government takes in in taxes, and they like that alot.