Underrated strains. Underhyped strains that produce the goods.


Well-Known Member
How about a list of what you have had luck with, whthor its freebies or strains you thought wouldnt cut it but really were great.
I would say for mine afghani, im only grown a few freebie afghanis and the smell, potency and yeild were pretty damn special. Almost a favourite and better than the seeds i purchased.

Anyway what strains do you think are underhyped and killer?
Bodhi Satsuma

High yields of either orange candy/citrus rinds or complex floral/hashy flavors.
Buds aren't rock-hard, but the flavors are very addictive + great daytime smoke(not sleepy 1-2 hr later)

How long did they take in bloom, KN? Have you also ran Blood Orange? Those were a big zero for me, but I have a few Satsuma planned for a fall run, perhaps.
Bodhi Satsuma

High yields of either orange candy/citrus rinds or complex floral/hashy flavors.
Buds aren't rock-hard, but the flavors are very addictive + great daytime smoke(not sleepy 1-2 hr later)

Lol right when I clicked on this I mockingly thought "what about bohdi" and sure enough... Bohdi and sannies has like a Bernie sanders style following.
You would be able to say they are under hyped, except for those twenty guys that are over hyping them lol their pictures are very lackluster and I just don't see the appeal
All nirvana genetics are underrated. Aurora indica is their best.

Same with nirvana very boring pictures, no zing. Also only available through his own site right? Too many "eh it was mediocre" reports for me...i think this is a loaded question anything underrated has proven to earn that bad rating yet there will be some people that have found a great plant and not understand why it's disliked. I think you can take any strain and eventually get a good pheno.

For instance I ran a barneys pineapple chunk that was a monster plant, good grower, final product was straight pineapple tropical fruit and it transferred into the taste probably better than anything I've ever smoked.... All I found on riu and the net was about 80 percent to 90 prevent negative reviews.
Lol right when I clicked on this I mockingly thought "what about bohdi" and sure enough... Bohdi and sannies has like a Bernie sanders style following.
You would be able to say they are under hyped, except for those twenty guys that are over hyping them lol their pictures are very lackluster and I just don't see the appeal

Bodhi in general is NOT underrated as he gets all sorts of love here and elsewhere, but a specific strain (like Satsuma) can be underrated. There has been very little chatter about Satsuma that I can recall...at least on RIU.
Lol right when I clicked on this I mockingly thought "what about bohdi" and sure enough... Bohdi and sannies has like a Bernie sanders style following.
You would be able to say they are under hyped, except for those twenty guys that are over hyping them lol their pictures are very lackluster and I just don't see the appeal

could not have said any better....
its almost embarrassing...
definitely turns me away from popping my bodhi's.....
but i do see some good pics from bodhi every now and then...
you mean, too much nut swingers??
bodhi still cool... but its people like you, makes me want to give away my bodhi's......
always looking for handouts...

Right, but you'll buy a $300 pack of untested seeds that you can't afford and force your poor wife to live on Ramen noodles for a month....cuz they're "cool".

Are you 14? My daughter is the same way with shoes and clothes. She won't wear something if too many other people are wearing them. I suspect you'll both grow out of this...
Right, but you'll buy a $300 pack of untested seeds that you can't afford and force your poor wife to live on Ramen noodles for a month....cuz they're "cool".
Are you 14? My daughter is the same way with shoes and clothes. She won't wear something if too many other people are wearing them. I suspect you'll both grow out of this...

your cool...
stay cheap...