Well-Known Member
ahh just saw this...oh no, I don't want to kill everything. I sat still and did nothing with the soil today so I could research more about this. The soil IS fine to use as is, however it is my understanding that if I had chosen to pasturize at 140 degrees beneficial microbes would survive, and any fungi, diseases, insects (anything unwanted in the soil) would die. Keeping the bag open today reduced the strong odor significantly. I am putting one of my seedlings in the soil tomorrow with a seedling mix as a top layer. I will test how she does for a week before putting the other girls in. We are all here to learn, test, experiment so we can pass knowledge along. Let's not fight, let's respect one another 'cause no matter what info. we get here we should always research and test for ourselves. Much peace and grow love to all, and thanks for the feedback.
DON'T layer...
just don't