Indictment Countdown...

To speak with such authority about what Hillary knew is a bit of a stretch. Sorry Pie, but nobody really knows what another person is thinking. But there you have it, you and NLX are claiming that special power. Along with being so certain about what happened in Benghazi because you read somebody's blog post about their wishful thinking of made up shit.

So, Trump says "there is no drought in California, OK?" What do you think about what he said?
She signed a document saying she knew.
They stopped red lining by the 90's.
The fuck they did. Redlining and environmental racism continue to this day.

Whitey Vespucciland said:
"Yup yup no such thing as racism in the good ol' US of A any more, we said it is gone so it must be true...herp derp."

I'm a white guy with blue eyes who was born and raised in a famously racist place. The racists tend to assume I'm their bro, and share with me pretty openly. It is anything but gone, even the institutional racism persists. Partly because of a bunch of good ol' boy landowners who are in control of a shit-ton of land, especially in the western US, make sure of it.
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