When Will The World Become Color Blind?


Well-Known Member
I'm sick of it. I'm sick of people calling people who aren't racist, racist. I'm sick of race BAITING. Race baiting has been happening 10 fold the past 10 years. I get it, times SUCKED for certain people 200 years ago. Everywhere. Africans sold thier people to Europeans. Some Africans in the United states before the civil war had slaves. Egyptians had slaves. Jews were slaves. Slavery was a huge deal then, it was everywhere. The shit taught in high school is just bullshit American slavery. The underground tunnel goes deeper than that, college history taught a little more but left out lots of things.

What I'm getting at is racist people will ALWAYS be racist unless the cycle is broken in HIGH SCHOOL. Race baiting fixes nothing and pisses off many.

No color is better than another. We're just people. Some with a different history. But it's 2016. It's not the past and there were fuck faces 500 years ago and there will be fuck faces 500 years from now.

When will the world, or at least the United states become color blind?


Well-Known Member
That will never happen, there will always be people in all places ignorant enough to remain racist even in the face of facts. Stupid people exist everywhere, and that's not changing anytime soon. I think the best we can possibly hope for is the day that blatant racism is met with the same public disdain as domestic or child abuse. It'll be relegated to behind closed doors and they'll teach their kids their closeted racist ways in the same way they do now. There's no doubt it's getting better and racism is seen today in a much more negative light than it was in the past, at least in America, but it'll never go extinct, at least I don't think so anyway.


Well-Known Member
I'm sick of it. I'm sick of people calling people who aren't racist, racist. I'm sick of race BAITING. Race baiting has been happening 10 fold the past 10 years. I get it, times SUCKED for certain people 200 years ago. Everywhere. Africans sold thier people to Europeans. Some Africans in the United states before the civil war had slaves. Egyptians had slaves. Jews were slaves. Slavery was a huge deal then, it was everywhere. The shit taught in high school is just bullshit American slavery. The underground tunnel goes deeper than that, college history taught a little more but left out lots of things.

What I'm getting at is racist people will ALWAYS be racist unless the cycle is broken in HIGH SCHOOL. Race baiting fixes nothing and pisses off many.

No color is better than another. We're just people. Some with a different history. But it's 2016. It's not the past and there were fuck faces 500 years ago and there will be fuck faces 500 years from now.

When will the world, or at least the United states become color blind?
When the incentives for doing so are outweighed by the consequences. And not even then for people of limited intellect, because such people do not always choose what is in their own best interest.


Well-Known Member
That's the thing, why will it never end people? What's holding us back? It's not genetic to hate color, if kids were taught at a young age in schools.. With a real Stern and practical take on things, I think kids would learn to not accept what their parents say and the next generation to have kids with their parents knowing what their own racist parents told them was bullshit.. The cycle could be broken. It's the parents that teach their kids the principles that they learned from their parents.. Kids don't wake up one day and hate race.. You can hate a person, but not a whole race. I don't like, or even hate some blacks, whites, Asians, Hispanics and natives but that doesn't mean I hate a race.

Wtf is causing the racism? Is it as simple as I think.. The racist persons parents? Persuasive intellect at a young age could change that.

I don't know, it's starting to iritate me. I see the racism. I also see the the word racist thrown around too much, I feel there's hell breaking loose now and the whole world is walking a thin line. I also think we lost the path that defines dislike and hate, racism.. It's a world of egg shells and I don't remember it being like this, or at least so in your face. There needs to be a change.


Well-Known Member
And another thing; why would color BLINDNESS be something worth striving for?

I absolutely love all the ethnic diversity in the world; racial, cultural, social and geographic diversity is to be celebrated, not ignored! Otherwise we are merely advocating for the tyranny of homogenization. OURS, not theirs... and how not racist is that?


Well-Known Member
That's the thing, why will it never end people? What's holding us back? It's not genetic to hate color, if kids were taught at a young age in schools.. With a real Stern and practical take on things, I think kids would learn to not accept what their parents say and the next generation to have kids with their parents knowing what their own racist parents told them was bullshit.. The cycle could be broken. It's the parents that teach their kids the principles that they learned from their parents.. Kids don't wake up one day and hate race.. You can hate a person, but not a whole race. I don't like, or even hate some blacks, whites, Asians, Hispanics and natives but that doesn't mean I hate a race.

Wtf is causing the racism? Is it as simple as I think.. The racist persons parents? Persuasive intellect at a young age could change that.

I don't know, it's starting to iritate me. I see the racism. I also see the the word racist thrown around too much, I feel there's hell breaking loose now and the whole world is walking a thin line. I also think we lost the path that defines dislike and hate, racism.. It's a world of egg shells and I don't remember it being like this, or at least so in your face. There needs to be a change.
It's simple stupidity man. People overall are dumb. You have to work to not be dumb. Along with being stupid, people are largely lazy, too. If someone is stupid and lazy, they're fucked, and so are the rest of us to a certain degree because we can't just up and eliminate them from the population. We are forced by circumstances to harbor said stupidity, and there are even some among us who actively nurture it, be it for their own selfish or financial reasons or their own stupidity themselves, there's a huuuge market that caters to the stupid, 10 minutes on cable TV tells you that much.

We can do our best to eliminate it, but there will always be people who take their kids out of public school because they think public education is indoctrination (you can see it now!). People largely have autonomy over their offspring (which they should). It's tough for someone like me who agrees with you that this type of shit should be educated out of the population to agree with the idea that the state should be the one doing the educating. That's another problem entirely because the state can go fuck itself, they've lost all confidence in average people because they're collectively shady fucks that are mostly out for their own gain like everybody else. So what we're left with is ignorant people who teach their kids their own racist ways or a state education perpetuated by collective ignorance. Ignorance either way you frame it, the best bet is to be one of the not so ignorantly racist fucktards and teach your own kid right and wrong from an objective standpoint.


Well-Known Member
I think we're taking this out of context already, but I agree with you tyystikk - see, what this is about it not associating a skin color to a hatred. Color blind. If you could not see a person who has tan skin, maybe you can only see dark skin, that doesn't matter.. The point is, seeing everyone as equal. A skin color doesn't define geographicly either, I have many friends that are from South Africa and are white. What I'm getting at is, skin color means nothing..

Maybe I should I worded it as when will people be blind?

In this aspect it demolishes skin color and looks triggering a brain tumor of hate.

Personality will always fuck a person up. That's fine with me though, ass holes are ass holes and no one has to like them lol


Well-Known Member
I think we're taking this out of context already, but I agree with you tyystikk - see, what this is about it not associating a skin color to a hatred. Color blind. If you could not see a person who has tan skin, maybe you can only see dark skin, that doesn't matter.. The point is, seeing everyone as equal. A skin color doesn't define geographicly either, I have many friends that are from South Africa and are white. What I'm getting at is, skin color means nothing..

Maybe I should I worded it as when will people be blind?

In this aspect it demolishes skin color and looks triggering a brain tumor of hate.

Personality will always fuck a person up. That's fine with me though, ass holes are ass holes and no one has to like them lol
Dude, if someone is racist because of someone elses skin color, what rational argument can you possibly put forth that could change their mind?


Well-Known Member
I think we're taking this out of context already, but I agree with you tyystikk - see, what this is about it not associating a skin color to a hatred. Color blind. If you could not see a person who has tan skin, maybe you can only see dark skin, that doesn't matter.. The point is, seeing everyone as equal. A skin color doesn't define geographicly either, I have many friends that are from South Africa and are white. What I'm getting at is, skin color means nothing..

Maybe I should I worded it as when will people be blind?

In this aspect it demolishes skin color and looks triggering a brain tumor of hate.

Personality will always fuck a person up. That's fine with me though, ass holes are ass holes and no one has to like them lol
Ignoring color is always the tactic suggested by the dominant class. Of course, it's done on their terms.


Well-Known Member
It's simple stupidity man. People overall are dumb. You have to work to not be dumb. Along with being stupid, people are largely lazy, too. If someone is stupid and lazy, they're fucked, and so are the rest of us to a certain degree because we can't just up and eliminate them from the population. We are forced by circumstances to harbor said stupidity, and there are even some among us who actively nurture it, be it for their own selfish or financial reasons or their own stupidity themselves, there's a huuuge market that caters to the stupid, 10 minutes on cable TV tells you that much.

We can do our best to eliminate it, but there will always be people who take their kids out of public school because they think public education is indoctrination (you can see it now!). People largely have autonomy over their offspring (which they should). It's tough for someone like me who agrees with you that this type of shit should be educated out of the population to agree with the idea that the state should be the one doing the educating. That's another problem entirely because the state can go fuck itself, they've lost all confidence in average people because they're collectively shady fucks that are mostly out for their own gain like everybody else. So what we're left with is ignorant people who teach their kids their own racist ways or a state education perpetuated by collective ignorance. Ignorance either way you frame it, the best bet is to be one of the not so ignorantly racist fucktards and teach your own kid right and wrong from an objective standpoint.
Damn, you said your words perfectly, I 100% agree with this. It's fucking sad it's like this. I wish there were something to just put some sense in the world. The more I see things here, the more I'm curious what's happening over the sea.. So I research and find the same old shit. It's no different anywhere.. I can't fathom this at all, it's really not hard, the easiest thing to do is not hate. Hating takes so much energy and emotion which leads to nothing but anger.. when I actually do hate something or someone, I either find a way to make it work or be humble and walk away. And the hate only lasts a short while. I can't wrap my head around anyone hating someone they have never met.. That's like hating pizza when you never had a slice. Makes ZERO sense.


Well-Known Member
Dude, if someone is racist because of someone elses skin color, what rational argument can you possibly put forth that could change their mind?
That's what I'm saying.. I have been thinking all day.. Talking to my mom about my ethnicity... Wondering where the world, or better yet, when the world went wrong...


Well-Known Member
Ignoring color is always the tactic suggested by the dominant class. Of course, it's done on their terms.
Probably 90% of my family is "colored" - so, that's not it.. Because I was having this conversation and they even agreed about wishing people would see everyone as a person, not a color.


Well-Known Member
We're tired of assumptions, I'm sure most colored people are. The assumptions coming from a white person persuading how a colored person should feel or think, but that's another topic. My skins white.. But I don't even think of it at family reunions.. Maybe I'm a mailman baby haha. But, I know we hate how we feel we're being babysat and need a spokesman to tell others how we feel. Color blind. No color.


Well-Known Member
"when will we just pretend like everyone has the same opportunities?"
That's a poor /ghetto thing.. Because most of my family is well off. We have all had great opportunity. The funny thing is that some of, or even a majority of, my white color family is in bad shape.. Maybe due to where they live? I don't know, I haven't figured it out. That's why none of the main stream things, like you mentioned, about opportunities, has ever been a problem, ever..