Donald Trump

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It is not a random site
It's CIS one of 13 either run by or founded by Mega Racist John Tanton. He also run FAIR and the center for English Only

About John Tanton
A retired Michigan ophthalmologist, Tanton has white nationalist beliefs and has written that to maintain American culture, "a European-American majority" is required. As of 2010, Tanton served on FAIR’s board of directors.

In His Own Words
"I've come to the point of view that for European-American society and culture to persist requires a European-American majority, and a clear one at that."
– Dec. 10, 1993, letter to the late Garrett Hardin, a controversial ecology professor.

"I have no doubt that individual minority persons can assimilate to the culture necessary to run an advanced society but if through mass migration, the culture of the homeland is transplanted from Latin America to California, then my guess is we will see the same degree of success with governmental and social institutions that we have seen in Latin America."
– Jan. 26, 1996, letter to Roy Beck, executive director of NumbersUSA (and then an employee of Tanton's foundation U.S. Inc.).

"Do we leave it to individuals to decide that they are the intelligent ones who should have more kids? And more troublesome, what about the less intelligent, who logically should have less? Who is going to break the bad news [to less intelligent individuals], and how will it be implemented?"
– Sept. 18, 1996, letter to now-deceased California multimillionaire and eugenicist Robert K. Graham.

"I write to encourage keeping track of those on our same side of the issue, but who are nonetheless our competitors for dollars and members."
– April 20, 1998, correspondence asking several FAIR employees to ensure they receive mailings from American Renaissance, a racist, pseudo-scientific magazine focusing on race, intelligence and eugenics. (The underlining was in Tanton's original letter).

Ahh. It's all making sense now. Flaming Pile quotes stuff from racists because she is a racist herself, because that's who she identifies with. Which is why she gets along with nitro so well.

Thanks for the research CR.
Ive been wondering what the most popular excuses will be when t rump gets crushed in the general election. Remember how excited the gop was when they imagined romney could defeat obama? After he lost the loser's bitterness was reflected in the ridiculous excuses for why a pampered rich white guy with binderful of babes wasnt elected.

Will it be mitt romney style excuse "all the people getting free stuff made it happen" or a conspiracy type excuse like hillary sold her soul to the devil (priebus) to assure a victory. Trump folks arent known for their imagination or insight so it may be just a shrug like "we weren't really trying to win"
Plus there are links to government documents and citations a plenty in that article. You dismissed without investigating.
FAIR is just one part of an anti-immigration network created by Tanton that has never strayed far from its roots. In fact, these groups are fundamentally linked and driven by their founder's vision that non-white immigration is a threat to white America.

The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) – which bills itself as a scholarly think tank and has been widely quoted in the media – began its life as a FAIR program and continues to produce dubious studies furthering FAIR's anti-immigration agenda. It's a vision described by Tanton in a 1985 letter in which he wrote that CIS would produce reports "for later passage to FAIR, the activist organization, to remedy."

Similarly, NumbersUSA began life as a Tanton foundation program. Its executive director, Roy Beck, was designated by Tanton as his "heir apparent" at U.S. Inc. Beck edited The Immigration Invasion, a book by Tanton and a colleague that was so fierce in its immigrant-bashing that Canadian border authorities banned it as hate literature.

Tanton and FAIR often assert they are being unfairly attacked by their critics, but Tanton's own words offer evidence to the contrary. On Jan. 26, 1996, he wrote to Beck, then an employee of U.S. Inc., questioning the ability of Latinos to govern California.

Tanton wondered "whether the minorities who are going to inherit California (85% of the lower-grade school children are now 'minorities' -- demography is destiny) can run an advanced society?"

On April 20, 1998, Tanton wrote to several FAIR employees to ensure they receive mailings from American Renaissance, a racist, pseudo-scientific magazine focusing on race, intelligence and eugenics.

"I write to encourage keeping track of those on our same side of the issue, but who are nonetheless our competitors for dollars and members," Tanton wrote
Buck, As far as I know you are the only one that is pushing the thought.

nope. it's you who thinks obama needs to "go back to kenya".

Screenshot 2016-06-06 at 10.33.41 AM.png

why such a coward? won't even defend your own statements or take ownership of them?

what kind of a pussy ass weakling are you?

i thought bikers were supposed to be tough, not geriatric old racist weaklings.
hillary is going to pick up the final few delegates she needs and it is going to be a week of positive press for her, while trump will still be playing defense for his fraudulent "university" and racist statements.

nitro is going to be spamming hard.

Don`t forget Hillary has Obama`s support now. Between Obama and Warren, Hillary will look weak. Unable to fend for herself.
obama was born in america. his nationality is american.

what does the african country of kenya have to do with obama's american nationality, ya racist douche?

Well Nitro is prolly still convinced Obama was born in Kenya. We know better though. That`s the only reason Nitro would pick on that.
Don`t forget Hillary has Obama`s support now. Between Obama and Warren, Hillary will look weak. Unable to fend for herself.

hillary is going to pick up the final few delegates she needs and it is going to be a week of positive press for her, while trump will still be playing defense for his fraudulent "university" and racist statements.

nitro is going to be spamming hard.
The Sandernistas are going to throw a fit though
you've said the same thing as him though.

No, I had looked into it when I heard about the claim. I was hoping he was but knew better after the birth certificate was produced. I may be guilty of making fun and some false accusations to keep idiots like you going.
No, I had looked into it when I heard about the claim. I was hoping he was but knew better after the birth certificate was produced. I may be guilty of making fun and some false accusations to keep idiots like you going.

nope, that wasn't it.

why not just own your racist history? why try to run away from it?
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