Donald Trump

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I didn't see you give a name. You are dodging the opportunity to show your support for your candidate like a draft dodger. Are you sure you severed your country or did you just make that shit up? TRUMP!
served .
I will support and vote for anyone running besides TRUMP
You just can't say it, I know its hard to do but I thought you were stronger than that. military guys are usually strong. What the fuck happened to you? TRUMP!

are you going to have a heart attack?

you're going to break your gay lover's heart if you don't calm down, old man.
You just can't say it, I know its hard to do but I thought you were stronger than that. military guys are usually strong. What the fuck happened to you? TRUMP!
Only an idiot would vote for Trump. You are an idiot, who's barely smarter than a fish. My vote will go to the last Dem standing. Both their policies are much better than Trumps. Do you care to discuss policies ? or is that too much for a highschool drop out ?
Only an idiot would vote for Trump. You are an idiot, who's barely smarter than a fish. My vote will go to the last Dem standing. Both there policies are much better than Trumps. Do you care to discuss policies ? or is that too much for a highschool drop out ?

You just can't say it. Thats funny. A pussy will say mommy, but a coward will run and hide. good luck with the crooked bitch. TRUMP!
You just can't say it. Thats funny. A pussy will say mommy, but a coward will run and hide. good luck with the crooked bitch. TRUMP!
How will you feel when you call her President Clinton ? I'm glad you know what a coward does. Is that what you did when you dropped out of highschool ? run and hide.
How will you feel when you call her President Clinton ? I'm glad you know what a coward does. Is that what you did when you dropped out of highschool ? run and hide.

A coward does what you are doing, being afraid to man up.
When I left school I went to work and now I live the dream. TRUMP!
A coward does what you are doing, being afraid to man up.
When I left school I went to work and now I live the dream. TRUMP!
you the coward who avoided serving his country after dropping out of highschool. I simple signature from mom and dad could have had you in at 17.
Your dream is to count Hispanic babies in a hospital ?
Keep beating your dicks to the thoughts of tiny shriveled penises.

It is amusing and slightly arousing.
clearly you are too stupid to see how this works.

you are so desperate and pathetic that you think allegations are facts. so i am just using your own logic.

so i allege that you have a tiny, shriveled penis which is always flaccid and it is now fact unles syou prove otherwise. ditto your fat, fat wife and the fact that you have gay sex with men on the fishing boat you inherited from your daddy.

and since blowjobs are rape, you are a rapist for receiving blowjobs from the gay men you invite to be alone at sea with you on the fishing boat you inherited from your daddy.

nitro harley is a rapist and his wife crushes him like a twig.
So you think it is just a coincidence that so many women have accused bill of assaulting them?

How many women do you suppose DIDN'T say anything.

Wasnt there a rape thread on here where we discussed how not all rape victims report?

Didnt we also discuss the REASONS women dont report?

Intimidation, guilt, embarrassment, reliving the experience, accusations...
weren't you a runaway? probably had a lot of gay sex with men to get by i imagine.

then you inherited a boat from your daddy. probably had more gay sex with men that way.

not that there's anything wrong with that.


I believe your Obamacare should cover some kind of therapy for the night mare you are experiencing at home poopy pants. I feel for you dude. TRUMP!
you the coward who avoided serving his country after dropping out of highschool. I simple signature from mom and dad could have had you in at 17.
Your dream is to count Hispanic babies in a hospital ?

You must be all spun up for a smart fucker. Your spelling is really going down the shitter . Did you shake like that when you served? Take a deep breath and try to gather your self up. TRUMP!

Washington Post buries its own poll! Trump beats Hillary, but magicians at the Post make it go away
May 23, 2016 | Carmine Sabia | SHARE 524


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The Washington Post clearly lost its collective head when Donald Trump came out ahead of Hillary Clinton in its latest poll.

But, the liberals at the Post marched forward with a plan.

“Poll: Election 2016 shapes up as a contest of negatives,” is the headline the Post choose rather than mentioning the fact that Trump gained 11 points to overcome a double-digit Clinton lead from its previous poll.

In fact, it went so far as to not even mention that Trump came out ahead in the poll for a full five paragraphs.

Writers, Dan Balz and Scott Clement, followed it with a paragraph to assuage their Democrat biased minds.

Nonetheless, Clinton is rated ahead of Trump across a range of attributes and issues, and she is seen as having superior experience, temperament and personality to be president. Trump is viewed as unqualified by a majority of adults, but he has strong appeal to voters as the anti-Clinton candidate who can bring change to Washington in an election year in which outsiders have thrived.

The Post even conducted a poll to see what would happen in a three-way race that included Mitt Romney to highlight division in the Republican Party.

Interestingly, they didn’t do a poll on what would happen in a three-way race that included Bernie Sanders.

Liberal spin at its most blatant.
You must be all spun up for a smart fucker. Your spelling is really going down the shitter . Did you shake like that when you served? Take a deep breath and try to gather your self up. TRUMP!
Stop babbling and have meaning when you post.
"Did you shake like that when you served". WTF does that even mean.
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