Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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1) Yes. Celestial north is the projection of geographic north. Magnetic north is something different. Magnetic north indexes on our planet's (iron, spherical) core. The core has "weather" and that is why magnetic poles can swap ends at unpredictable intervals. (Honest. The phenomenon opened up tectonic science in the 70s. Such cool, wow.)
2) Yes. (No attachment. Eyepiece projection into a suitable digicam.)
3) I do not have footage or stills ... that was 3 computers ago.

You might not like me as an independent source. I am, at this time, firmly in the spherical-planet camp. I could tell you a few ways to verify the sphericity of our home ... but seeing how many folks shrug that off as some sort of reptilo-Zionist conspiracy of logical perversions ... I despair. Good night.

Thanks for the response. If you ever dig out the telescopes and get some pics I would love to see them. I don;t think you would lie about it. The reptile thing I don;t believe that crap either. Reptilians no way haha. Thanks though. Goodnight.

These folks might take issue with the bolded.


False. Polaris is offset about 45 minutes of arc from the true celestial pole. Neither of my telescopes has a sufficiently wide field to hold Polaris in the field unless I use the hugely annoying and annoyingly huge 40mm Wide-Field I bought in '84.

Well again your believing what you been told i literally live and know lot of Inuit people i really enjoy listening to elders there the funniest fucking people around and i would believe what that people say rather then some monkey in Government or scientist , that all there carrier there goal is to get into the scientific magazine thingy
so if axis changed many times since the early Egyptians and jews etc used and poles magneti fields flipped before 160 would we call the North star south star ?
Things i say to your theory is ok well the axis has and did change recently and the elders see it first hand
remember it was these people not scientists that used stars , moons an the sun

I see a difference the sun is way hotter now then it was then i mean back 50 years ago i could be naked out side all day and not a overly sun burn
today not even 30 mins and you got sun burn you got out for 2 - 4 hrs un protected your a lobster

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Seriously? Why would she grab a homosexual's cock? You offend her, and you disgust me.

So it becomes plain that not only are you an
a Moon Landing denier,
a liar who projects your fallacious logic onto others onsite,
a misogynist ...

... but a homophobe as well.

I thought you two were married. I guess whatever the fuck you want to say must be true because you said it. Go ahead and make up whatever bullshit stories you want. You three have called me half a dozen names in the past two days. I guess some people are allowed to break the rules. If you don't like me I suggest you put me on ignore and stop quoting me.
No someone that is connected to the earth that lives off the earth takes what they need and do not abuse it same thing our ancestors did they worked with earth in a partner ship of give and take ..
its just not we are realizing what we have down we rape anything we get from earth from, gold , silver minerals oil
its being seen all over now more n more of what were doing To wild life just watched a documentary
and what the real Cause of whales Dophins beaching them self's ,,,
You think that is natural event ??? or the axis shift magnetic poles ??? earths magnetic field effected them to beach them self's
they Figured out the Cause Humans personally who would of thought other wise lol sad hey
i mean whales dolphins and cousins off rely on sonar to comunicate and move in the ocean
The under water sounds waves from whales dolphins is amazing
So for you or me when we are in a room with extremely loud music we can get up an go

This is not the case for whales where can they go ,,
water is a good transport for sound so good that Scientists can here whales in the pacific ocean of any coast in the Atlantic ocean
but what has man done ???
Well lets see here military ships pounding sonar for no reason Excercise these are extremely powerful ,
We have to realize most of what your wearing , and foods you eat ,,TV's etc
On any given day there are over 50,000 ships who would of realzed these big pounding HP diesal electric engine are banging an booming the 2 monster sized props alone make stupid loud sounds 50,000 a day on them merchant routes and in them routes is where all of the beached dolphins and whales are happening Its so fucking loud that there forced to commit suicide
No someone that is connected to the earth that lives off the earth takes what they need and do not abuse it same thing our ancestors did they worked with earth in a partner ship of give and take ..
its just not we are realizing what we have down we rape anything we get from earth from, gold , silver minerals oil
its being seen all over now more n more of what were doing To wild life just watched a documentary
and what the real Cause of whales Dophins beaching them self's ,,,
You think that is natural event ??? or the axis shift magnetic poles ??? earths magnetic field effected them to beach them self's
they Figured out the Cause Humans personally who would of thought other wise lol sad hey
i mean whales dolphins and cousins off rely on sonar to comunicate and move in the ocean
The under water sounds waves from whales dolphins is amazing
So for you or me when we are in a room with extremely loud music we can get up an go

This is not the case for whales where can they go ,,
water is a good transport for sound so good that Scientists can here whales in the pacific ocean of any coast in the Atlantic ocean
but what has man done ???
Well lets see here military ships pounding sonar for no reason Excercise these are extremely powerful ,
We have to realize most of what your wearing , and foods you eat ,,TV's etc
On any given day there are over 50,000 ships who would of realzed these big pounding HP diesal electric engine are banging an booming the 2 monster sized props alone make stupid loud sounds 50,000 a day on them merchant routes and in them routes is where all of the beached dolphins and whales are happening Its so fucking loud that there forced to commit suicide
What in the actual fuck does any of those poorly written paragraphs have to do with your argument about the earth being flat, you blatherskite?

Excellent article. Here's my fav paragraph -

When children consistently can’t get a response, they get desperate. Abandonment threatens a child’s emotional and physical survival. Lacking enough positive interaction, a child will develop negative tactics to re-engage the adults. Being scolded, nagged, reminded, and punished is far better than being ignored. By finding ways to be personally addressed by an exasperated or angry adult, the child makes sure that at least he isn’t forgotten.

my guess is Sunni politely reminded members of forum rues like a warning personally i looked back on lots of threads appears Buck is uses racism and jews in every god dam post
ehough you do print but you post up a meme of beheading a person or better yet a meme with go sit in the corner dumb ass is that not some form of attacking a member or really trolling i seen people banned for much less
Not one of my posts do i insult anyone only thing i said is Buck every post he makes ends with Racism , and Holocaust same picture of trump taking a dump
over n over Trolling this thread and pretty much every thread ,, he gets on whats wrong with these people ? Cannot hold a ADULT Conversation and simply say i have to disagree cause of this or that this is the reason why and expain ??
then this thread becomes valuable and for some might open eyes I highly doubt the earth is flat
when we look at the moon and sun its round there fore we must be
But i am pretty sure Government hold back valuable info they just do not want you to know and that is wrong we all pay taxes everything should be public knowledge meaning we should know if we been contacted by aliens are aliens living amoung us

How i read Sunni's post was like a nice reminder of i am getting sick n tired of this and please don' be surprised if your one of them that get the hammer next time you log on
my guess is Sunni politely reminded members of forum rues like a warning personally i looked back on lots of threads appears Buck is uses racism and jews in every god dam post
ehough you do print but you post up a meme of beheading a person or better yet a meme with go sit in the corner dumb ass is that not some form of attacking a member or really trolling i seen people banned for much less
Is your position really so weak that you have to cry about other's posts instead of clearly stating your point, and citing references? If you respond to a "troll's" post then you are complicit in the act. What does Uncle Buck have to do with any of this anyways? He must of shredded you raw in the politics section, huh? I am going to have to go catch up...
I apologize for my bad writing although in person i am better I didnt get the chance to go to school this is all self taught , reading and writing i still use my fingers to count once in a while does that make me a bad person ????
i farmed 8 hrs away from any school source as a kid but i do have my grade 12 online diploma :) not that i need it i owner of family farm over 600 hectares bout 200 is living soil other is chem
0 owing i also do 500 plant mj grow in 536,000 sq feet lol again do want to be to greedy imagine 2 3 millon plants in 600 hectare grow ??? but anyways

But again,,,, I like to thank you for trying to insult me even more.. when you do not even know me
Some of the Dumbest people in the world are also some of the richest in the world
how did that work out ???
No bodies perfect everyone had good and bad qualities..
but what i can say is i am self sustaining meaning all meat dairy products wheat soya sheep
i am in control of i even make bio diesal for tractot and combine , have some solat powet just need bigger storage batteries ,,

So the answer is are you self sustaining ??? if tommorow the stores had no food or banks had no money can or will your family survive ??? if you cannot then who is the real dummy here

Just think that hammer is getting closer to your head well done
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