Donald Trump

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Nope, To clarify, I am saying that in an unequal relationship, where the man is the breadwinner and the woman would be impoverished if he left her, the dynamic is complicated when personal services are being rendered. When the two are on an equal footing, these complications go away

Woman is obligated to give husband pleasure when she is not the bread winner or he will leave her.

When she makes money any sex is free of obligation.
Wait a minute,....The GOP made Trump swear to represent them,.. What leverage do the GOP have over Donald Trump ?

They got nothing making Trump do or say anything.

Are you trying to convince me of what you just said? Because you will need to do a much better job of it.
To clarify, I am saying that in an unequal relationship, where the man is the breadwinner and the woman would be impoverished if he left her, the dynamic is complicated when personal services are being rendered. When the two are on an equal footing, these complications go away..

I absolutely stand behind that. Do you have a point to make?
I am explaining how i read your post.

I told you how me and my husband view marriage. It is a partnership where both halves are equally important.
What you and your husband agree to is not my business. My mother was a stay at home mom too and she was definitely the equal to my dad in her relationship too. So what? Other women are not so lucky. And your situation can change overnight. You are equal by agreement but not in fact. Your husband has a job and can leave you if he wants. You do not have a job, so, your situation would be much worse than his in that event. Do I really need to spell this out to you?

But that has nothing to do with what I said. I said:
You are ignorant. You agreed
You are Republican. I don't know this but you are supporting a vile Republican for prez
Your ethos regarding being a stay at home mom is from a hundred years ago. Do you disagree?
I want a woman who is equal to me. I don't mean "we aren't really but say so". I mean really equal, in terms of education, ability, and financially.
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You are grasping at straws kiddo.

He believes YOU to be in the "mommy should stay at home ethos", justifiably so, as you've demonstrated clearly that is your way of thinking.

He then goes on to say he personally prefers the woman in his life to be someone who is a go-getter, responsible outside the home, etc. And in NO way was he implying that your responsibilities as a stay at home mom are worth less. Stay at home moms are very busy, and deserve the respect they earn.
I absolutely stand behind that. Do you have a point to make?

What you and your husband agree to is not my business. My mother was a stay at home mom too and she was definitely the equal to my dad in her relationship too. So what? Other women are not so lucky. And your situation can change overnight. You are equal by agreement but not in fact. Your husband has a job and can leave you if he wants. You do not have a job, so, you situation would be much worse than his in that event. Do I really need to spell this out to you?

But that has nothing to do with what I said. I said:
You are ignorant. You agreed
You are Republican. I don't know this but you are supporting a vile Republican for prez
Your ethos regarding being a stay at home mom is from a hundred years ago. Do you disagree?
I want a woman who is equal to me. I don't mean "we aren't really but say so". I mean really equal, in terms of education, ability, and financially.

So you are too selfish to even support your wife... Got it!!
So you are too selfish to even support your wife... Got it!!
Dude, you have no idea how much I appreciate my wife. I've got it good. That said, if she got sick or became unable to find a good job, then we'll talk about what to do next, maybe move to where she can get a job or cut spending, whatever. When I was single, the fact that she was smart, capable and hard working was part of the attraction. After many years of marriage, I can't imagine living without her.

How is your relationship going?
I am explaining how i read your post.

I told you how me and my husband view marriage. It is a partnership where both halves are equally important.
"You know, it really doesn`t matter what [the media] write as long as you`ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass." –Donald Trump
Dude, you have no idea how much I appreciate my wife. I've got it good. That said, if she got sick or became unable to find a good job, then we'll talk about what to do next, maybe move to where she can get a job or cut spending, whatever. When I was single, the fact that she was smart, capable and hard working was part of the attraction. After many years of marriage, I can't imagine living without her.

How is your relationship going?

Yeah, as long as she supports your ass... And when she cant then you find some way for her to continue supporting your ass. True love!!
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You are grasping at straws kiddo.

He believes YOU to be in the "mommy should stay at home ethos", justifiably so, as you've demonstrated clearly that is your way of thinking.

He then goes on to say he personally prefers the woman in his life to be someone who is a go-getter, responsible outside the home, etc. And in NO way was he implying that your responsibilities as a stay at home mom are worth less. Stay at home moms are very busy, and deserve the respect they earn.
Thanks for clarifying. I'm not backing away from stating that the relationship is unequal when one partner has an advantage over the other, such as when one works and the other does not. This has been shown to be true so many times that I'm surprised its even a topic of debate.

But as you say, I'm not in any way disparaging a woman or a man for the decision to stay home to care for their kids.
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