Jail Gets a Bad Rap

If you get a date to argue this in Federal Court, please give me the time and date. Hey Gar (@Gary Goodson ), can I couch surf?

@pabloesqobar up for a field trip?

Hah, that would be interesting to watch. But I doubt he'll get the chance to argue his case on the merits. Hell, even if he somehow "wins", I don't see how he's gonna prove damages.
You know everything I post is either bullshit, lies, or jokes right?
but this whole time I thot u also had a 'real' aspect too, like when you're cookin'. i can be naive at times.

Even when I said "ya sick fuck" I was saying it like I would to a homie irl.
yea, i get it my-gruh ! no problemo there.

you probably know i've been voluntarily advocating for FinShaggy Productions, Holmes, and somehow mistakenly viewed what you were saying as part of a lineage of a long bad joke, where images of our man f''s family have been desecrated and he's been taunted by certain members about his own people for years. maybe i shouldn't care, it's none of my business. back to anything goes..

Nah, fam is fair game as long as their of age. mom is a meff head, ...

Fkn Gary,
I wanted to believe that! ;) *gives gary 'real' musky bbq bro hug*
I het you are a generous and grateful love gare.

Would uou like to make love?

And I said this before, but I just think it needs to be said again. Our Church has already won in the 5th Circuit court of appeals against the DEA, so to beat me the City would have to beat me in Federal Court, then beat me on Appeal in a court that has already ruled in our favor (Meaning they would have to overturn precedent, making their fight an uphill one) and they would have to do all that more effectively than the DEA was able to.

What church was that? Do you have a citation for the case they won?