run your havoc under water lol
true story: took the ladder to his above ground pool sunk his havoc under it and turned it on.
you can look in to water chllier's+ radiators if you don't mind condensation dripping on your plants.
That's only for people who don't understand that the dehuey cycle involves heat as much as moisture removal.
You sound like you have some personal experience with environmental water chilling?
no, I do not. I can turn on an A/C, and set a temp.
ive seen all kinds of things done though, the Ice box with ice with two 8'' 90 elbows even held beer!
I'm not good at those things. I use my home A/C and an old server rack spot cooler. I dunno why I said old cause it not really. anyways it works great.
Then if you don't have experience with the technology, why denigrate it?
confused: did say it was, a bad solution. I suggested it, as desperate resolution. to a problem, problem.
For a 4 lamp grow?Water chilling is substantially more efficient than AC
For a 4 lamp grow?
Because you could cool the room in question for 240 bucks with 12k btu of a/c.Sure. Why not?
Because you could cool the room in question for 240 bucks with 12k btu of a/c.
Draw air from outside your tent. Your fans are mounted directly on the hoods, pulling your air conditioned air out of the tent an probably bringing hot ambient air into the tent...negative pressure. The easy fix would be to connect duct to fans that is run outside the tent but i would recommend rotating the hoods so the duct connections face each other.Excuse the loose wires nothing tied down yet just been doing temp test. This is my first grow so all help is greatly appreciate.
My huds are sealed. I have fans blowing across my lights which are both exhausted outside of the room I'm running a fan on each light. My A/C's have insulated ducting on they don't feel hot at all they're also both being exhausted outside. I could put them outside of the room didn't think of it at first but I honestly don't feel that they're giving off much heat at all. Thank you all for your responses.
Sure. Why not?
Water chilling is an owsome Idea, the only thing that stops me is the uint size and installation....
If I would go with one I would go for OptiClimate,, check it out on youtube TTY..