No idea. I assume his identity doesn't matter. He might have been a nobody.Crazy episode... Any thoughts on who that guy was that got nailed to the tree..the original White walker I assume.
The show is really good at making its viewers horny.Ohh and back to the beauties of GOT.. My favorite is the sexy little dawnish girl who gave Braun the poison anecdote... But two more beauties appeared last night..the girl in the play who was " sansa" and the new red priestess that met with the imp.
I think the hound is going to fight for the sparrows at cersi's trial. Going to be epic and hound will get revenge on the mountainThat girl that gave Snow the 62 men is a great actress..she can't be more than 10 or 11 years old.. Impressive.
I knew the hound was alive..good to see him back..
I always liked the hound I think he's a softie deep down who wants to do the right thingThat girl that gave Snow the 62 men is a great actress..she can't be more than 10 or 11 years old.. Impressive.
I knew the hound was alive..good to see him back..
Oh I hadn't thought of that! I had considered the theory about Smalljon blagging Ramsay, after all they've had Rickon staying with them for years and looked after him without telling anyone he's alive, but then I saw where the director said in an interview that the props guy had assured him it was definitely a direwolf head, so apparently it just looked small thrown on the table like that. So would they have killed Shaggydog just to fool Ramsay? Would Osha and Rickon have let them kill Shaggy dog, or could they have stopped them? It's a minefield! But I came to the conclusion that Smalljon was just seizing the opportunity, now he rules his house after his father's death, to get rid of the wildlings and get in with the new Lords in the North.Ramsey is getting played, that wolf was too small to be rickons wolf, the guy who brought him the wolf is working with little finger to oust Ramsey...I don't think Ramsey sent that letter to Snow either..I think it was little finger .
Oh shit! The children are dead, that never even registered! Does their magic die with them, you reckon?? That'd explain how the others finally go south then, because they obviously have to, at least to Winterfell I think?No idea. I assume his identity doesn't matter. He might have been a nobody.
As for some foreshadowing...
Since all the "children of the forest" were just killed, I assume their magic that protects the wall is gone too.
When John left Castle Black, did you catch what he said to the new Lord commander?
"Don't knock it down before I get back."
I predict the wall will fall... Maybe season finale.
Hold the door. How sad. And another Stark child direwolf. Summer. It's sad.
ohhh man...I think Rob Stark's wife was the hottest chick on the show so far.
Mellisandre is like 150 years old. What if you were banging that so hard her necklace fell off and everything went all savvy? Ewww.Nobody said Robb's wife wasn't fine...danyerus is the one who lacks talent n favorite is the girl with short hair who gave Braun the poison anecdote... Second fave is mellisandre
That's what I was thinkin..or maybe the head dude was wearing her face...he told that girl to not let her suffer..she disobeyed..that can cost you your eyes.