Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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As false as your law degree. The mods have some kind of source control - they'll have records of all deleted posts.

This is the post you're looking for, guy:

Underdeveloped research skills. Makes me wonder how you got through university.

You really are envious of my piddly little Bachelors degree, get over it man. I can say this, most of it was indoctrination. All the little courses to get the degree. The Political science class more so than other courses. A total fucking joke. When this country was actually free one could study by the light of a candle fire at home like Lincoln and practice law. Now you have to be ran through a brainwashing mill to get a law degree.
I'm leaning towards it being the kind that doesn't exist.
edit.. posted wrong pic.
You really are envious of my piddly little Bachelors degree, get over it man. I can say this, most of it was indoctrination. All the little courses to get the degree. The Political science class more so than other courses. A total fucking joke. When this country was actually free one could study by the light of a candle fire at home like Lincoln and practice law. Now you have to be ran through a brainwashing mill to get a law degree.

I'm envious of your law degree like I'm envious of your 34 inch wang.
You really are envious of my piddly little Bachelors degree, get over it man. I can say this, most of it was indoctrination. All the little courses to get the degree. The Political science class more so than other courses. A total fucking joke. When this country was actually free one could study by the light of a candle fire at home like Lincoln and practice law. Now you have to be ran through a brainwashing mill to get a law degree.
Finshaggy style?
Repeatedly, the guy doesn't know the difference between you're and your. There is no way he even has a bachelors degree.

Go back and read some more of my posts, sometimes I just type to fast. Like texting, the message gets across. While your here, are you familiar with Luis Farrakhan?
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