Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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That's what you would have people believe, as the Palestinians are getting murdered daily, your people have conditioned the masses to say it is bigotry if anyone calls them out on it. Bigotry if anyone points out that the Jewish owned media lies to us quite frequently. I say fuck that!!

Who are my people?
It's bigotry to point out how our politicians go to AIPAC and lick their asses for campaign money. I call bullshit on that bigotry argument.
I agree, and so why is it if I fire the bullet in the opposite direction the bullet does not travel at 750 mph net?
Lol again, because we are standing on the earth, you can't factor in its spin.

To me standing in the truck, it doesn't matter which way I fire the gun. The bullet will always appear to be traveling approximately 1,700 mph. It only changes for the observer standing somewhere else.
@srh88, as a plumber you know that water always finds it's level but even knowing that you somehow believe there exists this force of gravity than bends the oceans around a 7500 curve of the earth. It's preposterous. Think about it. Lakes are flat, they freeze over in the winter, how come you don't see massive curved pieces of ice at the spring thaw?
gravity. also the same reason water follows the path of least resistance
show me one chunk of ice big enough that would show the curve of earth
Lol again, because we are standing on the earth, you can't factor in its spin.

To me standing in the truck, it doesn't matter which way I fire the gun. The bullet will always appear to be traveling approximately 1,700 mph. It only changes for the observer standing somewhere else.

I see your point. But what about an airplane flying against the spin of the earth, wouldnt flight times take longer as the atmosphere is moving in sympathy with the globe?
Of course.

I trust that's you in your avatar, too, or at least someone you identify strongly with.
Na just a google image pic. I collect avatars. I have like 50 saved to my phone. I change my avatar many times a day just for shits and giggles. I've posted my actual picture a couple time before.
Na just a google image pic. I collect avatars. I have like 50 saved to my phone. I change my avatar many times a day just for shits and giggles. I've posted my actual picture a couple time before.

That's weird, because your avatar is supposed to reflect who you are, according to Mellowman. Change it back immediately.
gravity. also the same reason water follows the path of least resistance
show me one chunk of ice big enough that would show the curve of earth

Lake baikal,

I found this post on FB, it makes alot of sense to me.

''GLOBE EARTH BUSTED! NO CURVATURE IN RUSSIA!!! Lake Baikal in Russia is the world's deepest lake and also the 7th longest lake in the world at 395 miles long. There's something very unique about this lake. Every year Lake Baikal freezes over completely, except a small part in the source of the Angara. The rest of the almost 400 mile long lake is completely frozen. The only way this 395 mile frozen ice lake is possible is because the lake is flat. There's one problem. If we live on a round globe then there should be a 104,017 ft (20 miles) curve from one end of the lake to the other. That means that one end of the lake should be 20 miles below the horizon from the other end! There should be a 104,017 ft bulge in the middle of the lake! But this is not the case! The frozen lake proves it is indeed completely flat. Besides when was the last time you saw a curved lake? Lol try going to the other longest lakes in the world and see if you can find the curve! You won't because the earth is FLAT!baikal.jpg
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