Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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@srh88, as a plumber you know that water always finds it's level but even knowing that you somehow believe there exists this force of gravity than bends the oceans around a 7500 curve of the earth. It's preposterous. Think about it. Lakes are flat, they freeze over in the winter, how come you don't see massive curved pieces of ice at the spring thaw?
i guess.. i mean i was able to figure out the earth was round by the time i was in kindergarten

You mean the teacher told you and you believed her. They showed you how swinging around a bucket of water and the water does not fall out proofs their ridiculous claim. As if a bucket of water and a sphere are equal. I regret not asking the teacher to pour some water on a sphere for the class. I was fooled also at that age.
How come? Why don't I see? Explain to me ....

This guy genuinely has a low IQ. If that was his only limitation, he'd be harmless. Unfortunately he's also a total bigot, which makes him toxic.

REmember playing cowboys and Indians as a kid and there was always one mutherfucker that would never die? I'm not one of those, so I'm awarding a point to your side. Good job.
We played cops and robbers.
He doesn't understand relativity. I tried to give him a very basic version that even a child would be able to follow, but he couldn't grasp it. He still doesn't understand why we don't notice the earth's spin.

Was that the one where they lay the balls on the suspended rubber sheet and because one of the balls rolls down towards the center there is relativity? Please, that's a frigging ball rolling because of the incline.
I don't think he believes in gravity either. Its God that holds us down:roll:

Gravity is not necessary on a flat plane, gravity was invented to explain why we don't fall off the ball if we are living on one, because nobody believed that bullshit about living on a round ball, so they made up this unproved ''theory of gravity.'' That is why it is called a theory.
Was that the one where they lay the balls on the suspended rubber sheet and because one of the balls rolls down towards the center there is relativity? Please, that's a frigging ball rolling because of the incline.
See, I told you, you didn't understand. That was an example of gravity bruh.

Relativity is why you see that bullet traveling at 1,750 mph. If you were to be able to stand still outside of the earth and watch me fire that gun, then you would see it traveling at 2,750 mph.

Edit: to me, from the back of the pickup, the bullet still looks like it's traveling 1,700 mph.
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How come? Why don't I see? Explain to me ....

This guy genuinely has a low IQ. If that was his only limitation, he'd be harmless. Unfortunately he's also a total bigot, which makes him toxic.

Your argument being don;t engage this man in discussion he is toxic. Why are you trying to stifle free thought here?
See, I told you, you didn't understand. That was an example of gravity bruh.

Relativity is why we see that bullet traveling at 1,750 mph. If you were to be able to stand still outside of the earth and watch me fire that gun, then you would see it traveling at 2,750 mph.

I agree, and so why is it if I fire the bullet in the opposite direction the bullet does not travel at 750 mph net?
Beyond the shadow of doubt the Holocaust was real. It was a terrifying atrocity, nearly unimaginable, but it did happen. I was completely being sarcastic at the end of my statement, by saying faux holocaust. How does one achieve a faux-holocaust anyways? Starting off with mentioning Pauly Shore would be the first clue that something weird was germinating with my words. I don't add the smiley face to demonstrate sarcasm always because I do sneakily bait people - often.

That's very similar to what pablo got on my ass about, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of fully explaining myself. In THAT instance, I baited danksta after he mentioned that he "knew a 'Jewish Priest'" lol (not a rabbi), that "would perform weddings for free". Then I made my joke! playing off his-words, Why? Because I had rebuked danksta about a year earlier about him making a blanket derogatory statement about Jews. That's the whole context which pablo was oblivious about. And then the arguing ensued to great lengths. I knew he didn't care one way or the other if I was racist or not, he doesn't care if anyone else is. If I believed he did genuinely believe that, I would have answered him in detail, He simply was doing his best to troll me with his ego imho for coming after him a little.

Hope that clears things up.

Deal is off Abe. I'll pick apart your attempt to rewrite history later.
There is no room for bigotry in a civilized society.

That's what you would have people believe, as the Palestinians are getting murdered daily, your people have conditioned the masses to say it is bigotry if anyone calls them out on it. Bigotry if anyone points out that the Jewish owned media lies to us quite frequently. I say fuck that!!
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