Donald Trump

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That diploma sure did pay off. Got me in the USAF. Enabled me to go to college and complete OTS.
Have you learned the difference yet between college and collage ? Please don't quit being a fisherman like you quit highschool.

You don't need to worry about me. I am sure you have more important things to worry about like how you are going to help the bitch from being crushed in a short time if her numbers keep crashing like this last week. Good luck with the crooked bitch. TRUMP!
My favorite place to have sex on. His boat/wife is the small of her back. What am I saying there is nothing small on that boat/wife.

I was going to respond to your post but you edited it just in time. It would of been a good one. I changed it back the way you had it so I could LOL. TRUMP!
I'm glad you can take a joke. Vote on Nitro. All bullshit aside I hope both candidates can drop the big talk and do something. I really hope trump legalizes or at least stays hands off the states. The wall isn't happening and hopefully he does raise taxes on the wealthy. If the man wins I hope he has at least enough common sense not to start a war and reign in bad finance.
I predict this retarded thread gets locked the fuck up shortly before midnight Nov. 8th...I'd almost guarantee it...Rump

The sooner the better. Rump has no national or international political experience and is just saying what ever will get the media to talk about him more so that the brainwashed citizens will believe he will do anything worth while with the "Legal person" called the United States.

Rump's stance on marijuana legalization... "I have heard good things and bad things about it coming from Colorado." (In other words... No comment.)
I did give a name. Not my fault you don't know who still running.
Coward is a pussy like you who refused to serve his country.

I didn't see you give a name. You are dodging the opportunity to show your support for your candidate like a draft dodger. Are you sure you severed your country or did you just make that shit up? TRUMP!
I didn't see you give a name. You are dodging the opportunity to show your support for your candidate like a draft dodger. Are you sure you severed your country or did you just make that shit up? TRUMP!

what was the name of the last guy you had gay sex with on the fishing boat you inherited from your daddy?

not that there's anything wrong with that.

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