Donald Trump

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How do you even come up with that?
Trump fucked himself big time

Chesus, I have been hearing that same thing for almost a year now. And I have to admit I have been on the edge of my chair a few times when he says something that isn't PC thinking is this it for Trump and then poof it goes away. Just more of the same. Maybe Trump will be right again? who the hell knows. nitro
Chesus, I have been hearing that same thing for almost a year now. And I have to admit I have been on the edge of my chair a few times when he says something that isn't PC thinking is this it for Trump and then poof it goes away. Just more of the same. Maybe Trump will be right again? who the hell knows. nitro
No. This time he went 25 miles past over the line
not even trump's lawyers think that.

and trump is getting hammered as a racist even by his own party.


Is that the same party he forced his way into and took over ? You`re a moron you know, you prolly think like dog that lack of rain in the desert is a problem. Only a fucking Democrat would cry foul over lack of rain in a desert region. Need money, tax fee the shit outta the people, no rain in the desert, global warming, help......blah blah blah Demo.
The party he demolished is hammering him,....what a stupid thing to not expect by a stupid person.

Don`t put me on slow poke, fend for yourself, it`s more appealing to the readers.
that line of racist tripe is getting trump hammered right now.

trump is literally begging his surrogates to help him and they are all just coming out ans calling him an outright racist.

feel free to keep repeating it though so everyone knows what a racist fucktard you are too though.

So, are you or are you not Admin?
Is that the same party he forced his way into and took over ? You`re a moron you know, you prolly think like dog that lack of rain in the desert is a problem. Only a fucking Democrat would cry foul over lack of rain in a desert region. Need money, tax fee the shit outta the people, no rain in the desert, global warming, help......blah blah blah Demo.
Brilliant, you express yourself with the distinctive eloquence of t rump u scholar
Hey Chesus, Good question, You are correct, Sign them up and vet them so we can move on as a country. Weed the trash out and be fair with the hard working immigrants . If they can achieve legal status they would be good to go. pretty simple. imo

That would make America just like all the rest of the world. Why would one want that ?
false, only the opposition is crying about Donald and attacking his gatherings. Do you agree with Obama that Muslims are the sport stars of America ? Trump don`t and neither do I. Why would Barry say that back in Dec.

even notorious race baiter newt gingrich called him out on it.
Brilliant, you express yourself with the distinctive eloquence of t rump u scholar

Are you with all the brilliant folk that think lack of rain in the desert regions of America is not normal and cause for alarm ?

They built the Hoover dam to redirect water to California because it is so plush with rainfall,...Right ?
London that great you pick up some coinage. Didn't I tell you earlier that the fact is I counted the white babies and the other ones were just there. nitro
Yeah I think I will get my daughter to run the coins and tally. I will just pay her.
No you didn't tell us about the white babies. You just barked about all the Hispanics infant citizens you counted ? you can only be helped if you are honest with yourself.
Can you be honest with yourself ?
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