Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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who are you?.. shouldnt you be reading your giant book of fairy tales?
Do both planes have EXACT same wingspan?

I don't know I can check. I noticed the weight was 7 times greater and the engine power was 7 times greater on the 777, Tyler insists that a larger mass is effected more so by this thing they call gravity. The numbers don't show that.
dude.. did you even try that tin foil dildo i found you yet?.

you do know there was more camps than just Auschwitz right?. i really hope you do. i also really hope you dont think that poeple believe all the estimated 6 million in the camps died directly from the gas chamber. starvation and disease took out a lot of people. look up typhus and how it spread through the ghettos. fuck, even look up anne frank. but i remember someone talking about that being a hoax too.. because of a ball point pen or something, but that was invented in 1888.



must be photoshopped huh^
saying the halocaust is a hoax is about the flimsiest conspiracy theory out there, and i got to add. if you buy into the shit you posted from youtube, youre about as gullible as they come. go find a survivor if there is still any around, i bet that old dude knocks your teeth right down your throat

Sure, they were starving to death along with the rest of Germany. The supply lines were bombed to smithereens. Throw in dysentary and a few other diseases and presto. Notice the American soldiers in the photo? 56 million civilians were killed in WWII
Why don't we discuss that holocaust?
Sure, they were starving to death along with the rest of Germany. The supply lines were bombed to smithereens. Throw in dysentary and a few other diseases and presto. Notice the American soldiers in the photo? 56 million civilians were killed in WWII
Why don't we discuss that holocaust?
yup.. throw in dysentery and a few other diseases.. into camps people were forced into. apparently you need to look into your 3rd grade history books and see what american soldiers and our allies did to germany
I understand why you can be so hateful. It troubles you to think for one second that your Daddy the government could be so bad.

The Russians first dug up the mass graves idiot.

And I do mean Idiot with a capital I.

You've desecrated minorities, Jews, science, the country, and all those who fought and died for it the we sheep celebrated yesterday...

Move the fuck out...go live elsewhere.
I don't know I can check. I noticed the weight was 7 times greater and the engine power was 7 times greater on the 777, Tyler insists that a larger mass is effected more so by this thing they call gravity. The numbers don't show that.
So again I ask, are the wingspans exactly the same?????? Why won't you answer the question?
The Russians first dug up the mass graves idiot.

And I do mean Idiot with a capital I.

You've desecrated minorities, Jews, science, the country, and all those who fought and died for it the we sheep celebrated yesterday...

Move the fuck out...go live elsewhere.

I already did dumbfuck. Why the hell would I live in a country that claims the right to disappear people under the NDAA and kill them?
Three Americans one of them a 16 year old boy have been murdered by your beloved government so far with no due process. the Bill of Rights is effectively gone. Your government is a criminal mafia. War is a fucking scam for the military banker industrial complex retard.
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