When Will The World Become Color Blind?

I think racism is slowely fading, kids aren't taught in schools about how to be racist. The culprits mostly are the parents, for example in the movie "American History X" it was shown clearly. The father passed down the negative view on (in this case) black people, and the son picked it up and was later a "skinhead".

Correct me if I'm wrong but the last slaves were like what, 200 years ago, so that's not really a long time ago if you take into the context of generations (about six, wikipedia states that one generation is about every 33 years). So after slavery dissapered it could be safe to say that three generations were still passing down their racial hate (because someone who remembered when slaves were still active could be still alive 70 years later) and it somewhat stayed up until now.

It will probably take another three generations to completely iradicate the idea of racism, especially in our times were slavery is completely illegal all over the world (thankfully).

But I've noticed that it also comes down to cultures. Take Eastern Europe for example, there is basically a handful of black people living here, hence why most people are just not used to people of another skin colour, so most of the time you get "black jokes" or some other asinine shit like that.
You hit a lot of nails on the head. I agree. American history x was one of my favorite movies, that was such a good movie and hit home on the problem. What's crazy is the day after I made this post, Roots was on the history channel the next day..ironic
With the "one drop rule" almost everyone posting on this board would be a potential slave.
Well, I'm fucked then. I thought I was 1/4 African but I'm only an 1/8th, I'm 1/2 native American which I thought I was 1/4. Super fucked. How they hell would they even know back then?
Color blindness won't help with the black/white racism one bit as you would see black and white. Lol

School has not found the way to successfully brain wash children yet but keep voting for the lesser of two evils I'm sure they will find a way.
Yeah, in the sense of black and white, you're right, I just meant forget about color lol. Funny how that even phrases are used as black and white. We didn't learn shit in our high school growing up, nothing useful.. Sad
Never. It's as old as man itself. Same with pedo's and other vermon..sex slave traders etc.
It will end one day. It has to! Keep hope. If we were completely blind, no one would know. Or maybe it would be like Dave Chapelle lol. I'm glad some people can still make it light hearted but ffs, that Dave Chapelle episode is really how dumb racism is
the government made you create this thread?
Lol, no. I mean, it's usually government programs that have a race check box. Any social program etc.. I don't know why it's there, I guess for statistics like mentioned, but one day it will be American and non American check boxes.
The one-drop rule is a social and legal principle of racial classification that was historically prominent in the United States asserting that any person with even one ancestor of sub-Saharan-African ancestry ("one drop" of black blood)[1][2] is considered black (Negro in historical terms). This concept evolved over the course of the 19th century and became codified into law in the 20th century. It was associated with the principle of "invisible blackness" and is an example of hypodescent, the automatic assignment of children of a mixed union between different socioeconomic or ethnic groups to the group with the lower status.[3]

The same principle may be applied, or has been applied in opposite ways in different cultures, as is the case in Brazil vs. the United States.
Every human on the planet has sub Saharan African ancestry.
Every human on the planet has sub Saharan African ancestry.
That's what I always had thought, too. Is that true? I heard last week from someone that after 200 (or 2000, I can't remember..) years, it goes away, or something. Not sure what the truth is behind that, just something I heard.
Well, I answered my own question from the same yahoo search :hump: no one is pure and never will be. Hey, people breed mj strains out, figured maybe there were truth to it. Last time I listen to my black cousin. Idiots.
Yet you started a thread to spread your opinion about race around. I am disappoint. OK, here is quick science for nonsmart by AC. Keep in mind I don't give a fuck what some dipshit on Yahoo answers has to say.

Human is not a race. Human is a species. Race is very loosely defined but pertains to phenotypical traits. All humans have Subsaharan African descent. These are facts. No amount of breeding can remove one's ancestry. Not even evolving beyond a current species would achieve this.
Sorry, I was being passive aggressive. I didn't mean it. Actually, I don't think ANYONE should have an opinion on race.
Yet you started a thread to spread your opinion about race around. I am disappoint. OK, here is quick science for nonsmart by AC. Keep in mind I don't give a fuck what some dipshit on Yahoo answers has to say.

Human is not a race. Human is a species. Race is very loosely defined but pertains to phenotypical traits. All humans have Subsaharan African descent. These are facts. No amount of breeding can remove one's ancestry. Not even evolving beyond a current species would achieve this.
Ex- fucking-zactly. Even the dumb guy in my avatar says the same thing.
And if you had a brain in your head, your first sentence wouldn't have existed. Because I started this thread to spread awareness that we are actually one race. Color blind ;) so let's start over before this gets stupidly out of hand.

Back to page one. Post one. When will people become color blind? The whole thread is about EVERYONE being equal. You must have missed that part I said a few times.

OK. Back on track. Let's not turn this in to a fucking Trump thread.
And if you had a brain in your head, your first sentence wouldn't have existed. Because I started this thread to spread awareness that we are actually one race. Color blind ;) so let's start over before this gets stupidly out of hand.

Back to page one. Post one. When will people become color blind? The whole thread is about EVERYONE being equal. You must have missed that part I said a few times.

OK. Back on track. Let's not turn this in to a fucking Trump thread.
You definitely don't understand.
Bill Nye isn't really a science guy, he is an engineer, I was just poking fun at his science angle. I like him though bongsmilie he does have an honorary diploma which is pretty sweet.