It's a thing.
This guy is an attorney and his panties are twisted into a soupy bundle. Everyone knows I'm not a racist except for him. The guy is obsessed with me. He's really pathetic, trying to turn TnT into a courtroom. What a fkn loser.
Have you not seen buck in politics? He was just testing you and I think you've passed actually. This attorney guy gets drunk and decides to bring the whole thing up again for whatever reason. I just as soon ignore him, if he'd show me the same courtesy.Like unclebuck stalking me on rollitup lol
Exactly, Abe was unable to stop going at Pablo after he agreed. Here's one with CNSo the deals off?
Wonder what unclebucks race is? That's all he talks about.Have you not seen buck in politics? He was just testing you and I think you've passed actually. This attorney guy gets drunk and decides to bring the whole thing up again for whatever reason. I just as soon ignore him, if he'd show me the same courtesy.
It doesn't really matter. The main thing is, people shouldn't be espousing hate about someone's race.Wonder what unclebucks race is? That's all he talks about.
I don't know you aren't a bigot Abe, especially after your faux holocaust baloney and then the appropriation of a menorah. You also said you would stop going on at Pablo after he agreed to leave you alone, then you went around bringing him up. Where there is smoke there is usually fire. I think you've earned pablo on your ass at this point.It's a thing.
This guy is an attorney and his panties are twisted into a soupy bundle. Everyone knows I'm not a racist except for him. The guy is obsessed with me. He's really pathetic, trying to turn TnT into a courtroom. What a fkn loser.
It doesn't really matter. The main thing is, people shouldn't be espousing hate about someone's race.
I thought weed was supposed to melt the boundaries between people.It doesn't really matter. The main thing is, people shouldn't be espousing hate about someone's race.
[Q UOTE="curious2garden, post: 12665987, member: 370271"]I think you've earned pablo on your ass at this point.
You of all people should know by now that was when my account was hacked.
ditto. however, i do happen to be one of the last remaining descendants of an aboriginal namibian tribe. currently, i reside in manhattan where i am taking english and other community college classes. i live in a van, down by the east river, but i will soon be going back into the namibian bush to assist in rebuilding our village. a recent settlement from british petroleum oil has left our tribal counsel flush with capital and there is much work to be done. i'll have to continue and complete my education once the condominiums are built and the private airport has been completed. now that we have potable water again our village can once again sustain life. i'll check back into this thread after arriving in namibia. starting tomorrow i may not have time or access to the internet for at least a week due to unfinished business in new york, the intercontinental journey and then the descent into the jungle.
Thanks for defending me the other day in politics abe I appreciate itHave a good night Pablo and Curious. I still love you guys
Its not a desert.The earth is round, I know because NASA gifted me pictures of it. I'm still scratching my head wondering why the US turned into a barren desert in 2012 though.
I said I'm Caucasian. I NEVER said I didn't have black heritage. Wake up pabby, you're wrong about a few things and stalking me. Which means you are a scumbag and a creepy drunk.