Can you go on 2 months without weed in order to sacrifice towards growth?


Well-Known Member
He has plenty of room for ya
Yo u got my back bro? I meeting cat lady and aome random dude who wants blow.

Cat lady is free as fuck. Thinm her bf found out we been fucking. This day will be great pr end in a bad fight.

I told her friend u come here n fucboi ahit happens im gutting u in a fully packed bar or not.
He goes ok and cst lady vouched fkr hjm.

I thinm this is gunna end bad. Im bringing my piece


Well-Known Member
I smoke for medical reasons so my options are: not smoke be in pain and never sleep/eat, take Xanax and norcs everyday for anxiety and pain respectively followed by sleeping pills to get to sleep, or I can smoke about 1-2 grams a day and avoid all the prescriptions while still eating and sleeping.

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