White people, particularly men:

I hate the fact that you push your ideals so hard buck there was actually a time I thought you was a cool dude
it just concerns me that anyone would give their friendship to someone so homicidal and so into the white supremacy thing.

that's all.
Well up until I calmed down after my first son I ran with a bunch of white boys .... I don't push my agenda on people .... Honestly just can't stand a white man being called racistt .... And any other race would be a labeled activist .... Or someone after equal rights ... Racist because they was wronged by the white man ..... Broke is broke ..... Rich is rich .... We all in thé same boat
Because I'm classy I'm expected to pay all my bills, and taxes. I'm also expected to show up to work everyday and not bring my personal drama. 60 hrs a week is normal yet white trash would say it's all been handed to me and abandon conflict would say I didn't work for it. It's truly exhausting being a responsible citizen. The liberal koolaid is looking tastier each day. Someone else should do the work, pay the taxes and send me mailbox money. Excuses are like assholes. Everybody has one. Except the white dude. Grow up retards. If you are able to spend your time bitching on a pot forum, in the grand scheme of things you don't have anything to bitch about.

If you are taking care of you and yours then you are a fine individual in my book, regardless of skin color. Pieces of shit are sprinkled accross all races. White's are not exempt.
Because I'm classy I'm expected to pay all my bills, and taxes. I'm also expected to show up to work everyday and not bring my personal drama. 60 hrs a week is normal yet white trash would say it's all been handed to me and abandon conflict would say I didn't work for it. It's truly exhausting being a responsible citizen. The liberal koolaid is looking tastier each day. Someone else should do the work, pay the taxes and send me mailbox money. Excuses are like assholes. Everybody has one. Except the white dude. Grow up retards. If you are able to spend your time bitching on a pot forum, in the grand scheme of things you don't have anything to bitch about.

If you are taking care of you and yours then you are a fine individual in my book, regardless of skin color. Pieces of shit are sprinkled accross all races. White's are not exempt.

Aw you poor oppressed white guy. Imagine the horror of paying bills and then bitching about it on a pot forum. Regarding the underlined, are you sure? You seem upset from all the rampant and inhumane oppression and discrimination you face. It must be so hard being a classy white guy, having to deal with being oppressed online by white trash like me. Maybe that's why you're making up bullshit and long emotional diatribes online, crying about how hard it your life is.
Is that what it looks like 10 secs before a hate crime ?
is this what you look like 10 seconds before posting on RIU?