Jail Gets a Bad Rap

If anyone in Austin would like to peacefully protest the way they treat Religious Materials as if they are drugs, leave a note or bring a sign or organize a protest at 812 Springdale Austin Tx. Be peaceful.
The Narcotics Conspiracy Sergeant told me to go up to Austin's Forensic Lab yesterday, so I went (details in an earlier post). Then he told me to go back up there today to get my stuff, so I went.

First they just seemed confused, then they tried to have someone tell me they don't keep things there, so I showed them the email where the Narcotics Conspiracy Sergeant told me it was there. Then they had someone else come out and tell me the chemist wasn't there, then I told him to just go get my shit, so they called out a cop and a detective and I talked to them and we called the Sergeant and I have to go up next week to get it because the chemist wasn't there.
What does a chemist have to do with confiscated property? That stuff is usually kept with the evidence and property sergeant.
These Police are lucky I know the law and am willing to work through it with them until they understand it. Imagine if they did all this to a crazy person.
What does a chemist have to do with confiscated property? That stuff is usually kept with the evidence and property sergeant.
I went to the property place yesterday and they said they didn't have it. It was still in the lab, in the chemist locker, even though it has theoretically been released.
And it's all Nootropics (brain food) that I use as a Neurospiritualist, so that's why the lab had it. It's tons of molecules they've probably never seen before this.
The Corruption case against Collin County Texas


Corruption in Collin County/Texas Government

Rick Perry
Kirk Watson
Mary Ann Wiley
David L Botsford

Ken Paxton
Eldorado-Collin L.P.
Cornerstone Development
Chicago Title Insurance Co.
Collin County Appraisal District
Unity Resources LLC
WatchGuard Video
Enforcement Video LP
Greg Willis
Don Day
Byron Cook
Anthony Holm
Dan Cogdell
Terri Moore
Ted Cruz
Dan Patrick
Howard Hamilton
Judge Willis
Servergy Inc.
William Mapp
Joel Hochberg

Jason Gray
Jason Cooley
Ty Lake
Joe Williams
Todd Philips
Cheree Bontrager
Geralyn Kever

John Roach
Judge Sandoval
Judge Roach Jr.
Patricia Wysong Crigger
Hannah Kunkle
Rebecca Littrell
Sherry Bell

Kerrie Walker
Curtis Howard

Dwayne Henderson

Rick Perry threatened to, and did because if personal disputes with other officials, use his office to veto otherwise passable bills and coerced an official into resignation.

Ken Paxton & Byron Cook voted for spending bills that gave state business WatchGuard video which they own stock in. Byron Cook is on the board of WatchGuard and Ken Paxton helped form the company and loaned it money. WatchGuard was contracted to provide cameras to McKinney Police.

El Dorado-Collin, a company Ken Paxton and Greg Willis are partners in, bought land from North Dallas Loan and Trust, then lobbied to rezone it. Days after rezoning it sold the land to Cornerstone development who used a company Ken Paxton has interest in called Chicago Title Insurance Co., cornerstone then sold the land to Mckinney's appraisal district, who Paxton was aware the whole time wanted to buy the land.

1 Grand Jury in Collin county has:
5 members from one church, the pastor is the Foreman, 2 associate pastors are jurors and 2 more church members are on the same jury. One juror hosted a fund raiser for Greg Willis in her home and donated to Ken Paxton's campaign, one supported Greg Willis' campaign. 2 have served on the executive committee of the Collin county Republican Party.

2nd Grand Jury in Collin county:
The foreman and vice foreman were actively involved in Ken Paxton's campaign.

http://www.leagle.com/decision/19801200446US754_11169/HANRAHAN v. HAMPTON
Also, depending if the seeds I had for the 200+ species of plants are still viable or not, they will possibly have to pay for all new seeds, and since I am missing a grow season they will owe me for this season. I'll look at the most recent farm bill to calculate what they should pay.
And just for anyone that somehow still thinks I don't know what I am talking about, all this stuff happens, but I am getting everything back. I beat the Marijuana case everyone on this site said I would never beat, and I literally have 0 convictions on my record.
And I still don't understand how someone can see someone practicing a Religion in Colorado and it's ok, but if they see the same thing in Texas they think that it is a crime just because there is a Marijuana law. That's not how it works.
If anyone ever goes to court, don't let them try to make the case be about determining whether or not you broke the letter of the law. Make it about whether the law is a constitutionally viable law, or if it should be overturned.

You can challenge a law either on its face, or as applied.

Once I finish the 2 Texas lawsuits that I have to do (one I am already started with, filed and everything) I will be challenging the Controlled Substances Act on its face.
And btw, the Narcotics Conspiracy Sergeant sent me this today:

Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point -C.S. Lewis