Indictment Countdown...

You present this apropos to all property without regard for the fact that gov't is required in the first place, in order for land to become property. This is where you went wrong. Your following hypothetical is therefore non sequitur as you do not present it apropos to property rights. If you go onto someone's property and use materials from their land to create this "property" as you propose, you have created a moveable thing and claimed it as inherently yours. It was not yours in the first place. If it was, it was only because you had gov't granted rights to it.

With regard to land, are you saying original occupation and use of land doesn't create some form of "ownership" ?

For instance you occupy a piece of land, that isn't occupied by anyone else and you provide the labor to clear the land and then grow a garden, is that my garden or yours?
If you were capable of a real discussion you could discuss why you think it should be legal for adults to fuck children in your utopia.

If you had the wherewithal to comprehend and discuss what I'm saying rather than conflating what I'm saying that would be possible.

So let's begin...

A legal institution drawing a line in the sand does not mean that everybody on one side of the line magically has the ability to consent and everybody on the other side does not. Would you agree or disagree with that ?
Why don't you go homestead a fucking asteroid then?

There is no unoccupied land and there has not been any for all of recorded history.

There are millions of acres which are unoccupied, the ownership and homesteading of that unoccupied land is violently opposed government!

I win!!! Again !!!!
Do you deny that you have expressed the belief that if gov't interfered with an adult having sex with a child, that it would be against your nonaggression principal?
There are millions of acres which are unoccupied, the ownership and homesteading of that unoccupied land is violently opposed government!

I win!!! Again !!!!
No, you only disregard the fact that 100 million native Americans were slaughtered by said gov't.
If you had the wherewithal to comprehend and discuss what I'm saying rather than conflating what I'm saying that would be possible.

So let's begin...

A legal institution drawing a line in the sand does not mean that everybody on one side of the line magically has the ability to consent and everybody on the other side does not. Would you agree or disagree with that ?
Well then
When in your opinion can a child of 13 consent to having sex with an adult?
You will notice that these asshats have spent hours attacking a person's character and not even seconds discussing the political situation.

What a waste of time. I am gonna finish building the roof of my shed today.
We can both agree that building the roof on a shed would be a better use of our time.

I have now agreed with something you said solely on the basis of it making sense. You should try that when having these conversations, because playing devil's advocate on every question in every way forever is no way to live. That goes double for Mr. Institutionalized.
You are fighting a good fight and making a lot of sense, but I don't think it is helping. I, nonetheless, applaud you.

Rob Roy has some good views up to a point. We need to have a military, we need police, courts and a judical system as a society. Government is absolutely necessary up to a point. However, I completely agree with him in the fact that government has gotten way to far into our lives. And by inserting itself into our lives it has caused and is causing problems.

Abandon would be fighting a good fight if he actually addressed the issues rather than endlessly repeating the pedo shit...
Rob Roy has some good views up to a point. We need to have a military, we need police, courts and a judical system as a society. Government is absolutely necessary up to a point. However, I completely agree with him in the fact that government has gotten way to far into our lives. And by inserting itself into our lives it has caused and is causing problems.

Abandon would be fighting a good fight if he actually addressed the issues rather than endlessly repeating the pedo shit...
Well if Rob Roy would admit that he wants it to be legal to fuck kids, we wouldn't be asking him to clarify his position. He has never answered the v question.
Rob Roy has some good views up to a point. We need to have a military, we need police, courts and a judical system as a society. Government is absolutely necessary up to a point. However, I completely agree with him in the fact that government has gotten way to far into our lives. And by inserting itself into our lives it has caused and is causing problems.

Abandon would be fighting a good fight if he actually addressed the issues rather than endlessly repeating the pedo shit...

you and rob roy are both dyed in the wool white supremacists.
No, you only disregard the fact that 100 million native Americans were slaughtered by said gov't.

The government did play a part to be sure but the Spanish people seem to be just EVIL when it came to killing the american natives. Being part native American myself I sure can see the Spanish as the most evil of all races. What should we do with these evil fucks?