Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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I see. Look up Project Blue Beam. A proposed plan to fake an alien invasion in order to unite sovereign countries into one country, remove civil rights etc due to an alien invasion hoax. They want to centralize power.
An alien invasion hoax to centralize power. That's a reason to lie about an alien invasion.

But lying about the earth being Round. A lie that would have thousands of scientists and scholars and aerospace personelle from around the world corroborating the same lie. All pilots as well. Every text book and museum, all backing up the same lie. Why?

It does not make sense to me. The same people also say we are one of billions and billions of planets. Making us not special. They also generally agree that there has been no proven alien life form. So not perpetuating an alien take over.

So why lie about it?
You can do better than that. Yet, further with the holier than thou. Like an administrator at heart.

Are you a real Doctor too?

My statement provides my perspective as I see things. I'm not trying to get any fine print changed. You're telling me that you only ever have 2.5 ounces in your possession at a time, because all rules must be followed. teh heh
I don't know, how many ozs can a caregiver have? Do you know? Why not take it to the Michigan forums? How many ozs do you have abe?
An alien invasion hoax to centralize power. That's a reason to lie about an alien invasion.

But lying about the earth being Round. A lie that would have thousands of scientists and scholars and aerospace personelle from around the world corroborating the same lie. All pilots as well. Every text book and museum, all backing up the same lie. Why?

It does not make sense to me. The same people also say we are one of billions and billions of planets. Making us not special. They also generally agree that there has been no proven alien life form. So not perpetuating an alien take over.

So why lie about it?

Please understand, it's real easy because they all believe the lie. From childhood, we learn 2 + 2 and that the earth is round. It's indoctrination. Every since 1900 when the school system was federalized. Prior to that their was a raging debate still going on.
Those perpetuating the lie believe the lie. Those that get wise are afraid to speak of it and lose their job at a university or anywhere for that matter. Pilots for example, don't even think about. Although I think they are the easiest to convert to flat earth, they are able to observe things, like the flat plane and know how a gyro works.



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Please understand, it's real easy because they all believe the lie. From childhood, we learn 2 + 2 and that the earth is round. It's indoctrination. Every since 1900 when the school system was federalized. Prior to that their was a raging debate still going on.
Those perpetuating the lie believe the lie. Those that get wise are afraid to speak of it and lose their job at a university or anywhere for that matter. Pilots for example, don't even think about. Although I think they are the easiest to convert to flat earth, they are able to observe things, like the flat plane and know how a gyro works.

I understand you beleive it's a huge lie. I'm asking what is the purpose of that lie.
An alien invasion hoax to centralize power. That's a reason to lie about an alien invasion.

But lying about the earth being Round. A lie that would have thousands of scientists and scholars and aerospace personelle from around the world corroborating the same lie. All pilots as well. Every text book and museum, all backing up the same lie. Why?

It does not make sense to me. The same people also say we are one of billions and billions of planets. Making us not special. They also generally agree that there has been no proven alien life form. So not perpetuating an alien take over.

So why lie about it?

They leaked to the press in 1947 that there was an alien craft found. Aliens are constantly on television there are aliens and Star Trek. Most kid's these days believe in aliens.
I understand you beleive it's a huge lie. I'm asking what is the purpose of that lie.

People confronted with incontrovertible evidence still refuse to believe it, just like the 911 lie. I guess a scientist is no different. Seeing Chicago from the other side of Lake Michigan is impossible if the earth was round but people do everyday yet still believe the lie.
Seeing Chicago from the other side of Lake Michigan is impossible if the earth was round but people do everyday yet still believe the lie.
Lake Michigan is approximately 100 miles wide or less at the southern point near Chicago. The slope of the earth is too gradual in that short of a distance to block out ones ability to vaguely view lights across the lake on a clear night.
Lake Michigan is approximately 100 miles wide or less at the southern point near Chicago. The slope of the earth is too gradual in that short of a distance to block out ones ability to vaguely view lights across the lake on a clear night.


2160 feet of curve, means nothing should be visible from Chicago on the other side of the lake.
For those that wish to believe the mirage fairy tale here is a picture of an inversion mirage.


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Demonstrate a ligitimate picture of Chicago from the East. Tell us where the picture was taken from and the distance. Maybe it isn't visible at all. That video you cited was silly. I know I've seen an island 50 miles off shore from a slight elevation and only on a very clear day.
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