Game of Thrones after S6E4...


Well-Known Member
Ok fellow GoT addicts.... No one in the show has ever deserved to die more than Ramsey Bolton.

The High Sparrow is insuferably boring. But he plays the game better than anyone.

Thormund is becoming my favorit character. The love eyes he was giving Bryane was lolarious.

And Dany finally showed her tits again as something interesting happened with her for the first time in a while.

What's next?
little finger and robin are bringing their army north, jon snow and sansa are bringing the wildlings south. they're going to hammer/anvil the bolton bastard and reclaim winterfel, saving the last lord stark (rikon) who will become the new warden of the north. bran's going to have something to do with the dragons (probably the pissy, nearly uncontrollable drogon), tomen lannister is gonna die (gold will be their crowns, and gold their shrouds) and cersei is pitting the tyrels against the faith militant. marjorie and loras are probably gonna bite it too.

arya is dead (a girl is now no one), and will be working for the faceless god.

i just wonder how the dothraki are going to take a whole new way of life. i think dany is in for a surprise...
little finger and robin are bringing their army north, jon snow and sansa are bringing the wildlings south. they're going to hammer/anvil the bolton bastard and reclaim winterfel, saving the last lord stark (rikon) who will become the new warden of the north. bran's going to have something to do with the dragons (probably the pissy, nearly uncontrollable drogon), tomen lannister is gonna die (gold will be their crowns, and gold their shrouds) and cersei is pitting the tyrels against the faith militant. marjorie and loras are probably gonna bite it too.

arya is dead (a girl is now no one), and will be working for the faceless god.

i just wonder how the dothraki are going to take a whole new way of life. i think dany is in for a surprise...
I expect most of the Tyrel's to die this season. It's their turn to bleed.

I can't believe the Umbers have turned. In the books they're as loyal as anyone can be.

Osha came back for 30 seconds just to be murdered. But if you notice she tried to kill him from the first. Maybe its all part of a plot to "get a Stark in Winterfell." to rally the North.
Ramsey is getting played, that wolf was too small to be rickons wolf, the guy who brought him the wolf is working with little finger to oust Ramsey...I don't think Ramsey sent that letter to Snow either..I think it was little finger .
Ramsey is getting played, that wolf was too small to be rickons wolf, the guy who brought him the wolf is working with little finger to oust Ramsey...I don't think Ramsey sent that letter to Snow either..I think it was little finger .
Never thought about the letter not being authentic. It sounded like Ramsey to me. But Maybe youre right. Little finger has a way of being manipulative like that.
What about the whitewalkers?

Ramsey will get booted from Winterfell by John snow with the help of little finger and the Knights of the vale. Soon the army of over 10,000 dead will move past the wall and kill everyone in its path collecting more fighters as they go.

I picture Danearys working with the Starks. They don't want to be kings or queens they just want the north back. Bram controlling/ riding one dragon and Danaerys riding the other. Who would be on the third though? Arya? She might be with the faceless god now but if she ever finds out her family is alive she will go fight with them I'm sure.

When the dead army come it's not going to be north verses south. It'll be good vs evil. Red queen said that. She has really nice breasts for a woman that's well over 100, that was a random twist.

Fun gueeking out with y'all. May your days be merry and bright.
What about the whitewalkers?

Ramsey will get booted from Winterfell by John snow with the help of little finger and the Knights of the vale. Soon the army of over 10,000 dead will move past the wall and kill everyone in its path collecting more fighters as they go.

I picture Danearys working with the Starks. They don't want to be kings or queens they just want the north back. Bram controlling/ riding one dragon and Danaerys riding the other. Who would be on the third though? Arya? She might be with the faceless god now but if she ever finds out her family is alive she will go fight with them I'm sure.

When the dead army come it's not going to be north verses south. It'll be good vs evil. Red queen said that. She has really nice breasts for a woman that's well over 100, that was a random twist.

Fun gueeking out with y'all. May your days be merry and bright.
John Snow. As the Prince that was promised will ride the other Dragon. He is likely a targaryan after all.
John Snow. As the Prince that was promised will ride the other Dragon. He is likely a targaryan after all.
John Snow is a targaryan? The hair colour says different but you never know. I've never heard that.
Agreed... Been hearing from a few people that he's not a lannister. He's a targarian.
Never heard that either. I remember in the book he was speaking to his father about how much Tywin wished he wasn't a Lanister but that indeed he was.

Between the two I'd rather see Tyrion riding one. He's such a great character.
John Snow is a targaryan? The hair colour says different but you never know. I've never heard that.
I think Dannie, John Snow, and Tyrian will ride the dragons.

Ned Stark saved his sister from the Tower of Joy where she was held by the Targs. Maybe John is really the product of that event. With a new king John would have been a threat. And Ned never really wanted to talk about John's mother.

It adds up. Might be wrong.
John Snow is a targaryan? The hair colour says different but you never know. I've never heard that.

Never heard that either. I remember in the book he was speaking to his father about how much Tywin wished he wasn't a Lanister but that indeed he was.

Between the two I'd rather see Tyrion riding one. He's such a great character.

All the lannistets have blonde hair..he don't..and he do seem to have a dragon connection...and I've heard his daddy tell him " you're a lannister " like 20 times....foreshadowing?
I wish someone would fucking kill cersi

And Sansa needs to step up her shit and stop being the victim she has abilities to do some real political damage but chooses not to because she's a silly girl

Love tyrion he's great
I think Dannie, John Snow, and Tyrian will ride the dragons.

Ned Stark saved his sister from the Tower of Joy where she was held by the Targs. Maybe John is really the product of that event. With a new king John would have been a threat. And Ned never really wanted to talk about John's mother.

It adds up. Might be wrong.

Agreed. The one and only time Ned is not the most noble character in the books or the series is when he steps out on momma startk?? Highly unlikely. More likely that Rhaegar, who was in love with Lliana, had a kid with her. Ned needed to keep it a secret because Robert, or more likely the lanisters, would have killed the babe to make sure there were no heirs.. John and Danny possibly to marry as the targs of old??

Honestly I'm team whitewalker for life. Would be so great if they stormed the seven kingdoms, night falls and the books end..