Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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I don't know, Abe.

If you had kept it to paragraph 1, I would have accepted without condition.

But the fact that you bundled it with calling Pablo out - after you shook on a truce - makes me wonder how honest you are being right now.

I'm gonna wait and see. I withhold judgment for now, but I must say ... you complicated matters with the bundling, not simplified them.

I must say, this is not how a guiltless person would do it.

Didn't intend to actually call pablo out again. Yes, I included a wee bit of gripe, or more like, my opinion of what he was doing. That may not have been appropriate to dealing cleanly with your question and my reply. However, for the first time, i shed more detailed light on the context of the earlier situation regarding the infamous 'screenshot', that I was again and again, taunted with. I have only agreed to not reply to the guy on the forum, not to suppress the situation altogether. However, I don't intend on being passive aggressive, or calling him out further, 'for the record' heh.

I shared the prequel that was omitted earlier. Yes, I see how that complicated my answer. That IS part of why you weren't sure of my holocaust denier sarcasm, isn't it; You bought some of the case pablo made against me. At least you've previously alluded to it, as that, somewhat so at least, from my perception. It doesn't matter, again, my opinion.

In my reply, I should have handled it separately. However, I did take responsibility for being a bit of a race baiter on occaision. That's why I referred to the earlier situation, because I saw the parallel, maybe u see it too; It's there.

I'll add this because I'm so fucking honest and I respect you Canna- there may be smidgen more to it, an outstanding corollary or anecdote, but not what you imagine. I'm not hiding from anything though. It's all my business, for now. I've said enough. won't bore ya any further. WIN - LOSE. INNOCENT - GUILTY. This world of absolutes you suggest has me thinking about why things are ambiguous at times.
DAvid Irving was arrested in Germany for making the same arguments I am and did serious time. A wise man once said, to know who rules over you ask yourself who am I not allowed to criticize.
Ok, I understand, what was the argument I was making and I will try to find an acceptable source.
You must be joking. I've just had to skip about 30 pages of this thread to get up to date cos I started to feel like I was stuck in the past. I'm not going back there. Why don't you go back and read through every credible piece of information that has been provided to you and then see how you have never answered a question clearly and maybe replace the nonsense created by other people you've supplied so far in your effort to dispute science with actual, credible facts? By credible I mean proven, not Fox news.
You must be joking. I've just had to skip about 30 pages of this thread to get up to date cos I started to feel like I was stuck in the past. I'm not going back there. Why don't you go back and read through every credible piece of information that has been provided to you and then see how you have never answered a question clearly and maybe replace the nonsense created by other people you've supplied so far in your effort to dispute science with actual, credible facts? By credible I mean proven, not Fox news.

Good because FOX news is total bullshit, we can agree on that at least.
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