Light ???

@churchhaze has been increasingly out to lunch on this subject over the past couple of years. He's even gotten angry and made personal attacks.

I've laid eyeballs on @RM3's op and it works very well for what he wants; high quality, with plenty enough quantity to serve his needs- which includes smoking out as many friends as he can invite over, lol.

Is it scalable to megawatts? I doubt it, but since when was that an essential criteria for a fucking personal grow?!
Yea, that croc humper dude was giving me grief because I grow in a cabinet.

I told him that fire is fire. Small grows don't equal bad smoke because they are small. Actually quite the contrary. I have to push that small space hard and every nug has to be good.

I could easily scale up.
everyone knows I have NEVER said this LOL
Please keep in mind this is the very thread where he suffered his initial trauma and just can't help himself with the strawman attack reaction. It's a bit like with Gary Busy, only ok to laugh when he is actually trying to be funny.

Yea, that croc humper dude was giving me grief because I grow in a cabinet.
For your 2x4' cabinet? yeah that is just a kiddy setup compared to his 2x4' tent :lol:
Please keep in mind this is the very thread where he suffered his initial trauma and just can't help himself with the strawman attack reaction. It's a bit like with Gary Busy, only ok to laugh when he is actually trying to be funny.

For your 2x4' cabinet? yeah that is just a kiddy setup compared to his 2x4' tent :lol:
Apparently he blows mobile homes out.

He just wouldn't understand that fire is fire. I don't care where it was grown.

I got hooked in the t5. The mixed spectrum is awesome. The 10,000k, pure par, and pure UV are some good bulbs. I can tell a huge difference in them.

I was toying with the idea of running a 600 air cooled hid in my 2x4. Plus a couple of the t5 bulbs. That would be pushing that space to the limit.
Apparently he blows mobile homes out.

He just wouldn't understand that fire is fire. I don't care where it was grown.

I got hooked in the t5. The mixed spectrum is awesome. The 10,000k, pure par, and pure UV are some good bulbs. I can tell a huge difference in them.

I was toying with the idea of running a 600 air cooled hid in my 2x4. Plus a couple of the t5 bulbs. That would be pushing that space to the limit.

I'd suggest a 315W CMH system instead.
He was growing in a 2x4 or so tent about a year ago, those pics I've seen, the rest is more likely in his head or he stole some pics from a buddy at his home-trailerpark.

I was toying with the idea of running a 600 air cooled hid in my 2x4. Plus a couple of the t5 bulbs. That would be pushing that space to the limit.
I used to run 600 in 3x4' flower closet but rebuild to 4x4' for convenience. 600w on 3x3 works too with good venting but is pushing it already, at 1sqft less and T5 that would be pushing a little over the top I think. Cmh 315 + T5 could work nicely though.

I totally understand the space limit. When you grow for personal use in a limited space you want to pull the most quality bud from a space. I hardly even weigh anything anymore. With different varieties or females and males, at different stages, there's little point. As long as my jars are filled and I got some seeds.
He was growing in a 2x4 or so tent about a year ago, those pics I've seen, the rest is more likely in his head or he stole some pics from a buddy at his home-trailerpark.

I used to run 600 in 3x4' flower closet but rebuild to 4x4' for convenience. 600w on 3x3 works too with good venting but is pushing it already, at 1sqft less and T5 that would be pushing a little over the top I think. Cmh 315 + T5 could work nicely though.

I totally understand the space limit. When you grow for personal use in a limited space you want to pull the most quality bud from a space. I hardly even weigh anything anymore. With different varieties or females and males, at different stages, there's little point. As long as my jars are filled and I got some seeds.
I grow outdoors guerilla to.
IMG_20160519_180340112.jpg IMG_20160519_190035774.jpg
I got pot. I just like going against the grain.

I like the t5. Just tossing the ideas around for more power.
Everyone has something to learn from other growers? Look at his profile... He's following 0 people while 70 people follow him.
not sure how that's relevant, I don't "follow" anyone either.
Just being a neutral bystander here.
that being said I use two 600w HIDs, one mh, one hps.
I'm always postin pics 8)
I still think you should move close to me or on my farm in ky, and teach me HOW TO GROW INDOOR WEED we would have a blast.sounds great don't it LOL .I just wish I could grow indoor half as good as you for I think from what I have sean on this site from you your one of the 1 percent of the if you ever wount to move to ky, you got free land here to live on for FREE leasons..LOL
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Hey @RM3

Grow 2 with my t5 augmentation. Will tweak a little more next grow. Definitely getting increased frost.


I am using ATIs product. How often do you change the bulbs?
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Once a year for all but UV/actinic then every 6 months

You realize that @Sativied has been smashing you on other threads indirectly, right? He keeps trashing people for using 4000k because it has too much blue. He doesn't want to call you out personally because you guys are buddies, but if you read the thread clearly, it's clear that even he thinks you're full of shit. (WAY TOO MUCH BLUE)
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Okay well I'm just putting it out there. @Sativied is very inconsistent with his arguments and anything he says should be taken with a grain of salt.

It's clear his arguments have nothing to do with "intellectual honesty", and everything to do with getting under people's skin. (that didn't take much work to find out)

If that wasn't the case, he would make the same arguments against RM3 for his overly expensive and overly blue lights as he does for the people using 4000k lamps. The reason he doesn't do this is because he's just a troll without any real arguments.

@RM3, sativied spent a few days talking about how 4000k has too much blue light and talked a lot of trash about people who used 4000k. If you had some common sense, you'd realize his argument is mainly toward you. @Sativied , be consistent if you want to sound like an honest person searching for the truth.
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Most experienced growers can see it on their own that RM3's advice is shit (who would give up their HPS for 32 dollar aquarium tubes?), but making yourself sound like an authority on the subject while trying to help noobs... you should really be scrutinized more, not less. Noobs are wasting money on expensive garbage because of this guy.

At least sativied knows to use an HPS, not to use blacklights, not to boil his roots, and to feed a balanced nutrition plan. Despite his horrible attitude, he rarely misleads noobs like RM3 does.