Jail Gets a Bad Rap

But the first time it was in a backpack, so it wasn't even in plain view. They were just very excited about me telling them what my Religion was, as if it gave them some kind of license to search, and wanted to take me to jail, but couldn't. Then they acted like it was even a problem I was causing for them to give me their badge numbers and wouldn't give me a receipt of what they were taking.
Being scared has nothing to do with the fact that bloods and crops will not speak to you. Your full of shit

I have known a GD since I was 14, we had the same probation officer and everything. I don't know why you think people aren't people. Everyone is people, they aren't all assholes, but I can see how you would think that based on your attitude towards people you've never talked to before (me). I kind of even want to be an asshole to you.
I have known a GD since I was 14, we had the same probation officer and everything. I don't know why you think people aren't people. Everyone is people, they aren't all assholes, but I can see how you would think that based on your attitude towards people you've never talked to before (me). I kind of even want to be an asshole to you.
Fin I just got off the phone with the courthouse ,again ( had a few loose ends I had to tie up). I know your lying, big time.. It's cool though I ain't tripping.
While I was in there I was talking to someone and he didn't have any money on his books and everyone else was borrowing things from their celly, but he said he thought his celly looked too hard. So I went over to talk to him and he said he used to be a Pimp and that if I had never met an asshole I was meeting one right then, but we started talking and he had a lot of crazy stories, and he just wanted someone to listen. Then I helped him with his case and he came over and told me to stop helping him because he thought he was a Sociopath, then he showed me a book he was reading about it. And I told him he just doesn't like people, then he went to the dictionary and showed me the definition, and I told him that just because you have like road rage doesn't make you crazy, you have to also kill cats for fun or something.
Well fin as funny and entertaining as your imaginary stories are to me I feel like its not fare to someone reading this absolute horse shit and think they can go talk to these ppl u pretend to talk to because they'll more then likely get their head split especially for those who can't handle jail or prison and try to play ghandi with thugs like you have pretended to do
I highly doubt the story of helping the bloods and crips. Then again I'm a white boy and hung with white and black people in jail.
And the specific conversation that happened about Gangs was because someone in the bunk next to me said he was affiliated with crips, but then said his whole family was bloods. So a GD and a Blood from Houston came and started testing him, and I had to tell the guy what going in the blender was when they asked him how long he had been in, and they just basically started testing him but I knew about more of it than he did so we started talking about it. There was a YG that a few of them knew in there, and we all started talking about the Hebrew Israelites and the Moors. And there was one guy who was in there for driving the car for someone who went to shoot someone and they died, he gave me his parents number because they had raised him Nuwapian and Moorish and he told me that they always used to talk about the things I was talking about.
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Well fin as funny and entertaining as your imaginary stories are to me I feel like its not fare to someone reading this absolute horse shit and think they can go talk to these ppl u pretend to talk to because they'll more then likely get their head split especially for those who can't handle jail or prison and try to play ghandi with thugs like you have pretended to do

Why are you so scared of people?
I just realized, you probably only know what you have learned from random people and the news and shows like gangland. Check this out, this is the real stuff. This is what the OGs are in to, community building.
I fear no man. I'm simply stating that you did not have these conversations with people. You walk up to me or anyone else I know talkin about some gang shit and ain't supposed to be talking about it u getting beat. So please stop with the bull shit any true g will split your shit for speakin on somethin like that
Lol you speak of gangland then post a YouTube video and that makes it right because you found a YouTube video your fucking stupid

The reason I mentioned Gangland was because it's all bad stuff, they never mention what the COINTELPRO of the Panthers did to cause the current violence, etc. That channel is one of the New Black Panther leaders channels and he brings all the groups together to debate. The guy yelling on that video is Dr. Ben's (an Egyptologist) Prodigy, and they have Polight on there, who runs the current Nuwapian Nation, they bring the ISUPK on, and the Moors. Then the New Black Panthers are Kemetic.

Do you just enjoy missing the point of things or are you a little slow?
And notice, the FOLKS Nation uses Blue and a 6 Point Star, and the are waiting for King David to come lead them. The People's Nation uses the 5 Point star and Red, which is the Moorish flag.