Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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where does anything in that video say its all new mexico?.. and im pretty sure youd be able to see the curve of the earth just looking at new mexico. explain these to me.. volcanoes, geo thermal heat, why i cant see 500 miles away on a nice day, time zones.. you cant really think we are sitting still and the rest of the universe is moving right?.. thats like saying "im not crazy everyone else is crazy"..

look at the video i linked up.. im very aware of what a go pro does.. its not even fish eye, its just a rounded lense. if you think a rounded lens will make 1 line curve that severely and the rest of the shot be square.. youre pretty dumb buddy.. i think you should go to the politics section and try to make some points over there

Imagine if you put a clock flat on the ground and the sun is the hour hand, there are your time zones. See attachment.
Volcanoes, are volcanoes, Man has only been able to drill down 8 miles deep. Nobody knows how thick the plane we live on is.
If you watch a car drive away there comes a point where you cant see it anymore, The eye can only see so far. You've seen the long exposure photo of the stars, it clearly shows they are moving in a 360 circle around Polaris, The North star. Polaris which hasn't moved an iota in all these centuries. If we were blasting throught the universe at 670000 miles an hour along with the sun, this would not be possible. The position of all the stars would change. Yet we see the same constellations since recorded history.

flat earth.jpg
Imagine if you put a clock flat on the ground and the sun is the hour hand, there are your time zones. See attachment.
Volcanoes, are volcanoes, Man has only been able to drill down 8 miles deep. Nobody knows how thick the plane we live on is.
If you watch a car drive away there comes a point where you cant see it anymore, The eye can only see so far. You've seen the long exposure photo of the stars, it clearly shows they are moving in a 360 circle around Polaris, The North star. Polaris which hasn't moved an iota in all these centuries. If we were blasting throught the universe at 670000 miles an hour along with the sun, this would not be possible. The position of all the stars would change. Yet we see the same constellations since recorded history.

View attachment 3697543
lol im not sure you grasp the concept of a sun dial. and cars driving away, maybe the human eye cant see that far, not sure. but video, telescopes, pictures, binoculars, etc etc. we do see the same constellations, but they arent in the same spot all the time, they move with the time.. like the sun, the moon.. everything else in the galaxy. 8 miles deep is 42,240ft. thats a lot of feet. look at the kind of samples they actually found and the heat down there.
lol im not sure you grasp the concept of a sun dial. and cars driving away, maybe the human eye cant see that far, not sure. but video, telescopes, pictures, binoculars, etc etc. we do see the same constellations, but they arent in the same spot all the time, they move with the time.. like the sun, the moon.. everything else in the galaxy. 8 miles deep is 42,240ft. thats a lot of feet. look at the kind of samples they actually found and the heat down there.

Right, if you use binoculars on a car driving away in, the car will come back into vision well after it should have disappeared over the round earth's horizon. The North star has always remained above the pole, that is why it's called the North star. Just saying.
Gather around, story time guys. I was jogging down Belmont in Fresno ca when I encounter a skinny white boy in his late 20s. He wasn't wearing a shirt and was thrown on the ground screaming help like a child in distress..i ask him what the problem is and he says he needs water, over and over.. i pointed at a nearby water fountain and told him he can drink some right there. He jumps up and rushed me yelling as deep as he could, he wasn't saying anything just yelling. As he moved forward he started to loose his balance on his way down I kicked him in the chest then I left. Moral of the story, if you scare me ill kick you in the chest.
When it's midnight here and dark, and I Skype with a friend from Australia and she shows me a sunny day at the beach from a live shot out of her window, what's that all about???

Look at the flat earth model, I've only posted it 3 times now. The sun's intensity doesn't reach that far. I'll post it again.flat earth.jpg

The North pole is in the center, Antarctica is around the edges, and West is clockwise and East is counterclockwise. It's winter on this model as the sun is making it's circle around the earth on its outer path. In summer the sun makes a tighter circle and the North Pole and for three days during the year at the height of summer the sun won't set inside the Arctic Circle. This does not happen in Antartica only in the Northern Arctic Circle.
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Let's start with item #1 the Moon. If the Sun was shining on the moon, why is there no intensity spot? Shine a light on a round cue ball and notice the one spot where it reflects the brightest. We don't see that from the moon. An eclipse is perfectly possible on the flat model. The sun and moon don't travel at the same speeds. So if one passes the other which happens from time to time it would cause an eclipse. I submit the moon is it'sown source of light. A distinct light with a cooling effect. Check out this experiment which shows that to be the case. It's a repeatable experiment you can do yourself. Not some bullshit from an institutionalized ''scientist''

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Look at the flat earth model, I've only posted it 3 times now. The sun's intensity doesn't reach that far. I'll post it again.View attachment 3697577

The North pole is in the center, Antarctica is around the edges, and West is clockwise and East is counterclockwise. It's winter on this model as the sun is making it's circle around the earth on its outer path. In summer the sun makes a tighter circle and the North Pole and for three days during the year at the height of summer the sun won't set inside the Arctic Circle. This does not happen in Antartica only in the Northern Arctic Circle.

Out of the volumes of retarded shit you've posted, this takes the cake. Not even you could believe this. The sun lights up our entire solar system (we can see the sun light the planets with telescopes), but it couldn't light up the entire plane of a flat earth? You'd have to have zero spacial reasoning skills. Please don't drive...
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Out of the volumes of retarded shit you've posted, this takes the cake. Not even you could believe this. The sun lights up our entire solar system (we can see the sun light the planets with telescopes), but it couldn't light up the plane of a flat earth? You'd have to have zero spacial reasoning skills. Please don't drive...
No no no. Aus is on the ass end of Flapjackistan. The Space Elevator? Goes down.

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