Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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Geddy Lee
Rush bassist and vocalist Geddy Lee was born Gary Lee Weinrib on July 29, 1953. His parents were Jewish refugees from Poland who survived the Dachau and Bergen-Belsen concentration camps during World War II. In 2004, when Rob Tannenbaum of Blender interviewed Lee he described the two most Jewish things about him as “My nose and my sense of humor. I’m kind of a Jewish atheist: I bathe in the racial beauty of Judaism, but I don’t really see what that has to do with a belief in God. The only time I pray is on the tennis court.”

He produced some excellent music, I never said they were incompetent.

Wow, looks like America got a little pregnant in 2012. If you're gonna continually try to fool us into the whole ball earth theme at least put a little effort into getting the scale right.
where is that vote? link up an actual source

once again.. how are you actually enslaved?

Without the protections of the bill of rights you exist at their whim and are thus enslaved. When they take your money at the threat of violence and give it to someone else you are a slave.

They murdered Al Alawki and his 16 yer old son the following day, Both Americans. I watched on cspan when they declared USA a batllezone so its ok to murder Americans. I watched cops kick in peoples doors in Boston with no warrants. Wake up please.
Without the protections of the bill of rights you exist at their whim and are thus enslaved. When they take your money at the threat of violence and give it to someone else you are a slave.

They murdered Al Alawki and his 16 yer old son the following day, Both Americans. I watched on cspan when they declared USA a batllezone so its ok to murder Americans. I watched cops kick in peoples doors in Boston with no warrants. Wake up please.
lol so how does this directly affect you?
al awaki was recruiting people into terrorism, he deserved to be killed on site. he wasnt some random pick, do your homework. indefinite detention.. how many people were affected by this that didnt do something that was completely fucked up. and boston, if you just watched that many people get blown up by some assholes wouldnt you be kicking down doors to find them too? that was an act of terrorism on our soil, did it get handled the best way? no.. but was it your average situation.. fuck no
actually neil peart produced and wrote most of their music.
so if they arent incompetent, why the hate? and when has any jewish person ever actually done you personally wrong
One of the cool things about rush is that when you hear them play they sound like a 5 piece band and there's only 3 members. That's what great musicians sound like.
One of the cool things about rush is that when you hear them play they sound like a 5 piece band and there's only 3 members. That's what great musicians sound like.
ive seen em a couple times.. its amazing, geddy lee jamming playing a synth and bass notes with his feet. i play guitar and im a pretty big fan of alex lifeson too. his style is amazing.. dude can jump to any type of music with no problem.. really under rated in my opinion
lol so how does this directly affect you?
al awaki was recruiting people into terrorism, he deserved to be killed on site. he wasnt some random pick, do your homework. indefinite detention.. how many people were affected by this that didnt do something that was completely fucked up. and boston, if you just watched that many people get blown up by some assholes wouldnt you be kicking down doors to find them too? that was an act of terrorism on our soil, did it get handled the best way? no.. but was it your average situation.. fuck no

Dude, that's how they roll, they hand the bomb to the terrorist, the motive is to take more rights away, they've done a great job as the bill of rights is dust. those kids in Boston are patsies. The only thing al alawki did was speech. An american deserves a trial. And what about his poor kid?

If we lived on a globe model earth airports would not be able to exists in any given direction, poilets would constantly need to adjust the nose of the plan to make of for the earths Rotation!
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