Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure you are voting for a woman married to a pedo and assaulter of women.

But who needs details..
"But who needs details." Especially when its all made up shit. You get your philosophy of life from reading Captain America and news from some really dodgy and unreliable half crazed bloggers who are also living off the earnings of their spouse and on welfare. You like to say that your are living the dream in some sort of cum induced bliss but really, your life seems a bit tawdry. It's OK, don't get me wrong, but you are not exactly making yourself out to be some fount of wisdom.

I've met people like you before and what I've always found is that they are so busy talking about themselves that they have no time to learn from others.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member

Click on photo for full story. TRUMP!

Police, protesters clash outside Trump's California rally; arrests made
Published May 25, 2016
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Can Trump win over minority voters?

Several protesters were arrested outside Donald Trump’s campaign rally Wednesday in Southern California, but a heavy police presence helped deter violent demonstrations like those that occurred the night before at a rally in New Mexico.

Police in Anaheim, Calif., where Wednesday's event was held, had warned anti-Trump protesters about clashing with law enforcement.

About 100 officers, including some in riot gear, lined up in preparation outside the Anaheim Convention Center, including dozens on horses -- a day after New Mexico protesters burned flags and pelted officers in riot gear with bottles and other debris.


Well-Known Member
It looks to me that Trump went to the belly of the beast and shut them fuckers down. Ye Haa. TRUMP!
Uh, no, he hid behind police horses. But it's OK, he's tearing the Republican party apart. When he loses in the fall, he will face two fraud trials. By the time its all over, Trump's name will be garbage. Its all falling into place and is wonderful.


Well-Known Member

Click on photo for full story. TRUMP!

Police, protesters clash outside Trump's California rally; arrests made
Published May 25, 2016
Facebook100 Twitter319 livefyre1800 Email Print

Can Trump win over minority voters?

Several protesters were arrested outside Donald Trump’s campaign rally Wednesday in Southern California, but a heavy police presence helped deter violent demonstrations like those that occurred the night before at a rally in New Mexico.

Police in Anaheim, Calif., where Wednesday's event was held, had warned anti-Trump protesters about clashing with law enforcement.

About 100 officers, including some in riot gear, lined up in preparation outside the Anaheim Convention Center, including dozens on horses -- a day after New Mexico protesters burned flags and pelted officers in riot gear with bottles and other debris.

I can understand the new Mexicans,....but residents ??? How about them ?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
has he been named in a lawsuit for raping a 13 year old girl repeatedly, while staying at the house of a convicted pedophile who was sentenced to prison for raping 14 year olds?

because trump has been named in a lawsuit for raping a 13 year old girl repeatedly, while staying at the house of a convicted pedophile who was sentenced to prison for raping 14 year olds.
Which lawsuit?


Well-Known Member
Uh, no, he hid behind police horses. But it's OK, he's tearing the Republican party apart. When he loses in the fall, he will face two fraud trials. By the time its all over, Trump's name will be garbage. Its all falling into place and is wonderful.

Did you see all that media coverage ? Me neither...........

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Uh, no, he hid behind police horses. But it's OK, he's tearing the Republican party apart. When he loses in the fall, he will face two fraud trials. By the time its all over, Trump's name will be garbage. Its all falling into place and is wonderful.
Sometimes Dreams come true. good luck with the crooked bitch. LOL TRUMP!

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
"But who needs details." Especially when its all made up shit. You get your philosophy of life from reading Captain America and news from some really dodgy and unreliable half crazed bloggers who are also living off the earnings of their spouse and on welfare. You like to say that your are living the dream in some sort of cum induced bliss but really, your life seems a bit tawdry. It's OK, don't get me wrong, but you are not exactly making yourself out to be some fount of wisdom.

I've met people like you before and what I've always found is that they are so busy talking about themselves that they have no time to learn from others.

I listen to all of you. I just disagree.

Its this same shit every couple weeks.

You guys attack me without knowing me. Then you get all weird and start trying to excuse your shit with more unsubstantiated claims of who i am.

Haters gonna hate.


Well-Known Member

I listen to all of you. I just disagree.

Its this same shit every couple weeks.

You guys attack me without knowing me. Then you get all weird and start trying to excuse your shit with more unsubstantiated claims of who i am.

Haters gonna hate.
Look, I read what you said and repeated it back to you. I'm not going to collect and cite your posts. I've my own perspective and from it I see a pretty tawdry life. Uninformed, ignorant and worse than that, completely baseless and hypocritical. I'm not saying its bad, its just nothing to recommend to anybody. Not only that, but you are one divorce or car accident or back injury to your husband from being in deep shit. I'm glad you are happy. But wisdom isn't your strong suit.

I'm also not saying you are stupid, just sort of lost in the same sort of delusion many people are in nowadays and a lot of them wake up too late to fix the problem. So they get angry like many Trump supporters. You are being fed bullshit from the right wing press and it's making you stupid.

Prove me wrong but you seem to be pretty much delusional.


Well-Known Member
Well I won't call you fat no more.
But then again who knows. You could of really ballooned up since then.
Dude, it wasn't funny or even pertinent to the topic. Just saying, there is plenty of material available for discussion without making shit up.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Look, I read what you said and repeated it back to you. I'm not going to collect and cite your posts. I've my own perspective and from it I see a pretty tawdry life. Uninformed, ignorant and worse than that, completely baseless and hypocritical. I'm not saying its bad, its just nothing to recommend to anybody. Not only that, but you are one divorce or car accident or back injury to your husband from being in deep shit. I'm glad you are happy. But wisdom isn't your strong suit.

I'm also not saying you are stupid, just sort of lost in the same sort of delusion many people are in nowadays and a lot of them wake up too late to fix the problem. So they get angry like many Trump supporters. You are being fed bullshit from the right wing press and it's making you stupid.

Prove me wrong but you seem to be pretty much delusional.
We have insurance and extended disability. Life insurance too. We'll be fine.

Again, you dont know much about me except my posting. Half of them are laced with sarcasm.

Delusional because i am content? I have a husband who loves me, a beautiful daughter, an extended family that lives close and a little house to call my own.

Look my husband could be worth 26 dollars an hour but he was a dumbass and fucked himself out of it. Then we had to pick ourselves back up.

I have never voted for bush, romney, clinton, or obama.

Somehow my 3 votes make you guys really angry/disgusted/annoyed. I find that amusing. So much negative energy.

If trump is a pedo than bill is 10 times the pedo. Way more evidence of bills indiscretions over the years.

I do not like hillary. I think she is a liar, a con artist and a crook.

So now i am left with trump and hillary. So i compare, and let me tell you, hillarys shit doesnt smell like roses.
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