Jail Gets a Bad Rap


I really hope you say this shit to a real g so they stomp you cus you don't know shit other than what u read on the internet

A lot of the specific people I am talking about know who I am, and they don't get mad when I post on their stuff. And again, I have known people in Gangs since I was 14, and I helped people with cases from Credit Card Fraud to Intoxicated Manslaughter. And the first time I went to jail I was talking to a bank robber, and he told me how to rob banks. People are just people, you are scared. Did you watch like Get Hard before you started posting in this thread?

I think you are the guy that flinches when any big dude walks by and he knows he can punk you. Try talking to people.
It seems your the one that's a little slow finny boy because your clearly not getting what Im saying. Its okay though crawl back in your hole and think of some more stories you can make up. Because really all your doing is giving everyone a laugh with your stupidity. And no we're not laughing with you like you think we're totally laughing at you good bye Mr ghandi
You act like you can't be touched lol . I'm done here to much ignorance from you for one day

I never said I can't be touched. I just made friends with the people you would be afraid of and helped people with law. They wanted to give me commissary, but I didn't charge which people appreciate. And I am a Minister, so some people just want to talk about Gods and calm down around me. There was one dude that was trying to take my papers and other people started guarding them for me when I had them out and had to go do something.

Assigned Lawyers do not do anything for anyone in jail, people want to know what the law says they can do about charges. And I got a few people out, so people knew I knew what I was talking about.
It seems your the one that's a little slow finny boy because your clearly not getting what Im saying. Its okay though crawl back in your hole and think of some more stories you can make up. Because really all your doing is giving everyone a laugh with your stupidity. And no we're not laughing with you like you think we're totally laughing at you good bye Mr ghandi
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It's like you are just getting madder and madder about nothing. Do you want me to say I never went to jail and stayed in Colorado, like what is your point?
See what i mean, like where fo you get the idea I'm mad? As I said your bullshit is funny I just hope kids dont actually believe these fictional stories, my point is your a liar that's my point. Its very simple finny very very simple.
See what i mean, like where fo you get the idea I'm mad? As I said your bullshit is funny I just hope kids dont actually believe these fictional stories, my point is your a liar that's my point. Its very simple finny very very simple.
youre kinda new here.. hes kind of like the town drunk. he just tells crazy stories.. nobody believes him but he keeps going and doing his thing. if you think this is a funny thread you missed out on some classics. his grow thread was priceless. ever see anyone grow with milk and rice? we have. and his youtube vids were classics, youve never seen anyone more burnt. youre better off just laughing at him.. the best part about fin, is he really believes his own bullshit.. if @UncleBuck didnt get through to him.. you dont stand a chance dude.
See what i mean, like where fo you get the idea I'm mad? As I said your bullshit is funny I just hope kids dont actually believe these fictional stories, my point is your a liar that's my point. Its very simple finny very very simple.
Why are you even posting in this thread, do you wish I cared what you thought?
I take 800mg. I take it at night so don't feel side effects while on it but if I don't take it I don't sleep for a month and I become psychotic. If I take it on bud I start tripping bad. It also has increased sleep paralysis. Getting attacked by shadow people.
I take 800mg. I take it at night so don't feel side effects while on it but if I don't take it I don't sleep for a month and I become psychotic. If I take it on bud I start tripping bad. It also has increased sleep paralysis. Getting attacked by shadow people.
Fuck. That. Shit. 800mg? More power to you. I take 200mg at night and it effects me for 3 days straight. It stops me from being able to think, move properly, and talk. It did have some good sleep for me, though.
I am a Parishioner of the Church of Neuroscience, and I have been studying case law about Religious Practices in jail, and there are different things that have been allowed in jail, such as Odinist Shields/Runes or Satanic Altar/Candles, so it may be possible for Sacraments from the Church of Neuroscience to be used by people in jail under Title 42 Chapters 21B and 21C of the USC.

But I think the more promising route is like how Timothy Leary overturned the Marijuana Tax Act, which is why the Controlled Substances Act was written and Schedules were made. About 40 years after that law was passed Timothy Leary challenged it with the 5th Amendment and the entire law was overturned. The language and historic setting of the 21st Amendment, which ended prohibition, may lead to the overturning of the Controlled Substances Act, now about 50 years since it was written.

Drug Laws that make Drug use a crime are new, and failing, ideas.