Donald Trump

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nitro harley

Well-Known Member
did you happen to notice me saying i was using your logic, rapist?
Poopy pants, You are burning down like the klan cross you adore so much. Have you been wearing the klan hat lately? Or are you afraid of a beat down by a black man like the other democratic idiot got on national TV? TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
Poopy pants, You are burning down like the klan cross you adore so much. Have you been wearing the klan hat lately? Or are you afraid of a beat down by a black man like the other democratic idiot got on national TV? TRUMP!
does your black son in law know that you called him a "low information voter" because of his skin color, or should i show him your post?

and is he aware that your tiny shriveled penis is always flaccid? and that you have gay sex with men on the fishing boat you inherited from your daddy?

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
After you finished "hook on phonics" did you have a graduation ceremony inviting all your friends and family ?
Hey smart fucker, To be honest there was several hundred people that watched me graduate , including my family members. And when the director of Harley Davidson gave me the top gun award for top student all the smart fuckers like you had to listen to me . Kinda like what you are doing now. TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
Hey smart fucker, To be honest there was several hundred people that watched me graduate , including my family members. And when the director of Harley Davidson gave me the top gun award for top student all the smart fuckers like you had to listen to me . Kinda like what you are doing now. TRUMP!
cool story bro. Now tell us what you did after you woke up from this dream.


Well-Known Member
I catch lots of seafood. And decades later I still catch lots of seafood. How's the laundry holding up? TRUMP!
holding up great. Very little work, with major pay off. Nice break after 22 years of military service.
My wife loves eating seafood, so keep up the good work. I'm glad that an uneducated highschool drop out can still find a way to contribute to society.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
holding up great. Very little work, with major pay off. Nice break after 22 years of military service.
My wife loves eating seafood, so keep up the good work. I'm glad that an uneducated highschool drop out can still find a way to contribute to society.
You can bet your ass I will keep up the good work. That diploma of yours is really fucken paying off. Good luck. TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
Trump really hasn't shown who he is yet.
He is going to alienate a lot of people who feel he is the candidate they want when he starts walking back his positions

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Trump really hasn't shown who he is yet.
He is going to alienate a lot of people who feel he is the candidate they want when he starts walking back his positions
Chesus, I don't think anybody cares about anything but winning. If he just built the wall anything else wouldn't matter. If Trump went back and forth on other things, That is called making a deal and moving forward. imo TRUMP!
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