Donald Trump

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Fuck , what the fuck happened to the big point spread? Its only been a week or so. TRUMP!
Well, how the hell is your pecker working? the doc said I have the blood pressure of a twenty year old and my dick seems to act like it. So we are good. TRUMP!

yeah, good luck winnning without florida ohio and pennsylvania, old racist loser.

and no one can take your word on anything. so until you prove otherwise, we are all forced to conclude that your anger is caused by your tiny penis, which is shriveled and always flaccid.
yeah, good luck winnning without florida ohio and pennsylvania, old racist loser.

and no one can take your word on anything. so until you prove otherwise, we are all forced to conclude that your anger is caused by your tiny penis, which is shriveled and always flaccid.

Trump should win all three of those states. Sorry about your fucking luck buck. I don't think Hillary can take six months of Trump. She looks scared and fragile and could have a health problem at any moment. I think the dope she's on is going to make her have a mini stroke. Karma is a bitch , but she is a bitch so good luck with her numbers because at this rate she will be at zero by july. imo TRUMP!
Trump should win all three of those states. Sorry about your fucking luck buck. I don't think Hillary can take six months of Trump. She looks scared and fragile and could have a health problem at any moment. I think the dope she's on is going to make her have a mini stroke. Karma is a bitch , but she is a bitch so good luck with her numbers because at this rate she will be at zero by july. imo TRUMP!

when did your penis become so tiny, shriveled, and always flaccid?
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hey see4 how many businesses could trump have declared bankruptcy on, compared to how many times he actually did? are you making a "mountain out of a molehill"?

Hillary Clinton has gone bankrupt ZERO times. Bernie Sanders has gone bankrupt ZERO times. Donald Trump has gone bankrupt ELEVEN times that we know of.

No mountains, no molehills, no cute political cartoons. Just facts.
Hillary Clinton has gone bankrupt ZERO times. Bernie Sanders has gone bankrupt ZERO times. Donald Trump has gone bankrupt ELEVEN times that we know of.

No mountains, no molehills, no cute political cartoons. Just facts.

and he paid zero dollars in taxes for years and years and years, even though he claimed he was worth $200 million.

now we know why he doesn't want to release his taxes.
That means he now knows what not to do in certain areas, I certainly don`t want a person under investigation, has lied and covered them, and claimed to be broke after several 6 figure speeches. Or, Someone that can`t seem to give an order to his crew without consultation.

The solution is not to put career politicians in charge anymore, Both Democrats fall short of that mark. 11 times bankrupt and worth hundreds of millions,....that`s not bad at all.

That means 11 times he squandered other people's money for personal financial gain. And you think that's a good thing. And this is why I don't take you seriously.
It means he is familiar with the process and at his level, 3 billion over his career may not be much. I can say that career politicians over the last 20 years have let us into debt our grandchildren will be paying off and that don`t look as promising as a man that lost some and made much more. A made up mind is closed. So....that`s expected. Hillary and Sanders have failed to make up my mind in their favor. That`s not Donald`s fault.
Let me reduce your ignorance a little bit. Republicans led us there. Bill Clinton oversaw a balanced budget and Obama has been reducing the deficit throughout his term. Reagan, Bush 1 and especially Bush 2 absolutely crushed this country with deficit spending.

The Donald promises more of the same. I'm not sure you can sound out more than a few words an hour, so I'll see if I can find a cartoon that helps describe his plans for ballooning the deficit for you.
That means he now knows what not to do in certain areas, I certainly don`t want a person under investigation, has lied and covered them, and claimed to be broke after several 6 figure speeches. Or, Someone that can`t seem to give an order to his crew without consultation.

The solution is not to put career politicians in charge anymore, Both Democrats fall short of that mark. 11 times bankrupt and worth hundreds of millions,....that`s not bad at all.
Dude, ignorance is not a virtue. Ignorance does nothing to help a person make good decisions, to the contrary, it leads them to making bad ones. Ignorance is why white crackers are failing in today's world. His ignorance is why Trump has actually lost more money than he has accrued over his career.
As SEC/State Hillary and crew lost near 3 billion in spent money receipts,...still missing today,...I should pick her instead ?
Yep, because what you reference has nothing to do with Clinton. Although the masses of ignoramuses want to pin it on her. Sorry chump, wanting it to be so doesn't make it a reality. You can try closing your eyes, clicking your ruby slippers together and making a wish if you like but it won't change the facts. But ignoramuses from a failing sub population of humanity can't tell a fact from a fart.
So, fart on.
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