Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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I'm with you buddy,

they only want "official or credible sites" aka sites that's are government own. Of course there are no public figures in medicine, education and scientific field that will admit on Record that the earth is flat... reason being is because the elite ruling class will silence anyone who speaks the truth.

Don't worry though, those who are aware will be reading this

Sadly you are right. Thanks, it is nice to know that I am not the only sane person on this plane.
Yes I do find it incredible that we are supposedly rotating at 1000 plus miles an hour at the equator and the massive oceans are not flung off into outer space because of some magical theory called gravity that has not been proven. Meanwhile this super strong force strong enough to keep this from happening does not squash me like a bug. Quite the contrary, smoke rises from chimneys and dandylion seeds float around unaffected by this supposed gravitational force.

Gravity works proportionally on the mass of an object, the larger the mass the stronger the pull of gravity. It's why non-flying insects can walk on walls and ceilings, gravity has the slightest of pulls because they have such little mass. The ocean is VERY massive, you are very tiny. So, the force of gravity works less on you than it does the ocean. Idiot. Seriously, dude you are starting to make me nauseous, more so for your lack of humility than your shocking lack of basic science knowledge. You missed a LOT in school, I sincerely hope you take some HS level classes before embarrassing yourself any further...
Well then why don't you accept gravity? Because the arrangement of gases in our atmosphere in relation to their specific densities is solely due to gravitational force.
Our atmosphere is quite constant in composition through its thickness. The forces of diffusion and convection are much to strong at our temperatures and pressures to cause stratification by component density.
Our atmosphere is quite constant in composition through its thickness. The forces of diffusion and convection are much to strong at our temperatures and pressures to cause stratification by component density.

Thanks for that reply. I will study it thoroughly. That seems like a valid argument worth consideration.
Gravity works proportionally on the mass of an object, the larger the mass the stronger the pull of gravity. It's why non-flying insects can walk on walls and ceilings, gravity has the slightest of pulls because they have such little mass. The ocean is VERY massive, you are very tiny. So, the force of gravity works less on you than it does the ocean. Idiot. Seriously, dude you are starting to make me nauseous, more so for your lack of humility than your shocking lack of basic science knowledge. You missed a LOT in school, I sincerely hope you take some HS level classes before embarrassing yourself any further...

Another feeble ad hominem attack. Prove your self styled genius and refute me with logic and scientific proof rather than insist I am uneducated. That seems to be your only defense here.

I'll make another appeal to common sense: That is why I call it magical. It's ''proportional effect.'' Gravity has a size sensor? BULLSHIT.
Another feeble ad hominem attack. Prove your self styled genius and refute me with logic and scientific proof rather than insist I am uneducated. That seems to be your only defense here.

I'll make another appeal to common sense: That is why I call it magical. It's ''proportional effect.'' Gravity has a size sensor? BULLSHIT.

This level of ignorance is faith. You can't fight it. So I meme.
Some refer to it as an oblate spheroid because it is slightly wider and the equator. It is really not perceptible to the naked eye, and pear shaped is way off, can't remember which fool said that. I wouldn't say MOST here would agree that the moon landings were faked, but it is a frightening percentage. If this is your view, this is definitely the thread for you. Welcome to Hell...
I'm not sure but I think isaac newton was the first to say the earth was a spheroid you could look it up. Why are you so mad bro? Is it because the earth is flat and and you want to live on a round one? Why does an astronaut, astrophysicist and psychologist such as yourself spend so much time in toke and talk.
Wait a minute here. Because somebody told you the earth is round you believe it. I would call that faith. ''scientists say'' can easily be replaced with ''the bible says'' they both appear to be religious dogma in this thread.

The difference between science and scripture is that science has as its basis repeatable, demonstrable result of empirical experiment.

You can't prove faith.
You mean they don't use 2x4 construction anymore?

I like her haircut. I wore mine past my butt for many years. Maybe ultra short is the way to go now?
When I was a builder I learned all these really cool tricks to make the job easier. If you take a hammer and give a firm grip like you were grabbing cannabineers cock and smack the wall with it repeatedly, do this until you make a six inch hole. Then you can stick your arm in there and check for 2x4s. Its a really easy fix because you just hang a picture over it and nobody would ever know. All the cool people are shaving their heads and spray painting hair on. You can thank me later.
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