Donald Trump

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"Make America Great Again" was created to evoke a reaction from its audience, good or bad, about the significance we place on our physical selves. One should not feel emasculated by their penis size or vagina, as it does not define who you are. Your genitals do not define your gender, your power, or your status.

Simply put, you can be a massive prick, despite what is in your pants.:lol:
It may look small now, but hey, TRUST ME.

Trust me ok?

Its gonna be YUUGE.
I was entertaining you smart fuckers and I knew you would like that part. So be happy and enjoy the show. TRUMP!
I bet they stopped the video there lol.

Stewart goes on to say that hillary feels like a person pretending to be someone else for someone else. Then the kid gives a long speech.

Im going to look up goldwater and see how strong her support was and if he truly was a segregationist.
call it whatever you want to call it.
I feel the burden of population when Im driving in my car around any major city in America getting stuck in grid lock traffic.
Thinking, what a waste of time this is.
or Standing in line to get into a concert or movie and paying outrageous prices for the show and then coming away feeling very disappointed with the performance of the movie or the band.
Always having to reconfirm my own existence to co exist with the continuing over growing population.
Just like with politics or anything else in life, it makes it more disappointing and harder to accept.
I cant help feeling the the world is a total wreck.
So i try never to underestimate or take for granted all the trouble in the world that seems to be getting worse.
So, what you are saying is that everywhere you go you see shit?

Lol. Ever hear of looking for reviews before attending a movie or concert? We need to sterilize people you deem as inferior so you can enjoy movies more?

Tell me you are trolling. If so bravo. If not, you need to seek counseling.
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By this guy
Jared Wyand‎@JaredWyand

Time for liberals who haven't read the Quran to STFU

You're being used & your ignorance is costing life#StopIslam

11:27 AM - 22 Mar 2016
A nobody quoted a blog post from a nobody as if there was validity in wishful thinking about made up shit. Yeesh, these people are unhinged. No wonder Trump doesn't have to say anything truthful to get their support. He just panders to their wishful thinking. Next thing you know, he will mention his discussion with plasma beings and these chumps will start talking about the upcoming ascension. Its going to be huge!
I bet they stopped the video there lol.

Stewart goes on to say that hillary feels like a person pretending to be someone else for someone else. Then the kid gives a long speech.

Im going to look up goldwater and see how strong her support was and if he truly was a segregationist.

you know the KKK is rooting for your candidate right?
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