Donald Trump

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Where does it say I defrauded the government? It sounds to me like i created another tax payer. TRUMP!

sounds like you figured out a way to pay about $20k into the system over 8 years just to extract twice that much every year in unearned benefits.

btw, didn't you claim that you were making about $400k a year or something? but you live on the most dirt poor part of the big island and can't even afford to get health insurance for your employees?
Here's a thought, You do realize that BarryO was a rookie for his entire two terms. At least Trump won't be giving the middle east a blow job on day one. TRUMP!

Here is a thought. My entire family was living upon the land known as North America, well before you pale faced humans illegally immigrated here. Furthermore, your government left some of my family members to die while walking what is known as the "Trail of Tears." I am not a citizen of the United States of America or any other country.

About your elected official Barack Obama, he was a senator of what you call Illinois from 2005 to 2008 before being elected as your president. Your favored, illegal immigrant, presidential candidate has never been a member of your government's "senate" or a member of your government's "house of representatives."
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sounds like you figured out a way to pay about $20k into the system over 8 years just to extract twice that much every year in unearned benefits.

btw, didn't you claim that you were making about $400k a year or something? but you live on the most dirt poor part of the big island and can't even afford to get health insurance for your employees?

I suspect it is because nitro is full of shit.
OBAMA acts more like a fucking traitor by the day. Lying fucking democrats. Its time to give them the boot.

Beware of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Bill de Blasio, leaders of the Democratic Liars Club

By Michael Goodwin

Published May 09, 2016
New York Post
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Iran deal a con job?

The old warning to beware of lies, damned lies and statistics deserves an update. Nowadays, we must also beware of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Bill de Blasio.

The unholy trinity comprises the leaders of the Democratic Liars Club. Whether born or convicted, the president of the United States, his would-be successor and the mayor of New York are, to borrow a phrase, “people of the lie.”

This is not to accuse them of being merely imperfect humans. It is to say they are chronically dishonest and concoct such significant lies that they deserve zero public trust.

The latest clincher is the admissio
n of a top White House aide that much about the Iranian nuclear deal was a fabrication sold to a lazy, gullible press corps. Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes boasts that most reporters were too dumb to know or care they were being misled.

“The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns,” Rhodes told The New York Times. “They literally know nothing.”

To continue reading Michael Goodwin's column in the New York Post, click here.

This was literally a bunch of nothing and completely unsubstantiated. Moreover, the claim of "chronically dishonest" is never proven nor any evidence whatsoever introduced to support such claim.
The facts are , you don't get benefits if you don't pay into SS. Thats the fact , the tax money got sent into the government and then they figure out how much you get to collect by how much you pay in. How much more facts does it take? TRUMP!
Fact is your wife is extracting more money out of SS than you put in for her in her token job.
sounds like you figured out a way to pay about $20k into the system over 8 years just to extract twice that much every year in unearned benefits.

btw, didn't you claim that you were making about $400k a year or something? but you live on the most dirt poor part of the big island and can't even afford to get health insurance for your employees?

Poopy pants, Where is the fraud you speak of? My employee's are kinda self employed and buy there own healthcare, I give them 1099's at the end of the year.

And I do live in a cheaper area of the island. Right close to where you took your wife for your honeymoon. I guess you were cheap to take your wife to a dirt poor area of Hawaii. How cheap was it when you were here? TRUMP!
Here is a thought. My entire family was living upon the land known as North America, well before you pale faced humans illegally immigrated here. Furthermore, your government left some of my family members to die while walking what is known as the "Trail of Tears." I am not a citizen of the United States of America or any other country.

About your elected official Barack Obama, he was a senator of what you call Illinois from 2005 to 2008 before being elected as your president. Your favored, illegal immigrant, presidential candidate has never been a member of your government's "senate" or a member of your government's "house of representatives."

Well heres a thought. TRUMP!
Trump looks at his daughter and thinks about dating if she was not his child.
Do you look at your daughter and think about dating her if she was not your child ?

Hey, What ever is spinning around in that peanut of yours, is not my problem. You liberals are pretty fucked up TRUMP!
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