Jail Gets a Bad Rap


Well-Known Member
I've been taking it for 10 years. I no longer have side effects while on it except presleep fear and social anxiety. I stay in my room 5 days a week and I find it hard to work or do anything useful. I became forgetfull of simple words in conversation and have to think for like 30 seconds to a minute before answering questions.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
I've been taking it for 10 years. I no longer have side effects while on it except presleep fear and social anxiety. I stay in my room 5 days a week and I find it hard to work or do anything useful. I became forgetfull of simple words in conversation and have to think for like 30 seconds to a minute before answering questions.
Fuck, man.. Hope you're doing alright.


Well-Known Member
Why are you even posting in this thread, do you wish I cared what you thought?
You seem to enjoy the negative attention. You respond to your detractors a lot.

I asked a simple question awhile back about the case regarding double jeopardy you won for a fellow inmate. No response. I asked if your attorney had been disbarred. No response. Hell, for that matter, post her name. The Texas State Bar is public record, as are all records of discipline of its attorneys. You can't possibly have an objection to that.


Well-Known Member
Fuck, man.. Hope you're doing alright.
I use to take lithium, effexor, trazadone, and atenolol. 10 pills a day. Couldn't even get out of bed to eat. I'm down to 3 pills now and weed. Much better but still sux. I have hundreds of pills saved up in my closet for dooms day. Glad I have insurance, my pills cost $2000 a month without


Well-Known Member
You seem to enjoy the negative attention. You respond to your detractors a lot.

I asked a simple question awhile back about the case regarding double jeopardy you won for a fellow inmate. No response. I asked if your attorney had been disbarred. No response. Hell, for that matter, post her name. The Texas State Bar is public record, as are all records of discipline of its attorneys. You can't possibly have an objection to that.
It was just because he was on Topic.

Sorry, the Double Jeopardy was a Fraud Charge, they tried to give him 2 charges for using a stolen Credit Card two places, but that is only 1 thing.

My attorney was not disbarred, she was let go from the DAs office though and then let her license expire, I believe I am the only client of hers that has Publically spoken about an actual act of Corruption, but the WFAA news channel released a thing saying that she does what she did to me with a lot of cases, when someone doesn't pay for their lawyer she waives their rights or suggests that they do, and when they pay for their lawyer she tries to get charges dropped.

Kerrie Walker is her name. She was helping an X-FBI agent win a case for a drunk driver, and she was the Prosecutor.

She was not disciplined, they never questioned any of her clients and just let her go, which is when she became a Public Defender and suggested I waive my rights when I told her it was my Religion and I wanted to fight it.
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Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Been there 13 times. The thirteenth was December 20th. They took away my right to carry, sadly. I've been on 50 different meds. SSRIs, SNRIs, NDRIs, Tricyclics, 1st Gen neuroleptics/antipsychotics, (i.e. Thorazine), 2nd Gen/Atypical Antipsychotics (i.e. Seroquel.) So I sympathize.


Well-Known Member
Been there 13 times. The thirteenth was December 20th. They took away my right to carry, sadly. I've been on 50 different meds. SSRIs, SNRIs, NDRIs, Tricyclics, 1st Gen neuroleptics (i.e. Thorazine), 2nd Gen/Atypical Antipsychotics (i.e. Seroquel.) So I sympathize.
Yeah I've taken 80% plus of everything that has been created in the last 10 yrs before I found the right mix. I'm doing my best to cut down but but the withdrawal is like heroin. It's taken me a year to come down by only 200mg

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Yeah I've taken 80% plus of everything that has been created in the last 10 yrs before I found the right mix. I'm doing my best to cut down but but the withdrawal is like heroin. It's taken me a year to come down by only 200mg
Hang in there, man.. Like, I seriously feel for you. You've got guts, though, to stick with it. Most people would be like "Fuck these side-effects." But you clearly know you need something for it. It's a shame that weed itself can't be effective for you, but it's good to know that you're down to Earth about what you're dealing with, so hat's off to you, man. A lot of people, myself included sometimes, can't look in the mirror like that.


Well-Known Member
It was just because he was on Topic.

Sorry, the Double Jeopardy was a Fraud Charge, the tried to give him 2 charges for using a stolen Credit Card two places, but that is only 1 thing.

My attorney was not disbarred, she was let go from the DAs office though and then let her license expire, I believe I am the only client of hers that has Publically spoken about an actual act of Corruption, but the WFAA news channel released a thing saying that she does what she did to me with a lot of cases, when someone doesn't pay for their lawyer she waives their rights or suggests that they do, and when they pay for their lawyer she tries to get charges dropped.

Kerrie Walker is her name. She was helping an X-FBI agent win a case for a drunk driver, and she was the Prosecutor.

She was not disciplined, they never questioned any of her clients and just let her go, which is when she became a Public Defender and suggested I waive my rights when I told her it was my Religion and I wanted to fight it.
Thanks. So they charged him with 2 counts at the same time, even tho you see it as 1 count? But interesting about Kerrie Walker.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. So they charged him with 2 counts at the same time, even tho you see it as 1 count? But interesting about Kerrie Walker.
I got one dropped. He was all like "I can't afford bail, I don't want help, I am going to just be in jail", but once the second charge got dropped he could afford it. :lol:

They can't give you 2 charges for using 1 credit card.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
If finshaggz lived next to me I would help him fine tune his lawyer skills. I know more about his defense then his defense attorney does. I just searched for the answer's and I found them, eventually. It's hard work , one has to dedicate himself to excellence. It's possible, fin can do it if he tries. but hes gunna have to dedicated himself like 400 percent , hardmode.. just win baby!!


Well-Known Member
Hang in there, man.. Like, I seriously feel for you. You've got guts, though, to stick with it. Most people would be like "Fuck these side-effects." But you clearly know you need something for it. It's a shame that weed itself can't be effective for you, but it's good to know that you're down to Earth about what you're dealing with, so hat's off to you, man. A lot of people, myself included sometimes, can't look in the mirror like that.
I did refuse meds as a teenager like every teenager. But I got sick of being sick. I use to cut myself and break stuff to calm down. But my life experiences arnt the same so I'm cutting back. After my last visit to Austin state hospital I stopped cutting my self because I got tired of dealing with the schizophrenics. Bipolar ain't shit. Those people scare me


Well-Known Member
my brother in law is a chemist, he was telling me that when he was locked up he used to see some shit.. it was the 80s though, he says people locked up now a days are pussys. The 80s is where it's at. your lucky you didn't do a bid in the 80s.
Yeah, it was like the 70s when Public Defenders were created, and there used to be Building Tenders, which was basically the Aryan Brotherhood running the jail. It's not bad now at all. The first time I went I was 18, and I was there for 7 days just hoping I my lawyer would be able to fight for my Religion. Then I left and went to Colorado on Probation and studied the law for 5 years and Realized, I can go there and fight myself as long as I am willing to stay for a while.


Well-Known Member
If finshaggz lived next to me I would help him fine tune his lawyer skills. I know more about his defense then his defense attorney does. I just searched for the answer's and I found them, eventually. It's hard work , one has to dedicate himself to excellence. It's possible, fin can do it if he tries. but hes gunna have to dedicated himself like 400 percent , hardmode.. just win baby!!
My last lawyer was a drunk. Never showed up and was drunk wen he did. Had to reschedule my court 4 times. A month between each date with no bail. The last court date his brother stepped in my case cuz he had fallen down the stairs wen drunk. Fuck court appointed attorneys.


Well-Known Member
I was working in the staff kitchen and the most normal guy there was the only cop with a gun, everyone else thought we were putting shit in their food, but we weren't, and he would actually try to find common ground. And the guy I worked with got taken one day, and when he came back he said he was interviewed and signed his rights away, I said "You just got interrogated" and we had like a 4 day meeting about what a RICO was and how he told the Police he embezzled money from his own company, but said he put the money back in the register later.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Yeah, it was like the 70s when Public Defenders were created, and there used to be Building Tenders, which was basically the Aryan Brotherhood running the jail. It's not bad now at all. The first time I went I was 18, and I was there for 7 days just hoping I my lawyer would be able to fight for my Religion. Then I left and went to Colorado on Probation and studied the law for 5 years and Realized, I can go there and fight myself as long as I am willing to stay for a while.
It's easy bro, being a lawyer is not even hard.. I haven't been studying for as long as you but I snort coke and study all day. I also retain a lot more information then normal people do.. I have a huge frontal lobe, and as we all know that is one of the four major lobes of the cerebral cortex...sooo.... yea bro if you get stuck and you need me to give you the answers real quick . Just let me know.