Game of Thrones after S6E4...

Crazy episode... Any thoughts on who that guy was that got nailed to the tree..the original White walker I assume.
Crazy episode... Any thoughts on who that guy was that got nailed to the tree..the original White walker I assume.
No idea. I assume his identity doesn't matter. He might have been a nobody.

As for some foreshadowing...

Since all the "children of the forest" were just killed, I assume their magic that protects the wall is gone too.

When John left Castle Black, did you catch what he said to the new Lord commander?

"Don't knock it down before I get back."

I predict the wall will fall... Maybe season finale.

Hold the door. How sad. And another Stark child direwolf. Summer. It's sad.
I'm just thinking that Bran was going back in time watching the Stark family history..every scene had Starks in it and that guy was the only One in the scene..I'm pretty sure the guy that got stabbed with Dragon glass was a Stark.
Ohh and back to the beauties of GOT.. My favorite is the sexy little dawnish girl who gave Braun the poison anecdote... But two more beauties appeared last night..the girl in the play who was " sansa" and the new red priestess that met with the imp.
Ohh and back to the beauties of GOT.. My favorite is the sexy little dawnish girl who gave Braun the poison anecdote... But two more beauties appeared last night..the girl in the play who was " sansa" and the new red priestess that met with the imp.
The show is really good at making its viewers horny.

I agree. I hope the new red priestes has as many nude scenes as melisandra.

They usually die. I'll bet Aria kills the one that paid to have the older actress killed.
Soo read this as a theory for next week.. how about this.. next episode bran sees the Mad King's death by greenseeing while being chased by white walkers.. At which point Meera is screeming to her and brans savior, "Burn them all".. Just like Hodor heard the voices the mad king will also hear the voices and scream, "Burn them All" as he gets a vision of the white walker arm... Then Jaimie murks him..

On a side note, that actress that was playing Sansa going all TOFTB.. nice

Still team white walker for life..
Ramsey is getting played, that wolf was too small to be rickons wolf, the guy who brought him the wolf is working with little finger to oust Ramsey...I don't think Ramsey sent that letter to Snow either..I think it was little finger .
Oh I hadn't thought of that! I had considered the theory about Smalljon blagging Ramsay, after all they've had Rickon staying with them for years and looked after him without telling anyone he's alive, but then I saw where the director said in an interview that the props guy had assured him it was definitely a direwolf head, so apparently it just looked small thrown on the table like that. So would they have killed Shaggydog just to fool Ramsay? Would Osha and Rickon have let them kill Shaggy dog, or could they have stopped them? It's a minefield! But I came to the conclusion that Smalljon was just seizing the opportunity, now he rules his house after his father's death, to get rid of the wildlings and get in with the new Lords in the North.
But I'd never considered that Littlefinger could be involved there too. He did promise Sansa he wasn't leaving her there for good, like he had something up his sleeve for down the road and she just had to put up with it until the right time. That would change everything I'd considered, he's a very clever man. Hmm. It wasn't him who sent the letter though, in my opinion, it was just too "Ramsay".
I do think Ramsay is gonna get smashed in the upcoming battle though, which I think will be the Eyrie's army coming North and Jon's army travelling down so I reckon they'll mash him between them; Ramsay just does not have his dad's smarts as a battle commander, he's vicious and sly but without any forethought or logic.
Glad it seems like Theon is gonna stop snivelling now, he sickens me and that makes me feel bad about myself!
No idea. I assume his identity doesn't matter. He might have been a nobody.

As for some foreshadowing...

Since all the "children of the forest" were just killed, I assume their magic that protects the wall is gone too.

When John left Castle Black, did you catch what he said to the new Lord commander?

"Don't knock it down before I get back."

I predict the wall will fall... Maybe season finale.

Hold the door. How sad. And another Stark child direwolf. Summer. It's sad.
Oh shit! The children are dead, that never even registered! Does their magic die with them, you reckon?? That'd explain how the others finally go south then, because they obviously have to, at least to Winterfell I think?
I think Rob Stark's wife was the hottest chick on the show so far.
ohhh man...
so TRUE..
first time I saw her I was smitten.
Lots of beautiful actresses on this show, but she was exotic.
VERY beautiful.
and yea, not sure why he said she wasn't hot, she clearly is.
Nobody said Robb's wife wasn't fine...danyerus is the one who lacks talent n favorite is the girl with short hair who gave Braun the poison anecdote... Second fave is mellisandre
Nobody said Robb's wife wasn't fine...danyerus is the one who lacks talent n favorite is the girl with short hair who gave Braun the poison anecdote... Second fave is mellisandre
Mellisandre is like 150 years old. What if you were banging that so hard her necklace fell off and everything went all savvy? Ewww.

I just hate Dany's story. She has literally been walking around telling us she is going to conquer westeurose for like 4 years now. Maybe 5.

It's boring.
I don't like what they did with hodor and that dumb fucking time loop they made with that bran is time travel a thing in the GOT world or what.,..fucking dumb
Also I been saying the hound still alive since he was left for dead, everyone said that I was crazy
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Def knew that the hound wasn't dead yet. And yeah Theons sister is one of my favorite characters now. Bitch bad. I actually really like Dany and her story. Over there just conquering shit. Now the head of a dothroki hoard. Still has the unsullied too just gotta get back to mereen(I think that's where they were right? Don't feel like looking it up). Honestly I still don't know how I feel about Jon Snow being brought back. He was my favorite character but when he died o expected him to stay dead. Or to become one of those General like white walker guys. What I'm still wondering is what did he lose? He seems too normal, normally there's a trade. Equivalent exchange please. But we'll see what happens. Can't wait for Ramsey to bite it but I feel like they're gonna have him stick around for a while. Just to piss us off. I would like to see Cersei bite it, fuck that bitch. I think the head tyrel lady is gonna die before she makes it to High Garden. Which sucks bc I like her. are you retarded? I saw that shit coming from like a light year away. Vigilance! Shit have you learned nothing? Tsk tsk, I already know however they end this season, it's gonna piss me off.
That witch from season 2 or 3 told a young cersai that she'd have 3 children and all would I'm thinking the king is the next one to get it... I'm not sure what I'm thinking about Arya ..was she really stabbed? She seems to smart to just stand on a bridge and not lay low.. Maybe it was fake blood from the lady crane who she gave a heads up to and didn't kill..or maybe the head dude was wearing her face...he told that girl to not let her suffer..she disobeyed..that can cost you your eyes.